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Created July 2, 2020 16:39
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How shift-invert finds eigenvalues, in pictures 2 Jul 2020

How shift-invert finds eigenvalues, in pictures

Keywords: eigenvalues, eigenvectors, shift-invert, ARPACK, scipy, python

Pictures first:



Eigenvalues and eigenvectors describe a matrix or linear transform A of N-space in terms of INDEPENDENT (orthogonal, decoupled) vectors V0 V1 ... which A stretches by "stretch factors" λ0 λ1 ...

A V0 = λ0 V0
A V1 = λ1 V1  # independent, orthogonal to, V0
A V2 = λ2 V2  # independent of V0 and V1 ...

Basics of shifted eigenvalues

  1. if A has eigenvalues λ0 λ1 ..., A - shift I has eigenvalues λ0-shift, λ1-shift ...
  2. if A has eigenvalues λ0 λ1 ... all != 0, the inverse matrix Ainv or inv(A) has eigenvalues 1/λ0 1/λ1 ...

Exercise: what are the eigenvalues of inv( A - shift I ) ? How are its eigenvectors related to those of A ? Hint: first do the case A diagonal, e.g. x, y, z -> 2x, 3y, -z.

In some problem areas, the largest eigenvalues are of interest; in others, the smallest (for complex eigenvalues, the smallest in magnitude).

In practice, finding large eigenvalues is easier than finding small ones. The raison d'etre of the shift-invert method is to transform "small, difficult" to "large, easier", and back again.

Some kinds of matrices

  1. diagonal, x -> [A00*x0 A11*x1 ...] per component. To understand a matrix algorithm, start with A diagonal.
  2. A real and symmetric, Aij == Aji => λ0 λ1 ... are all real
  3. A positive definite, posdef: real symmetric, and λ0 λ1 ... all > 0
  4. A non-negative-definite: λ0 λ1 ... all >= 0 (Beware: the eigenvalues of matrices X' X are in theory all real >= 0 , but in practice you may see a few tiny < 0, or tiny imaginary parts.)
  5. Singular, some eigenvalues very near 0. Shift-invert for the smallest eigenvalues, shift 0, approaches 1 / 0 -- trouble.
  6. non-Normal matrices have no orthonormal basis V0 V1 ... at all.

Which matrices are easy, which hard, for iterative eigensolvers like Arpack ? There's no general answer. Posdef matrices like X' X are far easier than e.g. sparse random Circular law matrices. Closely spaced eigenvalues, or large null space, cause slow convegence and inaccurate eigenpairs.

Try scipy.linalg.eigvals first

If your N x N dense matrix fits in memory, try scipy.linalg.eigvalsh / eigh overnight, first with .astype(np.float32). For example, on a 29027 x 29027 almost-non-negative-definite matrix from SO finding-smallest-eigenvectors-of-large-sparse-matrix , np.linalg.eigh found all eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the 7 Gb dense matrix in under an hour on my old 4-core, 16 Gb imac. Messing with Arpack tol etc. for just 10 eigenpairs, of uncertain accuracy at that, took a lot longer in human time.

Added 2 July: I see speed ratios ~ 1 : 2 : 5 : 5 for scipy eigvalsh float32, scipy eigvalsh float64, numpy eigvalsh 32 or 64, on randomsparse().A, dense. see Test-eigvals-numpy-scipy under gists.

For dense symmetric matrices, see also scipy.linalg.eigvalsh eigvals=[0,9] for the 10 smallest, eigvals=[n-10,n-1] for the 10 largest eigenpairs.

(Does anyone know of a free cloud computer with numpy, scipy and lots of memory ?)

Scipy Arpack shift-invert

Background: scipy.sparse.linalg.eigs .

Shift-invert mode for eigenvalues near 0 (sigma=0) or near a given shift, must solve the sparse linear system (A - shift I) x = b many many times. Obviously, slow linear solver => slow Arpack. But the runtimes of various solvers even on random A can vary by a factor of 100, depending on where shift puts the eigenvalues -- see Circular law and gists,

Arpack's default solvers are splu for matrices and gmres (with curious tol) for LinearOperators. I'd suggest:

  • for symmetric matrices with eigenvalues >= 0, use sksparse.cholmod with beta=1e-6 or so to nudge near-0 eigenvalues positive.

  • for scipy.sparse matrices, use spsolve with scikit-umfpack; I've seen a 50 times speedup. (If pip install scikit-umfpack doesn't work, see the under gists, or try conda.)

  • for LinearOperators, try lgmres .

  • start with tol=1e-5, not the default tol=0, machine precision, and a sensible atol. (IFAQ: what is tol in Arpack ?)

  • start with v0=np.ones(n), not the default random start vector (unless you're planning an article in the Journal of Irreproducible Results). A start vector from a half-size problem, or from previous runs, must work much better.

How to run Arpack with a linear-solver-of-your-choice

Todo: writeup class Invop

Check, check again

Always check the accuracy of calculated eigenvalues and vectors:

evals, V = np.linalg.eig( A )  # or eigh
	# or sparse: evals, V = eigs( A, k=10, tol=1e-6 )  # small: sigma=0
	# evals, V = eigsort( evals, V )
diffs = V ) - V * evals  # sparse: N x 10
maxdiffs = np.linalg.norm( diffs, axis=0, ord=np.inf )
print( "|Av - λv|_max:", maxdiffs )

See also

Scipy Arpack tutorial
Eigenvalue algorithm
Numerical Recipes pages 563-599
Scicomp CG GMRES
Test-sparse-solvers under my gists

Comments welcome, test cases welcome

-- denis-bz-py 2 July 2020

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