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Décio Ferreira decioferreira

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Always Compile Main: Yes

You can have the main paths set per project with file linter-elm-make.json and content like:

  "mainPaths": [


chalmagean / onSelect.elm
Last active December 22, 2016 06:21
Elm onSelect decoder
-- Assuming we have a list of items in the model (type alias Model = { items : List Item }
-- where Item is a record like { id : Int, name : String }
-- this goes in the view and generates an html dropdown
[ onSelect ValueSelectedMsg ]
( (\item -> option [ value (toString ] [ text ]) model.items)
targetSelectedIndex : Json.Decoder Int

Type Safe JSON Decoding in Elm

The power of a Static Typed language can seem magical at first. But the goal here is to take a tiny peak behind that curtain.

Elm's implementation of JSON parsing is type safe and how it achieves that can seem like a mystery. Even though I got the code to work, it took me a while to fully understand how it works.

I'm writing it down here for 2 reasons. To help others gain a greater understanding of Types and so I don't forget what I learned.

Word of Caution

mgwidmann / hotcode.ex
Last active September 25, 2022 19:57
Hot code swapping
# To show hot code uploading, we first need to build a simple phoenix project so we can see it happen in real time.
# Start by making a new phoenix project
$ mix hotcode
# Go into the directory
$ cd hotcode
# Add exrm dependency to mix.exs file
{:exrm, "~> 1.0.3"}
chrissimpkins / gist:5bf5686bae86b8129bee
Last active June 19, 2024 18:05
Atom Editor Cheat Sheet: macOS

Use these rapid keyboard shortcuts to control the GitHub Atom text editor on macOS.

Key to the Keys

  • ⌘ : Command key
  • ⌃ : Control key
  • ⌫ : Delete key
  • ← : Left arrow key
  • → : Right arrow key
  • ↑ : Up arrow key
amark / allDone.js
Created November 16, 2014 10:26
parallel async JS micro library in 25LOC
var allDone = function(done){ // takes a callback that will be called as callback(errors, values) when all async parallel operations are finished.
var context = {task: {}, data: {}};
context.end = function(e,v){ return done(e,v), done = function(){} }; // this can always be called if you want to terminate early, like because an error.
context.add = function(fn, id){ // if the async operation you are doing replies with standard fn(err, value) then just pass in a string ID, else your own callback and ID.
context.task[id = (typeof fn == 'string')? fn : id] = false;
var next = function(err, val){
context.task[id] = true; // good, we're done with this one!
if(err){ (context.err = context.err || {})[id] = err } // record errors.[id] = val; // record the values.
for(var i in c.task){ if(c.task.hasOwnProperty(i)){ // loop over the async task checker
evancz /
Last active December 21, 2022 14:28
Ideas and guidelines for architecting larger applications in Elm to be modular and extensible

Architecture in Elm

This document is a collection of concepts and strategies to make large Elm projects modular and extensible.

We will start by thinking about the structure of signals in our program. Broadly speaking, your application state should live in one big foldp. You will probably merge a bunch of input signals into a single stream of updates. This sounds a bit crazy at first, but it is in the same ballpark as Om or Facebook's Flux. There are a couple major benefits to having a centralized home for your application state:

  1. There is a single source of truth. Traditional approaches force you to write a decent amount of custom and error prone code to synchronize state between many different stateful components. (The state of this widget needs to be synced with the application state, which needs to be synced with some other widget, etc.) By placing all of your state in one location, you eliminate an entire class of bugs in which two components get into inconsistent states. We also think yo
rodleviton / imagemagick-install-steps
Created May 26, 2014 07:37
Installing Image Magick on Ubuntu 14.04
sudo -i
apt-get install build-essential checkinstall && apt-get build-dep imagemagick -y
tar xzvf ImageMagick-6.8.9-1.tar.gz
cd ImageMagick-6.8.9-1/
./configure --prefix=/opt/imagemagick-6.8 && make
dhh / test_induced_design_damage.rb
Last active June 22, 2023 06:18
This is an extraction from Jim Weirich's "Decoupling from Rails" talk, which explained how to apply the hexagonal design pattern to make every layer of your application easily unit testable (without touching the database etc). It only seeks to extract a single method, the EmployeesController#create method, to illustrate the design damage that's …
# Original Rails controller and action
class EmployeesController < ApplicationController
def create
@employee =
redirect_to @employee, notice: "Employee #{} created"
render :new