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Last active August 17, 2016 22:21
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Equihash Block Witholding Simulation
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# This is a simulation of the advantage an attacker can get by following
# a particular selfish mining strategy that works when the sequential PoW
# running time is of the same order as the block target time. The simulation
# assumes instant block propagation, so the advantage this simulation computes
# is *on top of* the advantage gained by doing regular selfish mining.
# The network is made up of Equihash Machines. Equihash Machines are either
# Attacker Machines or Normal Machines. Normal Machines and Attacker Machines
# spit out the same number of equihash solutions, but Attacker Machines run
# `attacker_speedup` times faster than Normal Machines. The fraction of the
# network which is Attacker Machines vs. Normal Machines is set so that when all
# of the Equihash Machines (Attacker and Normal) mine with the default strategy,
# the Attacker Machines win `attacker_network_fraction` of the blocks.
# Time is measured in units of the target block interval, and Normal Machines
# can run `regular_equihash_per_block` times within a block interval.
# You can adjust these parameters here:
regular_equihash_per_block = 4
attacker_speedup = 2.0
attacker_network_fraction = 0.25
blocks = 100000
# Running this program simulates two things:
# 1. The regular case, where all Equihash Machines use the default mining
# strategy.
# 2. The attack case, where the Normal Machines use the default mining strategy,
# but the Attacker Machines follow a different strategy. When they win a
# block, they withold it from the network but mine on top of it until just
# before the currently-running Normal Machines would finish running. They
# only disclose blocks when it is to their advantage to do so.
# The following simplifications have been made:
# - If there is *any* time left before the Normal Machines finish, we give the
# attacker an *entire* run of their Attacker Machines. This makes the
# simulation overestimate the attacker's advantage.
def assert(b)
unless b
raise "Assertion failure!"
def simulate_blocks_default_strategy(tf, ts, pa, po, blocks)
# The attacker's implementation is faster or the same speed.
assert(tf <= ts)
assert(tf > 0)
assert(ts > 0)
# The Attacker Machine portion of the network's chance of winning per run is
# a valid probability.
assert(0 <= pa)
assert(pa <= 1)
# The Normal Machine portion of the network's chance of winning per run is
# a valid probability.
assert(0 <= po)
assert(po <= 1)
attacker_wins = 0
other_wins = 0
block_times = []
# We're assuming block propagation is instant, and all communication between
# all Equihash Machines is instant, so following the default strategy, all
# machines of each type are always in the same state, i.e. they always have
# the same amount of time remaining before they finish running.
blocks.times do |block_num|
time = 0
next_other_run = ts
loop do
new_time = time + tf
if time < next_other_run && next_other_run <= new_time
if rand() < po
# The Normal Machine portion of the network wins this block.
other_wins += 1
block_times << next_other_run
next_other_run += ts
if rand() < pa
# The Attacker Machine portion of the network wins this block.
attacker_wins += 1
block_times << new_time
time = new_time
return attacker_wins, other_wins, (block_times.inject(:+).to_f/blocks)
def simulate_blocks_attacker_strategy(tf, ts, pa, po, blocks)
# The attacker's implementation is faster or the same speed.
assert(tf <= ts)
assert(tf > 0)
assert(ts > 0)
# The Attacker Machine portion of the network's chance of winning per run is
# a valid probability.
assert(0 <= pa)
assert(pa <= 1)
# The Normal Machine portion of the network's chance of winning per run is
# a valid probability.
assert(0 <= po)
assert(po <= 1)
attacker_wins = 0
other_wins = 0
block_times = []
# The attacker knows there's this much time before the Normal Machines finish
# running.
time_remaining_before_other_runs_complete = 0
# The attacker has this many blocks which they haven't broadcast to the
# network yet.
attacker_blocks_ahead = 0
normal_machines_finish = false
blocks.times do |block_num|
# Attack Strategy
# ---------------
if normal_machines_finish
normal_machines_finish = false
# This branch should only be taken when the Normal Machines finish the
# round the attacker can predict it's safe to wait for.
assert(time_remaining_before_other_runs_complete == 0)
# If the attacker is ahead by a block, they can broadcast it to get all of
# the Normal Machines to restart just before they finish. So in this case
# they never actually finished, the attacker got them to restart on the
# new block.
if attacker_blocks_ahead > 0
attacker_blocks_ahead -= 1
time_remaining_before_other_runs_complete = ts
# Attack continues, fall through...
# The Normal Machines have a chance at winning now that they've
# finished.
if rand() < po
# They win.
other_wins += 1
# FIXME: This is wrong
block_times << ts
# If the Normal Machines have running time left (any at all), let's give the
# attacker a whole opportunity to mine the block. This gives them an extra
# advantage, so the simulation upper bounds their advantage.
if time_remaining_before_other_runs_complete > 0
# The Normal Machines make progress towards finishing their run.
time_remaining_before_other_runs_complete = [0, time_remaining_before_other_runs_complete - tf].max
if time_remaining_before_other_runs_complete == 0
normal_machines_finish = true
if rand() < pa
# Attacker's strategy advantage has them win this block.
attacker_wins += 1
attacker_blocks_ahead += 1
# FIXME: This isn't right.
block_times << tf
# Attacker didn't win, but they might still be able to get another full
# run in before the Normal Machines finish. Restart the loop.
# Default Strategy
# ---------------
# We get here when the attacker doesn't know there's time before the Normal
# Machines finish running, and can't release a block to make that the case.
assert(time_remaining_before_other_runs_complete == 0)
assert(attacker_blocks_ahead == 0)
# This is the same as normal mining, except for we set
# `time_remaining_before_other_runs_complete` appropriately when the
# attacker wins the block.
time = 0
next_other_run = ts
loop do
new_time = time + tf
if time < next_other_run && next_other_run <= new_time
if rand() < po
# The Normal Machine portion of the network wins this block.
other_wins += 1
block_times << next_other_run
next_other_run += ts
if rand() < pa
# The Attacker Machine portion of the network wins this block.
attacker_wins += 1
attacker_blocks_ahead += 1
time_remaining_before_other_runs_complete = next_other_run - new_time
block_times << new_time
time = new_time
return attacker_wins, other_wins, (block_times.inject(:+).to_f/blocks)
def calculate_po_default_strategy(tb, tf, ts, pa)
ts/tb * (1.0 - pa * tb/tf)
def calculate_po_attacker_strategy(tb, tf, ts, pa)
# Experimentally, we get good results (block target time near 1) using the
# same `po` as for the regular case, so we don't need to bother implementing
# newton's method or whatever to find the correct `po` for the attack case.
po = calculate_po_default_strategy(tb, tf, ts, pa)
return po
# The target block interval
tb = 1.0
# The running time of a Normal Machine
ts = tb / regular_equihash_per_block.to_f
# The running time of an Attacker Machine
tf = ts / attacker_speedup
# The probability one of the solutions produced by one run of all the Attacker
# Machines will pass the difficulty check.
pa = attacker_network_fraction * tf/tb
# The probability one of the solutions produced by one run of all the Normal
# Machines will pass the difficulty check.
po = calculate_po_default_strategy(tb, tf, ts, pa)
# No-attack case
attacker_wins, other_wins, avg_block_time = simulate_blocks_default_strategy(
# Attack case
attacker_wins_a, other_wins_a, avg_block_time_a = simulate_blocks_attacker_strategy(
puts "Inputs"
puts "-------"
puts "Regulars can do #{regular_equihash_per_block} equihash runs per block interval."
puts "The attacker's implementation is #{attacker_speedup}x faster."
puts "The attacker should control #{(attacker_network_fraction*100).round(2)}% of the network in the regular case."
puts ""
puts "Results"
puts "--------"
puts "The attacker's probability of passing the difficulty check in one round is #{pa.round(6)}."
puts "The simulated attacker won #{(attacker_wins.to_f/blocks * 100).round(2)}% of the blocks normally (should match the percentage above)."
puts "The simulated attacker won #{(attacker_wins_a.to_f/blocks * 100).round(2)}% of the blocks using the attack strategy."
puts "The attacker gains a #{(attacker_wins_a.to_f/attacker_wins).round(4)} advantage factor (+#{((attacker_wins_a.to_f/attacker_wins - 1)*100).round(2)}%) by using the attack strategy."
puts ""
puts "Sanity Checks"
puts "--------------"
puts "The observed block interval in the regular case (should be ~1): #{avg_block_time.round(6)}"
puts "The observed block interval in the attack case (should be ~1): #{avg_block_time_a.round(6)}"
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