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Last active August 28, 2019 20:49
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# Working w/ Gradle: A Practical Guide
## Maven Status
- not incremental in practice
- no remote caching
- snapshot handling/updating
- installing
- slow, why it's slow
- plugin dependency hell
- fairly simple/standard
- why builds are slow today
## Gradle Structure
Check out the gradle demo on the `identity` monorepo:
git clone
cd identity
git checkout gradle_demo
Create a branch with your name so your build doesn't conflict with anyone else.
new_branch -r gradle_<your_name>
Make a PR for your branch:
Find your PR build and keep it on hand:
Now let's look at our gradle-related files:
find java | grep "gradlew\|gradle\.properties\|\.gradle$"
### Gradle Wrapper
### settings.gradle
### build.gradle files
#### uberjar vs libjar
#### hadoop vs java
## Try building
- `clean`, `build`, `publish`, output levels, `--dry-run`, `--refresh-dependencies`, `gradle :prj:build`
## Set up IntelliJ project for Gradle monorepo
- install Gradle and Groovy plugins if you don't already have it
- create new project with identity root
- new empty project
- add module to the new project from from existing sources for the java direcotry
- import from existing model (gradle)
- use default gradle wrapper (this makes sure we're using the same build version, talk about how to upgrade)
- decide where to put your ideaprojects metadata
- use explicit names
- check auto-import
- talk about syncing projects
- `mvn liveramp-build:init-db` (talk about implications)
- run some tests locally
## Adding an app from scratch
- add directories
mkdir -p example/src/main/java/com/liveramp/example
mkdir -p example/src/test/java/com/liveramp/example
- create a file & add to the settings.gradle
- explain naming and module/submodules
- create a class and a test
- build and look at local outputs
- build & publish and look at outputs
- change to uberjar
- build and look at local outputs
- build & publish and look at outputs
## Adding an app from another repo
- need to preserve git history
- need to use updated file path
- need to use internal dependencies not dependencies on snapshots!
- can't use clojure! -> masked by using previous snapshot
### Steps
- @rgeorge says:
cd ~/code/oi_dsc_external
mkdir oi_dsc_external
git co -b monoize # make a branch
git mv * oi_dsc_external/ # it'll auto-fail to move the directory to itself
git commit -m "MONOIZE" #commit to the branch
# switch to the other project
cd ~/code/identity
git co -b mybranch # make a branch
git remote add mono ../oi_dsc_external # you're making the other git repo a possible upstream repo
git fetch mono
git merge mono/monoize --allow-unrelated-histories # upstreamname/upstreambranch
- resolve merge conflicts
- add build.gradle file
- fix internal file paths (DISCUSS THIS)
- register docker images
- move kube manifests to correct directories
- create, review, and merge PR
- remove old builds
- remove old deploys
- enjoy the benefits
## Decision Time
How do we want to move to the monorepo?
- One at a time as after we containerize
- One at a time as we move to GCP
- Containerize -> Move all at once
- Containerize -> GCP -> Move all at once
Current personal preference:
- Move over all library projects/fully containerized projects now
- Then one by one as we're containerizing, as soon as there are no legacy deploys
- Will only help turnaround with GCP but seems like less room for error
How do we like the file structure?
- where should docs go?
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