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Created May 30, 2020 03:13
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import _ from 'lodash'
import qs from 'qs'
// @see
const isImage = image =>
[`image/jpeg`, `image/jpg`, `image/png`, `image/webp`, `image/gif`],
_.get(image, `file.contentType`)
const getBasicImageProps = (image, args) => {
let aspectRatio
if (args.width && args.height) {
aspectRatio = args.width / args.height
} else {
aspectRatio =
image.file.details.image.width / image.file.details.image.height
return {
baseUrl: image.file.url,
contentType: image.file.contentType,
width: image.file.details.image.width,
height: image.file.details.image.height,
const createUrl = (imgUrl, options = {}) => {
// Convert to Contentful names and filter out undefined/null values.
const args = _.pickBy(
w: options.width,
h: options.height,
fl: options.jpegProgressive ? `progressive` : null,
q: options.quality,
fm: options.toFormat || ``,
fit: options.resizingBehavior || ``,
f: options.cropFocus || ``,
bg: options.background || ``,
return `${imgUrl}?${qs.stringify(args)}`
export const getFluidGatsbyImage = (image, options) => {
if (!isImage(image)) return null
const { baseUrl, width, aspectRatio } = getBasicImageProps(image, options)
let desiredAspectRatio = aspectRatio
// If no dimension is given, set a default maxWidth
if (options.maxWidth === undefined && options.maxHeight === undefined) {
options.maxWidth = 800
// If only a maxHeight is given, calculate the maxWidth based on the height and the aspect ratio
if (options.maxHeight !== undefined && options.maxWidth === undefined) {
options.maxWidth = Math.round(options.maxHeight * desiredAspectRatio)
// If we're cropping, calculate the specified aspect ratio.
if (options.maxHeight !== undefined && options.maxWidth !== undefined) {
desiredAspectRatio = options.maxWidth / options.maxHeight
// If the users didn't set a default sizes, we'll make one.
if (!options.sizes) {
options.sizes = `(max-width: ${options.maxWidth}px) 100vw, ${options.maxWidth}px`
// Create sizes (in width) for the image. If the max width of the container
// for the rendered markdown file is 800px, the sizes would then be: 200,
// 400, 800, 1200, 1600, 2400.
// This is enough sizes to provide close to the optimal image size for every
// device size / screen resolution
let fluidSizes = []
fluidSizes.push(options.maxWidth / 4)
fluidSizes.push(options.maxWidth / 2)
fluidSizes.push(options.maxWidth * 1.5)
fluidSizes.push(options.maxWidth * 2)
fluidSizes.push(options.maxWidth * 3)
fluidSizes =
// Filter out sizes larger than the image's maxWidth and the contentful image's max size.
const filteredSizes = fluidSizes.filter(size => {
const calculatedHeight = Math.round(size / desiredAspectRatio)
return (
calculatedHeight <= CONTENTFUL_IMAGE_MAX_SIZE &&
size <= width
// Add the original image (if it isn't already in there) to ensure the largest image possible
// is available for small images.
if (
!filteredSizes.includes(parseInt(width)) &&
parseInt(width) < CONTENTFUL_IMAGE_MAX_SIZE &&
Math.round(width / desiredAspectRatio) < CONTENTFUL_IMAGE_MAX_SIZE
) {
// Sort sizes for prettiness.
const sortedSizes = _.sortBy(filteredSizes)
// Create the srcSet.
const srcSet = sortedSizes
.map(width => {
const h = Math.round(width / desiredAspectRatio)
return `${createUrl(image.file.url, {
height: h,
})} ${Math.round(width)}w`
return {
aspectRatio: desiredAspectRatio,
src: createUrl(baseUrl, {
width: options.maxWidth,
height: options.maxHeight,
sizes: options.sizes,
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@daydream05 thanks for keeping this updated. I'm going to try gatsby-source-contentful@next, wading through the errors seems worth it.

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samh21 commented Nov 10, 2020

@daydream05 any idea why I'm getting a 'Check render method of ...' error? All the options appear to be returning the expected values.

Screenshot 2020-11-10 at 12 45 41

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@samh21 can you share the code for the News component? This error happens if your component is not returning anything.

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The new version of contentful source is live at gatsby-source-contentful@4.0.0!

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extendit-experts commented Nov 14, 2020

Thanks for the headsup, do you have a link to the relevant changes to this topic?

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Thank you!

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Thanks for great solution. Finally solved fluid image issue after trying every solution out there.

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