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Created November 4, 2016 09:49
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Save denis-bz/4ade13b5c96812a7b61b1a2822410445 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. 2016-11-04 Nov
# a tiny example of how to monitor gradients in theano
# from 9. Minimal Training Example
# denis-bz 2016-11-04 nov
import theano
import theano.tensor as TT
import numpy as np
floatx = theano.config.floatX
np.set_printoptions( threshold=20, edgeitems=10, linewidth=100,
formatter = dict( float = lambda x: "%.2g" % x )) # print arrays %.2g
# theano dataflow graphs: inputs x target, state W -> y, cost, gradients
x = TT.fvector('x')
target = TT.fscalar('target')
W = theano.shared(np.asarray([0.2, 0.7]), 'W') # state
y = (x * W).sum()
cost = TT.sqr(target - y)
gradients = TT.grad(cost, [W]) # dcost/dW
W_updated = W - (0.1 * gradients[0])
updates = [(W, W_updated)]
updater = theano.function([x, target], y, updates=updates)
# an unusual "function" --
# each call updater() takes a gradient step, updates state W
costf = theano.function( [x, target], cost, name='costf' )
gradf = theano.function( [x, target], gradients, name='gradf' )
# not [x, W, target] -- function args may not be shared vars
# flow: x, target, W too -> cost -> gradients
x0 = np.array( [1.0, 1.0] ).astype(floatx)
target0 = 20.0
print "# cost, y = x . W, state W, 0.1 gradient dcost/dW"
for i in xrange(10):
Wold = W.get_value()
gradinc = 0.1 * gradf( x0, target0 )[0]
yout = updater( x0, target0 ) # updates W
Wnew = W.get_value()
print "cost %-6.3g y %-6.3g W %-12s 0.1 grad %s" % (
costf( x0, target0 ), yout, Wold, gradinc )
# cost 131 y 0.9 W [0.2 0.7] 0.1 grad [-3.8 -3.8]
# cost 47.3 y 8.54 W [4 4.5] 0.1 grad [-2.3 -2.3]
# cost 17 y 13.1 W [6.3 6.8] 0.1 grad [-1.4 -1.4
# ...
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