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Created June 10, 2019 12:45
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A 6 x 6 linprog testcase from glpk: 3 methods x sparse / dense give different results 2019-06-10 Jun 12:45z

A 6 x 6 linprog testcase from glpk: 3 methods x sparse / dense give different results below is a 6 x 6 testcase of scipy.optimize.linprog from a GLPK example, transp. In outline:

for method in ["interior-point", "revised simplex", "simplex"]:
    for sparse in [True, False]
            linprog( ... )

The 6 combinations give rather different results. grep transp-linprog.log:

linprog  method: interior-point  sparse: True 
The algorithm terminated successfully and determined that the problem is infeasible.
final f: 0.649008  x: [0.711 0.57 0.515 0.707 0.557 0.549] 

linprog  method: interior-point  sparse: False 
The algorithm terminated successfully and determined that the problem is unbounded.
final f: 0.649472  x: [0.712 0.57 0.515 0.708 0.557 0.55] 

linprog  method: revised simplex  sparse: True 
ValueError: shapes (1,12) and (1,12) not aligned: 12 (dim 1) != 1 (dim 0)

linprog  method: revised simplex  sparse: False 
final f: 153.675  x: [50 300 0 275 0 275] 

linprog  method: simplex  sparse: True 
ValueError: all the input arrays must have same number of dimensions

linprog  method: simplex  sparse: False 
final f: 153.675  x: [0 300 0 325 0 275] 

The full logfile and transp.* glpk files are under transp-linprog .

Transp is the smallest of the GLPK examples/, here made into a standalone testcase. (GLPK has a dozen more plain LPs, and ~ 30 MIPs. In the unlikely event that anyone would like to run them via a hack, please let me know.)

-- denis 10 June 2019

Theory and practice are closer in theory than they are in practice.

from Mon Jun 10 13:14:42 2019
versions: numpy 1.16.4 scipy 1.3.0 python 3.7.3
c A:
[0.225 0.153 0.162 0.225 0.162 0.126]
[[0.225 0.153 0.162 0.225 0.162 0.126]
[1 1 1 0 0 0]
[0 0 0 1 1 1]
[-1 0 0 -1 0 0]
[0 -1 0 0 -1 0]
[0 0 -1 0 0 -1]]
b: [1e+10 350 600 -325 -300 -275]
params: disp True tol 0.0001
linprog method: interior-point sparse: True
Primal Feasibility Dual Feasibility Duality Gap Step Path Parameter Objective
1.0 1.0 1.0 - 1.0 1.053
0.03970108076208 0.03970100029991 26655.09069371 0.9710884895028 0.0397002956859 0.5294453395671
2.237111193684e-06 2.237405684e-06 18.77027302619 0.9999436511367 2.236881518392e-06 0.649008009407
The algorithm terminated successfully and determined that the problem is infeasible.
Iterations: 2
final f: 0.649008 x: [0.711 0.57 0.515 0.707 0.557 0.549]
linprog method: interior-point sparse: False
Primal Feasibility Dual Feasibility Duality Gap Step Path Parameter Objective
1.0 1.0 1.0 - 1.0 1.053
0.03970102588196 0.03970106469025 67253.82154926 0.9710884895028 0.03970003971184 0.5294751484279
2.237758684622e-06 2.237995969238e-06 225.9257602917 0.9999436347497 2.240250226874e-06 0.6494724617124
The algorithm terminated successfully and determined that the problem is unbounded.
Iterations: 2
final f: 0.649472 x: [0.712 0.57 0.515 0.708 0.557 0.55]
linprog method: revised simplex sparse: True OptimizeWarning: Unknown solver options: sparse
method=method, options=options )
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 64, in <module>
method=method, options=options )
File "/opt/local/mac/big/py3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/", line 532, in linprog
c, c0=c0, A=A, b=b, x0=x0, callback=callback, _T_o=T_o, **solver_options)
File "/opt/local/mac/big/py3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/", line 543, in _linprog_rs
mast, pivot, callback, _T_o, disp))
File "/opt/local/mac/big/py3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/", line 51, in _phase_one
A, b, c, basis, x, status = _generate_auxiliary_problem(A, b, x0, tol)
File "/opt/local/mac/big/py3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/", line 195, in _generate_auxiliary_problem
cols, rows = _select_singleton_columns(A, r)
File "/opt/local/mac/big/py3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/", line 254, in _select_singleton_columns
same_sign = A[row_indices, column_indices]*b[row_indices] >= 0
File "/opt/local/mac/big/py3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/numpy/matrixlib/", line 220, in __mul__
return, asmatrix(other))
ValueError: shapes (1,12) and (1,12) not aligned: 12 (dim 1) != 1 (dim 0)
linprog method: revised simplex sparse: False OptimizeWarning: Unknown solver options: sparse
method=method, options=options )
Phase Iteration Minimum Slack Constraint Residual Objective
1 0 -325.0 0.0 0.0
1 1 -300.0 0.0 73.125
1 2 -275.0 0.0 76.95
1 3 -275.0 0.0 119.025
1 4 -225.0 0.0 127.125
1 5 0.0 0.0 165.6
2 5 0.0 0.0 165.6
2 6 0.0 0.0 155.475
2 7 0.0 0.0 153.675
Optimization terminated successfully.
Current function value: 153.675000
Iterations: 7
final f: 153.675 x: [50 300 0 275 0 275]
linprog method: simplex sparse: True OptimizeWarning: Unknown solver options: sparse
method=method, options=options )
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 64, in <module>
method=method, options=options )
File "/opt/local/mac/big/py3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/", line 526, in linprog
c, c0=c0, A=A, b=b, callback=callback, _T_o=T_o, **solver_options)
File "/opt/local/mac/big/py3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/", line 601, in _linprog_simplex
row_constraints = np.hstack((A, np.eye(n), b[:, np.newaxis]))
File "/opt/local/mac/big/py3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/numpy/core/", line 338, in hstack
return _nx.concatenate(arrs, 0)
ValueError: all the input arrays must have same number of dimensions
linprog method: simplex sparse: False
Optimization terminated successfully.
Current function value: 153.675000
Iterations: 18
final f: 153.675 x: [0 300 0 325 0 275]
#!/usr/bin/env python
""" linprog testcase from transp.glp: all 3 methods, sparse / dense """
from __future__ import division, print_function
import sys
import time
import traceback # cf. better-exceptions
import numpy as np
import scipy
from scipy import sparse
from scipy.optimize import linprog # $scopt13/
__version__ = "2019-06-10 june"
__author_email__ = "denis-bz-py"
np.set_printoptions( threshold=10, edgeitems=5, linewidth=140,
formatter = dict( float = lambda x: "%.3g" % x )) # float arrays %.3g
print( "\n" + 80 * "=" )
print( "from", " ".join( sys.argv ), time.strftime( "%c" ))
print( "versions: numpy %s scipy %s python %s " % (
np.__version__, scipy.__version__ , sys.version.split()[0] ))
disp = True
maxiter = 50
tol = 1e-4 # default 1e-8
# from glpk /examples/transp.glp glp_linprog --
c = np.r_[ 0.225, 0.153, 0.162, 0.225, 0.162, 0.126 ]
lb = np.r_[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
ub = np.r_[ 1e10, 1e10, 1e10, 1e10, 1e10, 1e10 ] # grr inf
b = np.r_[ 1e10, 350, 600, -325, -300, -275 ]
Adense = np.array(
[[0.225, 0.153, 0.162, 0.225, 0.162, 0.126],
[1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1],
[-1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0],
[0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0],
[0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1]]
# to change these params, run a=1 b=None 'c = expr' ...
# in sh or ipython --
for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
exec( arg )
A = [Adense, sparse.csr_matrix( Adense )]
bounds = np.c_[ lb, ub ]
print( "c A: \n%s \n%s \nb: %s " % (c, Adense, b) )
print( "params: disp %s tol %g " % (disp, tol) )
for method in ["interior-point", "revised simplex", "simplex"]:
for sparse in [True, False]:
print( "\n" + 80 * "-" )
print( "linprog method: %s sparse: %s " % (method, sparse) )
options = dict( disp=disp, maxiter=maxiter, tol=tol,
sparse = sparse ) # rs, simplex OptimizeWarning
res = linprog( A_ub=A[sparse], b_ub=b, c=c, bounds=bounds,
method=method, options=options )
if not disp:
print( "linprog:", res.message )
print( "final f: %g x: %s " % (, res.x) )
# glpk: 50 300 0 275 0 275
except (IndexError, ValueError):
p lp min 6 6 18
n p transp
n z cost
i 1 f
n i 1 cost
i 2 u 350
n i 2 supply[Seattle]
i 3 u 600
n i 3 supply[San-Diego]
i 4 l 325
n i 4 demand[New-York]
i 5 l 300
n i 5 demand[Chicago]
i 6 l 275
n i 6 demand[Topeka]
n j 1 x[Seattle,New-York]
n j 2 x[Seattle,Chicago]
n j 3 x[Seattle,Topeka]
n j 4 x[San-Diego,New-York]
n j 5 x[San-Diego,Chicago]
n j 6 x[San-Diego,Topeka]
a 0 1 0.225
a 0 2 0.153
a 0 3 0.162
a 0 4 0.225
a 0 5 0.162
a 0 6 0.126
a 1 1 0.225
a 1 2 0.153
a 1 3 0.162
a 1 4 0.225
a 1 5 0.162
a 1 6 0.126
a 2 1 1
a 2 2 1
a 2 3 1
a 3 4 1
a 3 5 1
a 3 6 1
a 4 1 1
a 4 4 1
a 5 2 1
a 5 5 1
a 6 3 1
a 6 6 1
e o f
# This problem finds a least cost shipping schedule that meets
# requirements at markets and supplies at factories.
# References:
# Dantzig G B, "Linear Programming and Extensions."
# Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1963,
# Chapter 3-3.
set I;
/* canning plants */
set J;
/* markets */
param a{i in I};
/* capacity of plant i in cases */
param b{j in J};
/* demand at market j in cases */
param d{i in I, j in J};
/* distance in thousands of miles */
param f;
/* freight in dollars per case per thousand miles */
param c{i in I, j in J} := f * d[i,j] / 1000;
/* transport cost in thousands of dollars per case */
var x{i in I, j in J} >= 0;
/* shipment quantities in cases */
minimize cost: sum{i in I, j in J} c[i,j] * x[i,j];
/* total transportation costs in thousands of dollars */
s.t. supply{i in I}: sum{j in J} x[i,j] <= a[i];
/* observe supply limit at plant i */
s.t. demand{j in J}: sum{i in I} x[i,j] >= b[j];
/* satisfy demand at market j */
set I := Seattle San-Diego;
set J := New-York Chicago Topeka;
param a := Seattle 350
San-Diego 600;
param b := New-York 325
Chicago 300
Topeka 275;
param d : New-York Chicago Topeka :=
Seattle 2.5 1.7 1.8
San-Diego 2.5 1.8 1.4 ;
param f := 90;
c Problem: transp
c Rows: 6
c Columns: 6
c Non-zeros: 18
c Status: OPTIMAL
c Objective: cost = 153.675 (MINimum)
s bas 6 6 f f 153.675
i 1 b 153.675 0
i 2 u 350 0
i 3 b 550 0
i 4 l 325 0.225
i 5 l 300 0.153
i 6 l 275 0.126
j 1 b 50 0
j 2 b 300 0
j 3 l 0 0.036
j 4 b 275 0
j 5 l 0 0.00900000000000001
j 6 b 275 0
e o f
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