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Created May 30, 2020 03:13
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import _ from 'lodash'
import qs from 'qs'
// @see
const isImage = image =>
[`image/jpeg`, `image/jpg`, `image/png`, `image/webp`, `image/gif`],
_.get(image, `file.contentType`)
const getBasicImageProps = (image, args) => {
let aspectRatio
if (args.width && args.height) {
aspectRatio = args.width / args.height
} else {
aspectRatio =
image.file.details.image.width / image.file.details.image.height
return {
baseUrl: image.file.url,
contentType: image.file.contentType,
width: image.file.details.image.width,
height: image.file.details.image.height,
const createUrl = (imgUrl, options = {}) => {
// Convert to Contentful names and filter out undefined/null values.
const args = _.pickBy(
w: options.width,
h: options.height,
fl: options.jpegProgressive ? `progressive` : null,
q: options.quality,
fm: options.toFormat || ``,
fit: options.resizingBehavior || ``,
f: options.cropFocus || ``,
bg: options.background || ``,
return `${imgUrl}?${qs.stringify(args)}`
export const getFluidGatsbyImage = (image, options) => {
if (!isImage(image)) return null
const { baseUrl, width, aspectRatio } = getBasicImageProps(image, options)
let desiredAspectRatio = aspectRatio
// If no dimension is given, set a default maxWidth
if (options.maxWidth === undefined && options.maxHeight === undefined) {
options.maxWidth = 800
// If only a maxHeight is given, calculate the maxWidth based on the height and the aspect ratio
if (options.maxHeight !== undefined && options.maxWidth === undefined) {
options.maxWidth = Math.round(options.maxHeight * desiredAspectRatio)
// If we're cropping, calculate the specified aspect ratio.
if (options.maxHeight !== undefined && options.maxWidth !== undefined) {
desiredAspectRatio = options.maxWidth / options.maxHeight
// If the users didn't set a default sizes, we'll make one.
if (!options.sizes) {
options.sizes = `(max-width: ${options.maxWidth}px) 100vw, ${options.maxWidth}px`
// Create sizes (in width) for the image. If the max width of the container
// for the rendered markdown file is 800px, the sizes would then be: 200,
// 400, 800, 1200, 1600, 2400.
// This is enough sizes to provide close to the optimal image size for every
// device size / screen resolution
let fluidSizes = []
fluidSizes.push(options.maxWidth / 4)
fluidSizes.push(options.maxWidth / 2)
fluidSizes.push(options.maxWidth * 1.5)
fluidSizes.push(options.maxWidth * 2)
fluidSizes.push(options.maxWidth * 3)
fluidSizes =
// Filter out sizes larger than the image's maxWidth and the contentful image's max size.
const filteredSizes = fluidSizes.filter(size => {
const calculatedHeight = Math.round(size / desiredAspectRatio)
return (
calculatedHeight <= CONTENTFUL_IMAGE_MAX_SIZE &&
size <= width
// Add the original image (if it isn't already in there) to ensure the largest image possible
// is available for small images.
if (
!filteredSizes.includes(parseInt(width)) &&
parseInt(width) < CONTENTFUL_IMAGE_MAX_SIZE &&
Math.round(width / desiredAspectRatio) < CONTENTFUL_IMAGE_MAX_SIZE
) {
// Sort sizes for prettiness.
const sortedSizes = _.sortBy(filteredSizes)
// Create the srcSet.
const srcSet = sortedSizes
.map(width => {
const h = Math.round(width / desiredAspectRatio)
return `${createUrl(image.file.url, {
height: h,
})} ${Math.round(width)}w`
return {
aspectRatio: desiredAspectRatio,
src: createUrl(baseUrl, {
width: options.maxWidth,
height: options.maxHeight,
sizes: options.sizes,
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daydream05 commented May 30, 2020

This code was taken directly from gatsby-source-contentful.

I just renamed resolveFluid to getFluidGatsbyImage.

Make sure to install the external packages.

And you can call this function inside your rich text renderer

const fluidProps = getFluidGatsbyImage(image, {})

The second param is if you want to set maxWidth, maxHeight or quality.

The first param must have this data shape. You automatically get this shape from the data return by the contentful api.

const image = {
   file: {


const options = {
    renderNode: {
      [BLOCKS.EMBEDDED_ASSET]: node => {
          const { file, title } =
          const image = {
            file: file['en-US'],
          const fluidProps = getFluidGatsbyImage(image, { maxWidth: 720 })
          return <Img fluid={fluidProps} alt={title['en-US']} />

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daniellangnet commented Jun 14, 2020

You're awesome. Thanks for sharing this gist. You wouldn't happen to know if this could easily be extended to include a base64 encoded placeholder version?

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For the base64, it seems like a multi-step process. They check if the base64 already exists in the cache and store it if not. Then they use a package called base64-img to turn the image into base64.

Here's the code for it.

I assume you can also do the same method that I did here. Copy paste that code in your codebase and install whatever dependencies needed.

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Very helpful. Thank you

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Happy to help! Let me know if it works! I'll add the getBase64Image API on the pull request I created.

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Awesome! thank you

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This is awesome.

In your example use case, is "&& images" supposed to be there? And if so what are you referring to?

        if ( && images) {
          const { description, file } = get(

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@ghoshanjega ignore that! It's a relic from one of the "hacks" that I was using before.

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Seth-Carter commented Aug 29, 2020

Thanks so much for this!

I've got your code plugged in, but I'm still struggling to get any images to render. I must be missing something obvious; I'm still pretty new to Gatsby.

Here are my options within my blog post template with the relevant imports:

import { documentToReactComponents } from '@contentful/rich-text-react-renderer'
import { BLOCKS } from '@contentful/rich-text-types'
import Img from 'gatsby-image'
import { getFluidGatsbyImage } from '../components/getFluidGatsbyImage'

const options = {
    [BLOCKS.EMBEDDED_ASSET]: node => {
      const { file, title } =
      const image = {
        file: file['en-US'],
      const fluidProps = getFluidGatsbyImage(image, { maxWidth: 720 })
      return <Img fluid={fluidProps} alt={title['en-US']} />

Does anything jump out from this snippet?

Here's the full source code of the blog post for more context (forgive my awful code):

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daydream05 commented Aug 30, 2020

@Seth-Carter Ok so I think this is my fault. I forgot to add renderNode on the example.

const options = {
    renderNode: {
      [BLOCKS.EMBEDDED_ASSET]: node => {
          const { file, title } =
          const image = {
            file: file['en-US'],
          const fluidProps = getFluidGatsbyImage(image, { maxWidth: 720 })
          return <Img fluid={fluidProps} alt={title['en-US']} />

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Seth-Carter commented Aug 30, 2020

Thanks for catching that. I also realized that I wasn't using the 'node' parameter that is passed down through the callback.

It's always the simple mistakes...

const options = {
    renderNode: {
      [BLOCKS.EMBEDDED_ASSET]: node => {
          const { file, title } =
          const image = {
            file: file['en-US'],
          const fluidProps = getFluidGatsbyImage(image, { maxWidth: 720 })
          return <Img fluid={fluidProps} alt={title['en-US']} />

Thanks again for this really handy utility component! This is by the far the best solution I've found for getting Contentful rich text images to render in Gatsby.

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@Seth-Carter glad to hear that! There's an upcoming version of the contentful source that will allow us to query for gatsby image and also fixes a lot of rich text problems.

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Wow, thanks so much. After trying loads of different solutions, this finally worked for me.

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ctekk7 commented Oct 7, 2020

Thank you!

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To the folks who are currently using this or about to use it, there's an upcoming update on the gatsby-source-contentful . See here: gatsbyjs/gatsby#25249

You can do an npm install gatsby-source-contentful@next if you wanna give it a try.

The new update would allow us to reference images straight to rich text so you won't hopefully have to use this hack. Note though that it has breaking changes.

I've been using it for my new projects and have little issues so far. And the best part is querying reference fields inside rich text. Those were harder to "hack" because we didn't have utility like it similar to gatsby-images.

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ctekk7 commented Oct 8, 2020

Thanks for the headsup, I already tried it before using your solution. Sadly when using gatsby-source-contentful@next I got a couple of errors which I wasn't really in the mood for debugging for a not yet released version.

P.s. do you have an ETA when the update will be shipped?

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@daydream05 thanks for keeping this updated. I'm going to try gatsby-source-contentful@next, wading through the errors seems worth it.

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samh21 commented Nov 10, 2020

@daydream05 any idea why I'm getting a 'Check render method of ...' error? All the options appear to be returning the expected values.

Screenshot 2020-11-10 at 12 45 41

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@samh21 can you share the code for the News component? This error happens if your component is not returning anything.

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The new version of contentful source is live at gatsby-source-contentful@4.0.0!

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extendit-experts commented Nov 14, 2020

Thanks for the headsup, do you have a link to the relevant changes to this topic?

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Thank you!

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Thanks for great solution. Finally solved fluid image issue after trying every solution out there.

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