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############################## | |
## Java | |
############################## | |
.mtj.tmp/ | |
*.class | |
*.jar | |
*.war | |
*.ear | |
*.nar | |
hs_err_pid* | |
replay_pid* | |
############################## | |
## Maven | |
############################## | |
target/ | |
pom.xml.tag | |
pom.xml.releaseBackup | |
pom.xml.versionsBackup | |
pom.xml.next | |
pom.xml.bak | |
release.properties | |
dependency-reduced-pom.xml | |
buildNumber.properties | |
.mvn/timing.properties | |
.mvn/wrapper/maven-wrapper.jar | |
############################## | |
## Gradle | |
############################## | |
bin/ | |
build/ | |
.gradle | |
.gradletasknamecache | |
gradle-app.setting | |
!gradle-wrapper.jar | |
############################## | |
## IntelliJ | |
############################## | |
out/ | |
.idea/ | |
.idea_modules/ | |
*.iml | |
*.ipr | |
*.iws | |
############################## | |
## Eclipse | |
############################## | |
.settings/ | |
bin/ | |
tmp/ | |
.metadata | |
.classpath | |
.project | |
*.tmp | |
*.bak | |
*.swp | |
*~.nib | |
local.properties | |
.loadpath | |
.factorypath | |
############################## | |
## NetBeans | |
############################## | |
nbproject/private/ | |
build/ | |
nbbuild/ | |
dist/ | |
nbdist/ | |
nbactions.xml | |
nb-configuration.xml | |
############################## | |
## Visual Studio Code | |
############################## | |
.vscode/ | |
.code-workspace | |
############################## | |
## OS X | |
############################## | |
.DS_Store | |
############################## | |
## Miscellaneous | |
############################## | |
*.log |
How about the work space files for VSCode?
Done! :D
Another good source- https://www.gitignore.io/
Java- https://www.gitignore.io/api/java%2Cintellij
Original Post- https://stackoverflow.com/a/38259237/2923098
Thanks a lot, @ckzgraphics! I personally believe checked in code should be IDE neutral. I don't like adding any file related to the .idea/
folder in the repository.
Yep, @dedunumax. Commented for better reach to the resource 😃
Yep, @dedunumax. Commented for better reach to the resource 😃
Cool. :D
Thank you very much for .gitignore example for java files. It helped me a lot.
I'll definitely use it, thanks for sharing :)
Thank you, one for all IDEs. :-)
Rad. Thanks :)
Thanks! Using macOs, Netbeans and IntelliJ so good to have comprehensive ignoring :)
I needed it I only knew it from Visual studio
Thank you!
Thanks ... nice job.
Can you add *.NavData ?
Its very helping me. Thanks a lot 👍
Possibly add .env for environment variables?
Thank you, very nice.
Thank you for this list! Please add : ._.DS_Store
this is amazing. thx u
Awesome, thx
Humble suggestion about adding .xml into INTELIDEA section. Thx again
Humble suggestion about adding .xml into INTELIDEA section. Thx again
Leaving that out is intentional because .xml files often are supposed to be committed.
add please *.log
I added log under a different section.
It's missing gradle folder
Thank you very much!