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denis-bz /
Last active April 23, 2024 15:02
Cosmopy: clip and regrid COSMO_REA6 wind data to python numpy
denis-bz /
Created July 17, 2023 12:53 from 2011

Old with Kruskal's algorithm is simple old (2011) code for MSTs using Kruskal's algorithm -- see the animation there.


single-link k-clustering == MST k-1 most expensive edges

but min( max spacing ), Theorem 1, may be wrong or at least odd for k-clustering ?

denis-bz /
Last active June 24, 2023 16:11
Windspeeds in Bayern, COSMO_REA6 vs. ERA5

Windspeeds in Bayern, COSMO_REA6 vs. ERA5

Here are plots of average windspeeds in Bayern in January 2018 at 100m,
COSMO_REA6 on its ~ 6 × 6 km grid
ERA5 on its 0.25° × 0.25° grid.
We see big differences over the Alps in the south and over hilly areas in north Bayern.

24jun-WS_100m 2D 201801


denis-bz /
Last active December 20, 2022 17:35
Wind speeds at 100m in Bayern, ERA5 vs. globalwindatlas 20 Dec 2022
denis-bz /
Last active November 17, 2022 11:06
How efficient are wind, sun, biomass in the German provinces in 2019 - 2020 13 Nov 2022

How efficient are wind, sun, biomass in the German provinces in 2019 - 2020 ?

Keywords: Renewable energy, wind energy, electricity, Germany

Purpose: look at the efficiency of electricity produced in the German provinces from sun, wind and biomass, with files from official data:
LAK, real: 2019, Länderarbeitskreis Energiebilanzen Bruttostromerzeugung nach Erneuerbaren Energieträgern
BMWK, max 31.12.2020,

denis-bz /
Created October 31, 2022 10:28
Wind speeds and capacity factors in the Netherlands from wikipedia, KNMI and globalwindatlas 31 Oct 2022

Windspeeds and capacity factors in the Netherlands from wikipedia, KNMI and globalwindatlas

Keywords: wind, wind farm, wind speed, capacity factor, onshore, Netherlands, globalwindatlas, GWA, KNMI

What I want to do is show my neighbors around Munich that windfarms make more sense where there's more wind. GWA has a nice GUI, which everyone can understand. But are their wind speed and capacity factors accurate enough to convince anyone ?

nl.wikipedia Windturbines_in_Nederland,

denis-bz /
Created August 30, 2022 14:08
Introduction to Netherlands wind data with xarray

Introduction to Netherlands wind data with xarray

Keywords: Netherlands, wind, wind speed, KNMI, python, xarray, data-carpentry

Purpose: introduce Netherlands wind data from KNMI, the Royal Netherlands$ Meteorological Institute, with the steps:

  1. download 2 \.nc files by hand, one day and one gridpoint
  2. look at them in xarray
denis-bz /
Created July 23, 2022 14:30
Windspeeds and windfarms in Bayern 23 Jul 2022

Windspeeds and windfarms in Bayern

Keywords: wind power, Germany, Bayern, globalwindatlas, GWA

Purpose: I'm trying to show my neighbors around Munich that windfarms make more sense where there's more wind. To this end, here's a map of GWA windspeeds at 150m, together with the sites of 202 windfarms in Bayern:


denis-bz /
Last active June 11, 2024 15:27
Poisson2 - 4 I: nice test matrices for linear solvers and eigensolvers 25 Jun 2022

Poisson2 - 4 I: nice test matrices for linear solvers and eigensolvers

Purpose: a simple generator of test matrices for linear solvers and eigensolvers

Keywords: sparse-matrix, linear-solver, eigensolver, arpack, nullspace, python

poisson2( n ) below generates sparse $n^2 \ x \ n^2$ matrices $A$ with $A$ symmetric (aka Hermitian) and positive-definite; solving $A \ x = b$ is then relatively easy. $A_4 = A - 4 I$ is more interesting: there are $n$ vectors $z_i$

denis-bz /
Created June 21, 2022 16:01
One-line queries of the SuiteSparse matrix collection 21 Jun 2022
#!/usr/bin/env python3
""" Usage:
python3 '(posdef == 1) & (1000 <= rows <= 20000)' posdef.csv
queries it
writes "posdef.csv" like
# SuiteSparse posdef & (1000 <= rows <= 20000)