emacs --daemon
to run in the background.
emacsclient.emacs24 <filename/dirname>
to open in terminal
NOTE: "M-m and SPC can be used interchangeably".
- Undo -
- Redo -
- Change case: 1. Camel Case :
2. Upper Case :M-u
3. Lower Case :M-l
- Helm-projectile find file :
M-m p f
- Helm-projectile-grep :
M-m p s g
- Toggle Auto complete :
M-m t a
- Neotree root directory :
M-m p t
- Linum-relative :
M-m t r
- Ace-jump mode :
*. Helm-bookmarks :M-m h b
- Iedit mode : 1.
to navigate, 2.C-;
to select/deselct all for edit at once - Expand Region 1. Expand:
M-m v
2. Contract:M-m V
- Winner mode: 1. Undo :
C-c <left>
2. Redo :C-c <right>
- Toggle Aggressive Indent Mode :
M-m t I
- Open file in new buffer after
M-m p f
:C-c o
- Dired mode : 1. Copy file :
2. Delete the file :D
3. Rename the file :R
4. Create a new directory :+
5. Reload directory listing :g
- Search : 1. The last searched query :
C-s C-s
2. The string under the cursor :C-s C-w
- Un-indent by 4 spaces :
C-u -4 C-x TAB
- Open emacs dired mode:
M-m a d
- Erase contents of buffer:
M-m b e
- Replace contents of buffer with the contents of the clipboard:
M-m b P
- Copy contents of the whole buffer:
M-m b Y
- Open current file directory:
M-m f j
- Rename current file:
M-m f R
- Indent region/buffer:
M-m j =
- Kill all buffers (of current project):
M-m p k
- Reload spacemacs conf:
M-m f e R
- Kill all buffers except the current one:
M-m b K
- Go to conf file (~/.spacemacs):
M-m f e d
- Toggle display fill-column(column 80):
M-m t f
- Enable/Disable read-only mode
C-x C-q
- Go one level up in directory:
C-x C-j
- Indent/unindent region by n/-n spaces(n=4,8,... usually):
C-u <n> C-x TAB
- Go to previous cursor position(before ace-jump): `M-m SPC ``
- Do ag (code search) inside project :
M-m s a p
- Narrow to function :
M-m n f
(M-m n w
to exit) - Enable rainbow mode:
M-m t C c
- Search selected region or current word through ag in project:
M-m s p
- Highlight search results in another buffer (helm swoop):
M-m s s
(M-m s s
to exit) - Toggle current frame transparency:
M-m T T
- Toggle non-matching lines for iedit mode:
when in iedit mode (C-;) - Helm-resume background task:
M-m h l
- Enter .spacemacs diff mode:
M-m f e D
- Show kill ring history:
M-m r y
- When in dired mode, press
to display a list of commands. - Search within given buffer (helm-swoop mode):
M-m s s
- List all functions in the given buffer (imenu):
M-m s l
The only difference is to change all M-m to SPC right?