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Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
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An excerpt from Dave Briccetti’s first non-trivial Minecraft mod, inspired by Devoxx4kids Sharp Snowballs:
class SharpSnowballArray {
def replaceSnowballWithArrow(event: EntityJoinWorldEvent) {
val entity = event.entity
val world = entity.worldObj
entity match {
case snowball: EntitySnowball if ! world.isRemote =>
-2 to 2 foreach(xOff => {
-2 to 2 foreach (yOff => {
world.spawnEntityInWorld(makeArrow(world, snowball, xOff, yOff))
case _ =>
private def makeArrow(world: World, snowball: EntitySnowball, xOff: Int, yOff: Int) =
new EntityArrow(world) {
setLocationAndAngles(snowball.posX + xOff, snowball.posY + yOff, snowball.posZ, 0, 0)
motionX = snowball.motionX
motionY = snowball.motionY
motionZ = snowball.motionZ
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Say, feel free to type in the code to make the arrow translations work no matter what the player orientation. :-)

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