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David Blodgett dblodgett-usgs

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dblodgett-usgs / area_weighted.R
Last active November 15, 2018 20:49
An R function to calculate area weighted intersections.
#' Area Weighted Intersection
#' @description Returns the fractional percent of each
#' feature in y that is covered by each intersecting feature
#' in x. These can be used as the weights in an area-weighted
#' mean overlay analysis where y is the data source and area-
#' weighted means are being generated for x.
dblodgett-usgs / regrid_daymet.R
Last active December 25, 2018 17:28
Regrid daymet data to a collection of polygon cells.
# Need:
# Need:
get_time_nc <- function(t_dim) {
time_units<-strsplit(t_dim$units, " ")[[1]]
dblodgett-usgs / elevtr_and_rayshader.R
Created August 28, 2018 13:57
Grab some elevation data near Cross Plains WI with elevatr and plot with rayshader.
bb <- setNames(c(-89.735813,43.056221,-89.625778,43.122036), c("xmin", "ymin", "xmax", "ymax"))
class(bb) <- "bbox"
bb <- sp::bbox(sf::as_Spatial(sf::st_as_sfc(bb)))
tiles <- elevatr::get_aws_terrain(bb, 12, "+init=epsg:4326")
dblodgett-usgs / ncdfgeom_sample.R
Created August 22, 2018 20:40
Create ncdfgeom sample file
# Also need jsonlite and sf but devtools should install with ncdfgeom
fixtureData <- jsonlite::fromJSON(system.file("extdata/fixture_wkt.json",
package = "ncdfgeom"))
polygon <- sf::st_sf(geom = sf::st_as_sfc(fixtureData$`2d`$polygon),
crs = "+init=epsg:4326")
lon_lat <- sf::st_coordinates(sf::st_centroid(polygon))
dblodgett-usgs /
Created July 16, 2018 12:24
examples for a thread about netcdf-cf geometries and the use of coordinates and bounds on the node_coordinates variables

In the example below, given that :featureType = "timeSeries" ;, data variables should be expected to have "coordinates" e.g. someData:coordinates = "time lat lon" ;.

  instance = 2 ;
  node = 5 ;
  time = 4 ;
  int time(time) ;
    time:units = "days since 2000-01-01" ;
dblodgett-usgs / split_lines.R
Last active March 19, 2024 10:34
Splits lines longer than a given threshold into the minimum number of pieces to all be under the given threshold.
#' @title split lines
#' @description Splits lines longer than a given threshold into the minimum number of pieces to all be under the given threshold.
#' @param lines data.frame of class sf with LINESTRING sfc column.
#' @param max_length maximum segment length to return
#' @param id name of ID column in data.frame
#' @return only the split lines.
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by ungroup filter left_join select rename mutate
#' @export
split_lines <- function(input_lines, max_length, id = "ID") {
dblodgett-usgs /
Last active May 24, 2017 13:18
A document I wrote for an OGC project that may be useful generally.

As described in the contributing section of the readme, content can be submitted via pull request or by opening a new issue pointing to content that needs to be brought in. This page describes how to add content to a fork of the repository and submit a pull request containing those changes.

git and git BASH

For mac and linux users, you will need the git command line tools. Windows users should install git-for-windows, which includes git BASH, a bash shell emulator.

ssh keys

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dblodgett-usgs / geoknife_zoo_analysis.R
Last active August 2, 2016 20:30
Some R code to pull down a time series of precipitation data for a HUC12 and plot annual maximums.
# Use the WBD feature service available from the National Water Census.
stencil <- webgeom(url = "")
# [1] "WBD:huc08" "WBD:huc12" "WBD:huc12agg" "WBD:huc12all"
geom(stencil) <- 'WBD:huc12'
query(stencil, 'attributes')
# [1] "ogc_fid" "tnmid" "metasource" "sourcedata" "sourceorig" "sourcefeat" "loaddate" "gnis_id"
# [9] "areaacres" "areasqkm" "states" "huc12" "hutype" "humod" "tohuc" "noncontrib"
# [17] "noncontr_1" "shape_leng" "shape_area"
getPrecip <- function(states, startDate, endDate){
wg_s <- webgeom(geom = 'derivative:US_Counties', attribute = 'STATE')
wg_c <- webgeom(geom = 'derivative:US_Counties', attribute = 'COUNTY')
wg_f <- webgeom(geom = 'derivative:US_Counties', attribute = 'FIPS')
county_info <- data.frame(state = query(wg_s, 'values'), county = query(wg_c, 'values'),
fips = query(wg_f, 'values'), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
counties_fips <- county_info %>% filter(state %in% states) %>%