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Last active June 23, 2017 01:52
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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Chain where
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Data.ByteString as BS (ByteString)
import Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS (pack, unpack)
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import Crypto.Hash.SHA1 as SHA1
import Prelude as P
import Text.Show.Pretty as PP
-- A Blockchain:
-- - contains data that may be interpreted as smart contracts
-- - contains the hash of the previous block
-- - contains a hash of itself, using the previous hash
-- The fact that the self hash is created with the previous hash makes the chain tamper-proof
-- The Blockchain type is just a list of Block's.
-- We wouldn't use a List in a production impl,
-- because they have O(n) for indexing
type Blockchain = [Block]
data Block = Block {
bIndex :: BIndex, -- index of this block in the chain
bPrevHash :: BHash, -- hash of previous block
bTimestamp :: BTimestamp, -- when this block was created
bData :: BData, -- this block's data
bHash :: BHash -- this block's hash
} deriving (Eq, Show)
type BIndex = Int
type BHash = String
type BTimestamp = String
type BData = String
-- The root block in our system
genesisBlock :: Block
genesisBlock =
let idx = 0
prevHash = "0"
ts = "2017-03-05 10:49:02.084473 PST"
bhash = calculateHash idx prevHash ts bdata
in Block idx prevHash ts bdata bhash
genesisBlockchain :: Blockchain
genesisBlockchain = [genesisBlock]
calculateHash :: BIndex -> BHash -> BTimestamp -> BData -> BHash
calculateHash i p t d = concat $ map (printf "%02x") $ hashed
hashed = BS.unpack . SHA1.hash . BS.pack $ combined
combined = concat [show i, p, t, d]
addBlock :: BTimestamp -> BData -> Blockchain -> Blockchain
addBlock ts bd bc = bc ++ [makeNextBlock bc ts bd]
makeNextBlock :: Blockchain -> BTimestamp -> BData -> Block
makeNextBlock bc ts bd =
let (i, ph, _, _, h) = nextBlockInfo bc ts bd
in Block i ph ts bd h
nextBlockInfo :: Blockchain -> BTimestamp -> BData -> (BIndex, BHash, BTimestamp, BData, BHash)
nextBlockInfo bc ts bd =
let prev = getLastCommittedBlock bc
i = bIndex prev + 1
ph = bHash prev
in (i, ph, ts, bd, (calculateHash i ph ts bd))
getLastCommittedBlock :: Blockchain -> Block
getLastCommittedBlock bc = bc !! (length bc - 1)
isValidBlock :: Block -> Block -> Either String ()
isValidBlock validBlock checkBlock =
if bIndex validBlock + 1 /= bIndex checkBlock
then fail "invalid bIndex"
else if bHash validBlock /= bPrevHash checkBlock
then fail "invalid bPrevHash"
else if hashBlock checkBlock /= bHash checkBlock
then fail "invalid bHash"
Right ()
fail msg = Left (msg <> " " <> show (bIndex validBlock + 1))
hashBlock b = calculateHash (bIndex b) (bPrevHash b) (bTimestamp b) (bData b)
isValidBlockchain :: Blockchain -> Either String ()
isValidBlockchain bc =
if length bc == 0
then Left "empty blockchain"
else if length bc == 1 && (bc !! 0 /= genesisBlock)
then Left "invalid genesis block"
Right ()
renderBlockchain :: Blockchain -> String
renderBlockchain = PP.ppShow
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where
import Chain
main :: IO ()
main = putStrLn $ renderBlockchain exampleValidBlockchain
exampleValidBlockchain :: Blockchain
exampleValidBlockchain =
foldl (\acc (ts, d) -> (addBlock ts d acc)) genesisBlockchain [
("2017-06-11 15:49:02.084473 PST", "June 11 data"),
("2017-06-12 15:49:02.084473 PST", "June 12 data"),
("2017-06-13 15:49:02.084473 PST", "June 13 data"),
("2017-06-14 15:49:02.084473 PST", "June 14 data"),
("2017-06-15 15:49:02.084473 PST", "June 15 data")
exampleInvalidBlockChain :: Blockchain
exampleInvalidBlockChain = []
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