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Save demonixis/214977e2bcee4bc550fc279f671a86e2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Configuration file for the OSVR server using the HDK in Direct Mode, the Kinect V2 sensor and the Fusion Plugin. It's a bit experimental for now, the x and z axis are reversed with Kinect.
"description": "This configuration supports video (so-called 'positional') and IMU fusion tracking, in addition to orientation-only tracking, with the OSVR HDK. It is configured for RenderManager applications in direct mode (portrait) on HDK 1.3 optics.",
"display": "displays/OSVR_HDK_1_3.json",
"renderManagerConfig": "sample-configs/",
"drivers": [{
"plugin": "com_osvr_VideoBasedHMDTracker",
"driver": "VideoBasedHMDTracker",
"params": {
"showDebug": false,
"includeRearPanel": true,
"headCircumference": 55.75,
"calibrationFile": "videotrackerCombinedCalibrationFile13.json"
}, {
"plugin": "je_nourish_fusion",
"driver": "FusionDevice",
"params": {
"name": "HDK_Kinect",
"position": "/je_nourish_kinect/KinectV2/semantic/body1/head",
"orientation": "/com_osvr_Multiserver/OSVRHackerDevKitPrediction0/semantic/hmd",
"alignInitialOrientation": true,
"offsetFromRotationCenter": {
"x": 0,
"y": 0.01,
"z": -0.05
"aliases": {
"/headSpace": {
"translate": [0.0, 0.0, 0.04141],
"child": "/org_osvr_filter_videoimufusion/HeadFusion/semantic/fused"
"/me/head": "/je_nourish_fusion/HDK_Kinect/tracker/0"
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benybo commented Feb 1, 2017

I use your configuration example for the server OSVR using a HDK2 in direct mode, it works very well with the sensor Kinect V2! But actually, the x and z axes are inverted with Kinect. Have you solved the problem? And how? ... can we change the orientation of hmd, without the kinect following? Or the contrary?
Sorry for my English, I'm French ... :)
Thank you

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