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Autosteer on an Arduino Nano Every
////////////////// User Settings /////////////////////////
* Wheel angle sensor zero point...
* 3320 minus 127 = 3193. 1288 counts per 1 volt
* The 127 (half of 255) is so you can take WAS zero of 3320
* from 3193 to 3347. Zero from AOG is sent as a number from 0 to 255.
* Leave at 3193 - Only change if using a factory OEM wheel angle Sensor
* Put your wheels straight forward, adjust WAS physical position
* So it puts out 2.5v. Do a good installation!
* Factory WAS - Wheels pointing forward, measure the voltage.
* Example 2.2v - So, 2.5 minus 2.2 = 0.3v times
* 1288 counts per volt = 386 counts. 3320 - 386 - 127 = 2706.
* So your new WAS_ZERO is 2706.
#define WAS_ZERO 3193
//How many degrees before decreasing Max PWM
#define LOW_HIGH_DEGREES 5.0
//value for max step in roll noise 5 is slow, 30 is too fast (noisier)
#define ROLL_DSP_STEP 5
//PWM Frequency -> 976hz (default) = 0 and -> 1952hz = 1 -> 3904hz = 2
#define PWM_Frequency 0
// if not in eeprom, overwrite
#define EEP_Ident 4310
//version in AOG ex. v4.3.10 -> 4+3+10=17
#define aogVersion 17
// *********** Motor drive connections **************888
//Connect ground only for cytron, Connect Ground and +5v for IBT2
//Dir1 for Cytron Dir, Both L and R enable for IBT2
#define DIR1_RL_ENABLE 4 //PD4
//PWM1 for Cytron PWM, Left PWM for IBT2
#define PWM1_LPWM 3 //PD3
//Not Connected for Cytron, Right PWM for IBT2
#define PWM2_RPWM 9 //D9
//--------------------------- Switch Input Pins ------------------------
#define STEERSW_PIN 6 //PD6
#define WORKSW_PIN 7 //PD7
#define REMOTE_PIN 8 //PB0
// MCP23017 I2C address is 0x20(32)
#define Addr 0x20
#define PortA 0x12
#define PortB 0x13
#include <Wire.h>
#include <EEPROM.h>
#include "zADS1015.h"
Adafruit_ADS1115 ads; // Use this for the 16-bit version ADS1115
//GY-45 (1C)
//installed Sparkfun, Adafruit MMA8451 (1D)
#include "MMA8452_AOG.h" //MMA inclinometer
MMA8452 MMA1D(0x1D);
MMA8452 MMA1C(0x1C);
uint16_t x_ , y_ , z_;
#include "BNO055_AOG.h" // BNO055 IMU
#define A 0X28 //I2C address selection pin LOW
#define B 0x29 // HIGH
#define RAD2GRAD 57.2957795
BNO055 IMU(A); // create an instance
//loop time variables in microseconds
const unsigned int LOOP_TIME = 40;
unsigned long lastTime = LOOP_TIME;
unsigned long currentTime = LOOP_TIME;
byte watchdogTimer = 20;
byte serialResetTimer = 100; //if serial buffer is getting full, empty it
//inclinometer variables
float rollK = 0, Pc = 0.0, G = 0.0, P = 1.0, Xp = 0.0, Zp = 0.0;
float XeRoll = 0;
float lastRoll=0, diff=0;
int roll = 0;
//Kalman control variances
const float varRoll = 0.2; // variance, larger is more filtering
const float varProcess = 0.01; //process, smaller is more filtering
//Program flow
bool isDataFound = false, isSettingFound = false, isMachineFound=false, isAogSettingsFound = false;
bool MMAinitialized = false, isRelayActiveHigh = true;
int header = 0, tempHeader = 0, temp, EEread = 0;
byte relay = 0, relayHi = 0, uTurn = 0;
byte remoteSwitch = 0, workSwitch = 0, steerSwitch = 1, switchByte = 0;
float distanceFromLine = 0, gpsSpeed = 0;
//steering variables
float steerAngleActual = 0;
float steerAngleSetPoint = 0; //the desired angle from AgOpen
int steeringPosition = 0; //from steering sensor
float steerAngleError = 0; //setpoint - actual
//pwm variables
int pwmDrive = 0, pwmDisplay = 0;
float pValue = 0;
float errorAbs = 0;
float highLowPerDeg = 0;
//Steer switch button ***********************************************************************************************************
byte currentState = 1;
byte reading;
byte previous = 0;
byte pulseCount = 0; // Steering Wheel Encoder
bool encEnable = false; //debounce flag
byte thisEnc = 0, lastEnc = 0;
//Variables for settings
struct Storage {
float Ko = 0.0f; //overall gain
float Kp = 0.0f; //proportional gain
float lowPWM = 0.0f; //band of no action
float Kd = 0.0f; //derivative gain
float steeringPositionZero = 3320.0;
byte minPWM=0;
byte highPWM=100;//max PWM value
float steerSensorCounts=10;
}; Storage steerSettings; //27 bytes
//Variables for settings - 0 is false
struct Setup {
byte InvertWAS = 0;
byte InvertRoll = 0;
byte MotorDriveDirection = 0;
byte SingleInputWAS = 1;
byte CytronDriver = 1;
byte SteerSwitch = 0;
byte UseMMA_X_Axis = 0;
byte ShaftEncoder = 0;
byte BNOInstalled = 0;
byte InclinometerInstalled = 0; // set to 0 for none
// set to 1 if DOGS2 Inclinometer is installed and connected to ADS pin A2
// set to 2 if MMA8452 installed GY-45 (1C)
// set to 3 if MMA8452 installed Sparkfun, Adafruit MMA8451 (1D)
byte maxSteerSpeed = 20;
byte minSteerSpeed = 1;
byte PulseCountMax = 5;
byte AckermanFix = 100; //sent as percent
byte isRelayActiveHigh = 0; //if zero, active low (default)
}; Setup aogSettings; //15 bytes
//reset function
void(* resetFunc) (void) = 0;
#define NEW_PWM_PERIOD 0x8F
void setup()
// PWM1 is on D3, and thus uses TIMERB1
if (PWM_Frequency == 1)
TCB1.CCMPL = 0x7F; // 976Hz x 2 => 1.952kHz
else if (PWM_Frequency == 2)
TCB1.CCMPL = 0x3F; // 976Hz x 4 => 3.904kHz
//keep pulled high and drag low to activate, noise free safe
if (aogSettings.CytronDriver) pinMode(PWM2_RPWM, OUTPUT);
//set up communication
// Should default to 100kHz, may as well make sure
//PortB configured as output
EEPROM.get(0, EEread); // read identifier
if (EEread != EEP_Ident) // check on first start and write EEPROM
EEPROM.put(0, EEP_Ident);
EEPROM.put(10, steerSettings);
EEPROM.put(40, aogSettings);
//EEPROM.get(2, EEread); // read SteerPosZero
EEPROM.get(10, steerSettings); // read the Settings
EEPROM.get(40, aogSettings);
// for PWM High to Low interpolator
highLowPerDeg = (steerSettings.highPWM - steerSettings.lowPWM) / LOW_HIGH_DEGREES;
// BNO055 init
if (aogSettings.BNOInstalled)
IMU.setExtCrystalUse(true); //use external 32K crystal
if (aogSettings.InclinometerInstalled == 2 )
// MMA8452 (1) Inclinometer
MMAinitialized = MMA1C.init();
if (MMAinitialized)
else Serial.println("MMA init fails!!");
else if (aogSettings.InclinometerInstalled == 3 )
// MMA8452 (1) Inclinometer
MMAinitialized = MMA1D.init();
if (MMAinitialized)
else Serial.println("MMA init fails!!");
Serial.println("Waiting for AgOpenGPS");
}// End of Setup
void loop()
// Loop triggers every 100 msec and sends back gyro heading, and roll, steer angle etc
currentTime = millis();
if (currentTime - lastTime >= LOOP_TIME)
lastTime = currentTime;
//reset debounce
encEnable = true;
//If connection lost to AgOpenGPS, the watchdog will count up and turn off steering
if (watchdogTimer++ > 250) watchdogTimer = 12;
//clean out serial buffer to prevent buffer overflow
if (serialResetTimer++ > 20)
while (Serial.available() > 0) char t =;
serialResetTimer = 0;
if (aogSettings.BNOInstalled)
//DOGS2 inclinometer
if (aogSettings.InclinometerInstalled == 1)
roll = ((ads.readADC_SingleEnded(2))); // 24,000 to 2700
roll = (roll - 13300);
roll = roll >> 5; //-375 to 375 -25 deg to +25 deg
// limit the differential
diff = roll - lastRoll;
if (diff > ROLL_DSP_STEP ) roll = lastRoll + ROLL_DSP_STEP;
else if (diff < -ROLL_DSP_STEP) roll = lastRoll - ROLL_DSP_STEP;
lastRoll = roll;
//if not positive when rolling to the right
if (aogSettings.InvertRoll)
roll *= -1.0;
//for Kalman
rollK = roll;
} //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MMA8452 Inclinometer (1C)
else if (aogSettings.InclinometerInstalled == 2)
if (MMAinitialized)
MMA1C.getRawData(&x_, &y_, &z_);
if (aogSettings.UseMMA_X_Axis)
roll= x_; //Conversion uint to int
else roll = y_;
//16 counts per degree (good for 0 - +/-18 degrees)
if (roll > 4200) roll = 4200;
if (roll < -4200) roll = -4200;
roll = roll >> 3; //divide by 8 +-525
// limit the differential
diff = roll - lastRoll;
if (diff > ROLL_DSP_STEP ) roll = lastRoll + ROLL_DSP_STEP;
else if (diff < -ROLL_DSP_STEP) roll = lastRoll - ROLL_DSP_STEP;
lastRoll = roll;
//divide by 2 -268 to +268 -17 to +17 degrees
roll = roll >> 1;
//if not positive when rolling to the right
if (aogSettings.InvertRoll)
roll *= -1.0;
//divide by 16
rollK = roll;
} //----------------------------------------------------------------------
// MMA8452 Inclinometer (1D)
else if (aogSettings.InclinometerInstalled == 3)
if (MMAinitialized)
MMA1D.getRawData(&x_, &y_, &z_);
if (aogSettings.UseMMA_X_Axis)
roll= x_; //Conversion uint to int
else roll = y_;
//16 counts per degree (good for 0 - +/-18 degrees)
if (roll > 4200) roll = 4200;
if (roll < -4200) roll = -4200;
roll = roll >> 3; //divide by 8 +-525
// limit the differential
diff = roll - lastRoll;
if (diff > ROLL_DSP_STEP ) roll = lastRoll + ROLL_DSP_STEP;
else if (diff < -ROLL_DSP_STEP) roll = lastRoll - ROLL_DSP_STEP;
lastRoll = roll;
//divide by 2 -268 to +268 -17 to +17 degrees
roll = roll >> 1;
//if not positive when rolling to the right
if (aogSettings.InvertRoll)
roll *= -1.0;
//divide by 16
rollK = roll;
} //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//Kalman filter
Pc = P + varProcess;
G = Pc / (Pc + varRoll);
P = (1 - G) * Pc;
Xp = XeRoll;
Zp = Xp;
XeRoll = G * (rollK - Zp) + Xp;
//read all the switches
workSwitch = digitalRead(WORKSW_PIN); // read work switch
if (aogSettings.SteerSwitch == 1) //steer switch on - off
steerSwitch = digitalRead(STEERSW_PIN); //read auto steer enable switch open = 0n closed = Off
else //steer Button momentary
reading = digitalRead(STEERSW_PIN);
if (reading == LOW && previous == HIGH)
if (currentState == 1)
currentState = 0;
steerSwitch = 0;
currentState = 1;
steerSwitch = 1;
previous = reading;
if (aogSettings.ShaftEncoder && pulseCount >= aogSettings.PulseCountMax )
steerSwitch = 1; // reset values like it turned off
currentState = 1;
previous = HIGH;
remoteSwitch = digitalRead(REMOTE_PIN); //read auto steer enable switch open = 0n closed = Off
switchByte = 0;
switchByte |= (remoteSwitch << 2); //put remote in bit 2
switchByte |= (steerSwitch << 1); //put steerswitch status in bit 1 position
switchByte |= workSwitch;
#if Relay_Type == 1
SetRelays(); //turn on off section relays
#elif Relay_Type == 2
SetuTurnRelays(); //turn on off uTurn relays
//get steering position
if (aogSettings.SingleInputWAS) //Single Input ADS
steeringPosition = ads.readADC_SingleEnded(0); //ADS1115 Single Mode
steeringPosition = (steeringPosition >> 2); //bit shift by 2 0 to 6640 is 0 to 5v
else //ADS1115 Differential Mode
steeringPosition = ads.readADC_Differential_0_1(); //ADS1115 Differential Mode
steeringPosition = (steeringPosition >> 2); //bit shift by 2 0 to 6640 is 0 to 5v
steeringPosition = (steeringPosition - steerSettings.steeringPositionZero); //read the steering position sensor
//convert position to steer angle. 32 counts per degree of steer pot position in my case
// ***** make sure that negative steer angle makes a left turn and positive value is a right turn *****
if (aogSettings.InvertWAS)
steerAngleActual = (float)(steeringPosition) / -steerSettings.steerSensorCounts;
steerAngleActual = (float)(steeringPosition) / steerSettings.steerSensorCounts;
//Ackerman fix
if (steerAngleActual < 0) steerAngleActual = (steerAngleActual * aogSettings.AckermanFix)/100;
if (watchdogTimer < 10)
//Disable H Bridge for IBT2, hyd aux, etc for cytron
if (aogSettings.CytronDriver)
if (aogSettings.isRelayActiveHigh)
digitalWrite(PWM2_RPWM, 0);
digitalWrite(PWM2_RPWM, 1);
else digitalWrite(DIR1_RL_ENABLE, 1);
steerAngleError = steerAngleActual - steerAngleSetPoint; //calculate the steering error
//if (abs(steerAngleError)< steerSettings.lowPWM) steerAngleError = 0;
calcSteeringPID(); //do the pid
motorDrive(); //out to motors the pwm value
//we've lost the comm to AgOpenGPS, or just stop request
//Disable H Bridge for IBT2, hyd aux, etc for cytron
if (aogSettings.CytronDriver)
if (aogSettings.isRelayActiveHigh)
digitalWrite(PWM2_RPWM, 1);
digitalWrite(PWM2_RPWM, 0);
else digitalWrite(DIR1_RL_ENABLE, 0); //IBT2
pwmDrive = 0; //turn off steering motor
motorDrive(); //out to motors the pwm value
} //end of timed loop
//This runs continuously, not timed //// Serial Receive Data/Settings /////////////////
delay (5);
if (encEnable)
thisEnc = digitalRead(REMOTE_PIN);
if (thisEnc != lastEnc)
lastEnc = thisEnc;
if ( lastEnc) EncoderFunc();
if (Serial.available() > 0 && !isDataFound && !isSettingFound && !isMachineFound && !isAogSettingsFound)
int temp =;
header = tempHeader << 8 | temp; //high,low bytes to make int
tempHeader = temp; //save for next time
if (header == 32766) isDataFound = true; //Do we have a match?
else if (header == 32764) isSettingFound = true; //Do we have a match?
else if (header == 32762) isMachineFound = true; //Do we have a match?
else if (header == 32763) isAogSettingsFound = true; //Do we have a match?
//Data Header has been found, so the next 8 bytes are the usbData
if (Serial.available() > 7 && isDataFound)
isDataFound = false;
//was section control lo byte;
gpsSpeed = * 0.25; //actual speed times 4, single byte
//distance from the guidance line in mm
distanceFromLine = (float)( << 8 |; //high,low bytes
//set point steer angle * 100 is sent
steerAngleSetPoint = ((float)( << 8 |*0.01; //high low bytes
//auto Steer is off if 32020,Speed is too slow, motor pos or footswitch open
if (distanceFromLine == 32020 | distanceFromLine == 32000
| gpsSpeed < aogSettings.minSteerSpeed | gpsSpeed > aogSettings.maxSteerSpeed
| steerSwitch == 1 )
watchdogTimer = 12; //turn off steering motor
serialResetTimer = 0; //if serial buffer is getting full, empty it
else //valid conditions to turn on autosteer
watchdogTimer = 0; //reset watchdog
serialResetTimer = 0; //if serial buffer is getting full, empty it
//Serial Send to agopenGPS **** you must send 10 numbers ****
Serial.print((int)(steerAngleActual * 100)); //The actual steering angle in degrees
Serial.print((int)(steerAngleSetPoint * 100)); //the setpoint originally sent
// ******* if there is no gyro installed send 0
if (aogSettings.BNOInstalled)
Serial.print((int)IMU.euler.head); //heading in degrees * 16 from BNO
Serial.print("0,"); //No IMU installed
//******* if no roll is installed, send 0
if (aogSettings.InclinometerInstalled)
Serial.print((int)XeRoll); //roll in degrees * 16
Serial.print(","); //no Inclinometer installed
//the status of switch inputs
Serial.print(switchByte); //steering switch status
Serial.print(pwmDisplay); //steering switch status
Serial.flush(); // flush out buffer
//Machine Header has been found, so the next 8 bytes are the usbData
if (Serial.available() > 7 && isMachineFound)
isMachineFound = false;
relayHi =;
relay =;
gpsSpeed = * 0.25; //actual speed times 4, single byte
uTurn =;;;;;
//ArdSettings has been found, so the next 8 bytes are the usbData
if (Serial.available() > 7 && isAogSettingsFound)
isAogSettingsFound = false;
byte checksum = 0;
byte reed = 0;
reed =;
checksum += reed;
byte sett = reed; //setting0
if (bitRead(sett,0)) aogSettings.InvertWAS = 1; else aogSettings.InvertWAS = 0;
if (bitRead(sett,1)) aogSettings.InvertRoll = 1; else aogSettings.InvertRoll = 0;
if (bitRead(sett,2)) aogSettings.MotorDriveDirection = 1; else aogSettings.MotorDriveDirection = 0;
if (bitRead(sett,3)) aogSettings.SingleInputWAS = 1; else aogSettings.SingleInputWAS = 0;
if (bitRead(sett,4)) aogSettings.CytronDriver = 1; else aogSettings.CytronDriver = 0;
if (bitRead(sett,5)) aogSettings.SteerSwitch = 1; else aogSettings.SteerSwitch = 0;
if (bitRead(sett,6)) aogSettings.UseMMA_X_Axis = 1; else aogSettings.UseMMA_X_Axis = 0;
if (bitRead(sett,7)) aogSettings.ShaftEncoder = 1; else aogSettings.ShaftEncoder = 0;
reed =;
checksum += reed;
sett = reed; //setting1
if (bitRead(sett,0)) aogSettings.BNOInstalled = 1; else aogSettings.BNOInstalled = 0;
if (bitRead(sett,1)) aogSettings.isRelayActiveHigh = 1; else aogSettings.isRelayActiveHigh = 0;
reed =;
checksum += reed;
aogSettings.maxSteerSpeed = reed; //actual speed
reed =;
checksum += reed;
aogSettings.minSteerSpeed = reed;
reed =;
checksum += reed;
byte inc = reed;
aogSettings.InclinometerInstalled = inc & 192;
aogSettings.InclinometerInstalled = aogSettings.InclinometerInstalled >> 6;
aogSettings.PulseCountMax = inc & 63;
reed =;
checksum += reed;
aogSettings.AckermanFix = reed;
reed =;
checksum += reed;
//send usbData back - version number etc.
EEPROM.put(40, aogSettings);
//reset the arduino
//Settings Header has been found, 8 bytes are the settings
if (Serial.available() > 7 && isSettingFound)
byte checksum = 0;
byte reed = 0;
isSettingFound = false; //reset the flag
//change the factors as required for your own PID values
reed =;
checksum += reed;
steerSettings.Kp = ((float)reed); // read Kp from AgOpenGPS
reed =;
checksum += reed;
steerSettings.lowPWM = (float)reed; // read lowPWM from AgOpenGPS
reed =;
checksum += reed;
steerSettings.Kd = (float)reed; // read Kd from AgOpenGPS
reed =;
checksum += reed;
steerSettings.Ko = (float)reed; // read from AgOpenGPS
reed =;
checksum += reed;
steerSettings.steeringPositionZero = WAS_ZERO + reed; //read steering zero offset
reed =;
checksum += reed;
steerSettings.minPWM = reed; //read the minimum amount of PWM for instant on
reed =;
checksum += reed;
steerSettings.highPWM = reed; //
reed =;
checksum += reed;
steerSettings.steerSensorCounts = reed; //sent as 10 times the setting displayed in AOG
//send usbData back - version number.
EEPROM.put(10, steerSettings);
// for PWM High to Low interpolator
highLowPerDeg = (steerSettings.highPWM - steerSettings.lowPWM) / LOW_HIGH_DEGREES;
} // end of main loop
void SendTwoThirty(byte check)
//Serial Send to agopenGPS **** you must send 10 numbers ****
//version in AOG ex. v4.1.13 -> 4+1+13=18
//ISR Steering Wheel Encoder
void EncoderFunc()
if (encEnable)
encEnable = false;
void MCP_Write(byte MCPregister, byte MCPdata)
// -----------------
//TCCR2B = TCCR2B & B11111000 | B00000001; // set timer 2 divisor to 1 for PWM frequency of 31372.55 Hz
//TCCR2B = TCCR2B & B11111000 | B00000010; // set timer 2 divisor to 8 for PWM frequency of 3921.16 Hz
//TCCR2B = TCCR2B & B11111000 | B00000011; // set timer 2 divisor to 32 for PWM frequency of 980.39 Hz
//TCCR2B = TCCR2B & B11111000 | B00000100; // set timer 2 divisor to 64 for PWM frequency of 490.20 Hz (The DEFAULT)
//TCCR2B = TCCR2B & B11111000 | B00000101; // set timer 2 divisor to 128 for PWM frequency of 245.10 Hz
//TCCR2B = TCCR2B & B11111000 | B00000110; // set timer 2 divisor to 256 for PWM frequency of 122.55 Hz
//TCCR2B = TCCR2B & B11111000 | B00000111; // set timer 2 divisor to 1024 for PWM frequency of 30.64 Hz
//TCCR1B = TCCR1B & B11111000 | B00000001; // set timer 1 divisor to 1 for PWM frequency of 31372.55 Hz
//TCCR1B = TCCR1B & B11111000 | B00000010; // set timer 1 divisor to 8 for PWM frequency of 3921.16 Hz
//TCCR1B = TCCR1B & B11111000 | B00000011; // set timer 1 divisor to 64 for PWM frequency of 490.20 Hz (The DEFAULT)
//TCCR1B = TCCR1B & B11111000 | B00000100; // set timer 1 divisor to 256 for PWM frequency of 122.55 Hz
//TCCR1B = TCCR1B & B11111000 | B00000101; // set timer 1 divisor to 1024 for PWM frequency of 30.64 Hz
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