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Created January 17, 2012 22:28
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python idastar vs astar
import sys
import copy
import time
import math
import heapq
import argparse
USAGE = "python [bfs|idfs|astar|idastar]"
HARD_START =[2, 5, None,
1, 4, 8,
7, 3, 6]
GOAL = [1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6,
7, 8, None]
EASY_START = [1, 2, 3,
4, None, 5,
7, 8, 6]
MIDDLE_START = [4, None, 1,
5, 8, 2,
7, 6, 3]
"hard": HARD_START,
"middle": MIDDLE_START}
class Node(object):
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
self.cost = None
self.total_cost = None
self.parent = None
def __repr__(self):
return str(self.value)
#XXX overwritten <=
# heapq is faster than sorted
def __le__(self, other):
return self.total_cost <= other.total_cost
class PuzzleSearch(object):
def __init__(self, start, goal):
self.start = start
self.goal = goal
self.nodes = []
self.maxnodes = 0
self.maxelapsed = 0
self.maxdepth = 0
def _position_by_value(self, node, value):
cells = int(math.sqrt(len(node)))
row_idx = node.index(value) / cells
col_idx = node.index(value) % cells
return row_idx, col_idx
def _move_left(self, node):
row_idx, col_idx = self._position_by_value(node, None)
cells = int(math.sqrt(len(node)))
if col_idx != 0:
newnode = copy.deepcopy(node)
idx_old = cells * row_idx + col_idx
idx_new = cells * row_idx + col_idx-1
new_val = node[idx_new]
newnode[idx_old] = new_val
newnode[idx_new] = None
return newnode
def _move_right(self, node):
row_idx, col_idx = self._position_by_value(node, None)
cells = int(math.sqrt(len(node)))
max_col = cells-1
if col_idx != max_col:
newnode = copy.deepcopy(node)
idx_old = cells * row_idx + col_idx
idx_new = cells * row_idx + col_idx+1
new_val = node[idx_new]
newnode[idx_old] = new_val
newnode[idx_new] = None
return newnode
def _move_up(self, node):
row_idx, col_idx = self._position_by_value(node, None)
cells = int(math.sqrt(len(node)))
if row_idx != 0:
newnode = copy.deepcopy(node)
idx_old = cells * row_idx + col_idx
idx_new = cells * (row_idx-1) + col_idx
new_val = node[idx_new]
newnode[idx_old] = new_val
newnode[idx_new] = None
return newnode
def _move_down(self, node):
row_idx, col_idx = self._position_by_value(node, None)
cells = int(math.sqrt(len(node)))
max_row = cells-1
if row_idx != max_row:
newnode = copy.deepcopy(node)
idx_old = cells * row_idx + col_idx
idx_new = cells * (row_idx+1) + col_idx
new_val = node[idx_new]
newnode[idx_old] = new_val
newnode[idx_new] = None
return newnode
def get_children(self, node):
tmp_nodes = []
new_node_list = []
for new in tmp_nodes:
if new:
return new_node_list
def _heuristic_manhatten(self, node, goal):
N | 1 | 2
3 | 4 | 5
6 | 7 | 8
1 | 2 | 5
3 | 4 | 8
6 | 7 | N
== 0 + 1 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 1 = 4
ret = 0
for i in node:
# exclude None
if not i:
row_idx, col_idx = self._position_by_value(node, i)
row_idx_goal, col_idx_goal = self._position_by_value(goal, i)
ret += abs(row_idx_goal - row_idx) + abs(col_idx_goal - col_idx)
return ret
def _dfs_heuristic(self, node, limit):
newlimit = FINFINITY
node_list = [node]
minimum = FINFINITY
while node_list:
node = node_list.pop(0)
if node.total_cost > limit:
return node, node.total_cost
if node.value == self.goal.value:
return node, node.total_cost
tmp = self.get_children(node.value)
tmp_nodes = []
for i in tmp:
obj_node = Node(i)
obj_node.parent = node
obj_node.cost = self._heuristic_manhatten(i, self.goal.value)
obj_node.total_cost = obj_node.cost + node.total_cost
if newlimit < minimum:
minimum = newlimit
node_list = node_list + tmp_nodes
return None, newlimit
def _dfs_heuristic_rec(self, node, limit, depth):
depth +=1
if node.total_cost > limit:
return node, node.total_cost
if node.value == self.goal.value:
return node, node.total_cost
tmp = self.get_children(node.value)
minimum = FINFINITY
for i in tmp:
obj_node = Node(i)
obj_node.parent = node
obj_node.cost = self._heuristic_manhatten(i, self.goal.value)
obj_node.total_cost = obj_node.cost + node.total_cost
self.maxnodes += 1
ret, newlimit = self._dfs_heuristic_rec(obj_node, limit, depth)
if ret.value == self.goal.value:
return ret, ret.total_cost
if newlimit < minimum:
minimum = newlimit
return node, minimum
def idastar(self):
self.start.cost = self._heuristic_manhatten(self.start.value,
self.start.total_cost = 0
limit = self.start.cost
loops = 0
node = None
depth = 0
while limit < FINFINITY:
loops +=1
# TODO as a while loop
# node, tmp_limit = self._dfs_heuristic(self.start, limit)
node, tmp_limit = self._dfs_heuristic_rec(self.start, limit, depth)
limit = tmp_limit + 1
if node.value == self.goal.value:
print("Max nodes %s loops %s" % (
self.maxnodes, loops))
return node
def astar(self, node_list=None):
ret = None
if not node_list:
self.start.cost = self._heuristic_manhatten(self.start.value,
self.start.total_cost = 0
node_list = []
heapq.heappush(node_list, self.start)
visited = []
loops = 0
while node_list:
loops +=1
node = heapq.heappop(node_list)
if node.value == self.goal.value:
print("Max nodes %s loops %s" % (
self.maxnodes, loops))
return node
tmp = self.get_children(node.value)
for i in tmp:
if i not in visited:
self.maxnodes += 1
obj_node = Node(i)
obj_node.parent = node
obj_node.cost = self._heuristic_manhatten(i, self.goal.value)
obj_node.total_cost = obj_node.cost + node.total_cost
heapq.heappush(node_list, obj_node)
return ret
def _dfs(self, node, deep, limit, visited):
if node.value == self.goal.value:
return node
tmp = self.get_children(node.value)
new_node_list = []
for i in tmp:
#remove cycles of 2
if i not in visited:
obj_node = Node(i)
obj_node.parent = node
while new_node_list and deep < limit:
parent = new_node_list.pop(0)
ret = self._dfs(parent, deep + 1, limit, visited)
if ret:
if ret.value == self.goal.value:
return ret
return None
def idfs(self):
limit = 0
ret = None
while True:
visited = []
ret = self._dfs(self.start, 0, limit, visited)
limit +=1
#print limit
if ret:
return ret
def bfs(self):
visited = []
ret = self._bfs([self.start], visited)
return ret
def _bfs(self, node_list, visited):
new_node_list = []
for node in node_list:
if node.value == self.goal.value:
return node
tmp = self.get_children(node.value)
for i in tmp:
#remove cycles of 2
if i not in visited:
obj_node = Node(i)
obj_node.parent = node
if new_node_list:
ret = self._bfs(new_node_list, visited)
return ret
def rep_node(self, node):
ret = ""
cells = int(math.sqrt(len(node)))
for count, val in enumerate(node):
if not val:
val = "N"
if (count + 1) % cells > 0:
ret += " %s |" % val
ret += " %s\n" % val
return ret
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Search 8-Puzzle Solver')
parser.add_argument('-a', action="store", dest="algo", default="astar",
help="Select between idastar, astar, bfs, idfs")
parser.add_argument('-d', action="store", dest="difficulty", default="hard",
help="Select between easy, middle, hard")
parser.add_argument('-c', action="store", dest="count", type=int,
default=1, help="Set runs count")
result = parser.parse_args()
if result.algo not in ("astar", "idastar", "bfs", "idfs", "test"):
if result.difficulty not in ("middle", "easy", "hard"):
if result.algo in ("astar", "idastar", "bfs", "idfs"):
START = START_DICT.get(result.difficulty)
puzzle = PuzzleSearch(Node(START), Node(GOAL))
for i in range(result.count):
start = time.time()
func = getattr(puzzle, result.algo)
res = func()
elapsed = (time.time() - start)
print("%s - RESULT in %.4f: \n" % (result.algo.upper(), (elapsed)))
node = res
count = 0
while True:
count +=1
if not node:
print puzzle.rep_node(node.value)
print "cost: %s total_cost: %s\n" % (node.cost, node.total_cost)
node = node.parent
print "nodes %s\n" % count
if result.algo == "test":
print "TEST MOVE"
START = START_DICT.get("easy")
puzzle = PuzzleSearch(START, GOAL)
print puzzle.rep_node(START)
print "right: \n", puzzle.rep_node(puzzle._move_right(START))
print "left: \n", puzzle.rep_node(puzzle._move_left(START))
print "down: \n", puzzle.rep_node(puzzle._move_down(START))
print "up: \n", puzzle.rep_node(puzzle._move_up(START))
G = [None, 1, 2,
3, 4, 5,
6 ,7 ,8]
print puzzle.rep_node(G)
S = [1, 2, 5,
3, 4, 8,
6, 7,None]
print puzzle.rep_node(S)
print "Result: %s" % puzzle._heuristic_manhatten(S, G)
print "1 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 1 = 4"
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