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dcava / gist:eca25c767a898df1e926
Created November 22, 2015 12:22 — forked from Meatballs1/gist:63b587212fb66c077039
Wired to Wireless Synology DS213air bridging
# cat /usr/syno/etc.defaults/rc.d/
# Script to enable port forwarding and IP Masquerading, to share
# the wireless connection to the ethernet port of ds213air
# e.g. computer -> eth0 -> diskstation -> wlan0 -> router -> interwebs
# Enable port forwarding, in case not enabled by default
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
# Load the required modules
/usr/syno/etc.defaults/rc.d/ load_nat_mod forwarding_test
dcava / ip-down
Created December 5, 2017 10:25 — forked from blt04/ip-down
OSX VPN Scripts: The built in Mac VPN client doesn't have too many options but you can easily apply custom settings via scripts. Here are some examples of how to customize your VPN connections. Just put these two files in /etc/ppp and customize. Make sure you `chmod 0755 /etc/ppp/ip-up /etc/ppp/ip-down`. For more information, see `man pppd`.
# /etc/ppp/ip-down
# When the ppp link goes down, this script is called with the following
# parameters
# $1 the interface name used by pppd (e.g. ppp3)
# $2 the tty device name
# $3 the tty device speed
# $4 the local IP address for the interface
dcava / osxvpnrouting.markdown
Created December 5, 2017 10:26 — forked from taldanzig/osxvpnrouting.markdown
Routing tips for VPNs on OS X

Routing tips for VPNs on OS X

When VPNs Just Work™, they're a fantastic way of allowing access to a private network from remote locations. When they don't work it can be an experience in frustration. I've had situations where I can connect to a VPN from my Mac, but various networking situations cause routing conflicts. Here are a couple of cases and how I've been able to get around them.

Specific cases

Case 1: conflicting additional routes.

In this example the VPN we are connecting to has a subnet that does not conflict with our local IP, but has additional routes that conflict in some way with our local network's routing. In my example the remote subnet is 10.0.x.0/24, my local subnet is 10.0.y.0/24, and the conflicting route is Without the later route, I can't access all hosts on the VPN without manually adding the route after connecting to the VPN:

dcava /
Created February 20, 2018 11:58 — forked from superjamie/
Raspberry Pi VPN Router

Raspberry Pi VPN Router

This is a quick-and-dirty guide to setting up a Raspberry Pi as a "router on a stick" to PrivateInternetAccess VPN.


Install Raspbian Jessie (2016-05-27-raspbian-jessie.img) to your Pi's sdcard.

Use the Raspberry Pi Configuration tool or sudo raspi-config to:

dcava / bibtex_2academic.R
Created April 25, 2018 10:58 — forked from lbusett/bibtex_2academic.R
script for importing publications from a "bibtex" file to a hugo-academic website
#' @title bibtex_2academic
#' @description import publications from a bibtex file to a hugo-academic website
#' @author Lorenzo Busetto, phD (2017) <>
bibtex_2academic <- function(bibfile,
abstract = FALSE,
overwrite = FALSE) {
dcava /
Created July 31, 2018 12:14 — forked from inventionate/
Install R with OpenBLAS via Homebrew
# Stat Installation
# XCode CLT
xcode-select --install
# Update Homebrew
brew update
# Check for broken dependencies and/or outdated packages
brew doctor

set up root and replace default user

pi@raspberrypi:~# sudo su
root@raspberrypi:/home/pi# passwd
root@raspberrypi:/home/pi# reboot

log in as root and set up new user

root@raspberrypi:~# useradd -d /home/user user
root@raspberrypi:~# passwd user
Accessing docker container private network easily from your boot2docker host
add a Host-only adapter in VirtualBox
# show route table
netstat -nr
dcava /
Created January 6, 2019 06:11 — forked from aswild/
Download and build the wireguard kernel module and tools for EdgeOS. see
THISDIR=$(readlink -f $(dirname $0))
export PATH=$THISDIR/toolchain/bin:$PATH
dcava /
Last active March 22, 2020 21:35 — forked from pamolloy/
Ubiquiti USG configuration for Wireguard

Download the latest ugw3 package from and install it on your USG using dpkg -i wireguard-ugw3-<version>.deb.

cd /config/auth
umask 077
mkdir wireguard
cd wireguard
wg genkey > wg_private.key
wg pubkey < wg_private.key > wg_public.key