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Created June 14, 2016 15:26
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Truncated SVD of A = D (Signal, diagonal) + Noise
#!/usr/bin/env python
""" Gavish + Donoho, Optimal Hard Threshold for Singular Values is 4 / sqrt 3, 2014, 14p
A = D (Signal, diagonal) + Noise
Atrunc = truncated SVD( A )
How well does Atrunc == D + Res approximate D ?
|Atrunc|, |Res| increase with ntrunc
# what am I missing:
# if one knows that Signal is diagonal, just threshold A ?
# See also
# ...
# The large-scale commercialization of random matrix methods began in 2009 :~
# $sklearn/decomposition/ aka latent semantic analysis (LSA)
from __future__ import division
import sys
import numpy as np
__version__ = "2016-06-14 june denis-bz-py t-online de"
norm = np.linalg.norm
np.set_printoptions( threshold=20, edgeitems=10, linewidth=140,
formatter = dict( float = lambda x: "%.2g" % x )) # float arrays %.2g
thispy = __file__.split("/")[-1]
def ints( x ):
return x.round().astype(int)
def norms( A ):
# matrix norms are not very intuitive
# cf. sums of squares are not very, 41 40 9
return "F norm %4.1f trace norm %3.0f" % (
norm( A, "fro" ), norm( A, "nuc" ))
# sqrt sum( sing^2 ) < sum sing
n = 100
ntrunc = [2, 10, 23]
d = 4 # v sensitive, max 10^4 |normal| ~ 4
rank = 2 # diag: rank/2 d, rank/2 -d
distrib = "normal"
# distrib = "laplace"
nbin = 10
plot = 0
seed = 0
# to change these params, run n= ... in sh or ipython
for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
exec( arg )
print "\n", 80 * "-"
params = "%s n %d d %.1f rank %d ntrunc %s distrib %s seed %d " % (
thispy, n, d, rank, ntrunc, distrib, seed )
print params
# diag: rank/2 d, rank/2 -d
diag = np.zeros( n )
diag[:rank//2] = d
diag[rank//2:rank] = - d
# diag[:2] = 1.7, 2.5 # ?
D = np.diag( diag )
Noise = getattr( np.random, distrib )( size=(n,n) ) / np.sqrt(n)
A = D + Noise
print "diag:", diag
big = np.sort( np.fabs( Noise.reshape(-1) )) [::-1]
print "biggest |Noise|:", big[:10]
print "D: ", norms( D )
print "Noise: ", norms( Noise )
print "A = D + Noise:", norms( A )
U, sing, Vt = np.linalg.svd( A, full_matrices=False )
print "singular values: %s ... %s" % (
sing[:10], sing[-2:] )
bins = sing[ : n // nbin * nbin ] .reshape( nbin, n//nbin ) .sum( axis=1 )
bins *= 100 / bins.sum()
print "histogram %: ", ints( bins )
def truncsvd( ntrunc ): # U sing Vt D
print "\nntrunc %d --" % ntrunc
Atrunc = U[:,:ntrunc] * sing[:ntrunc], Vt[:ntrunc] )
# bestdiag = Atrunc.diagonal() # best diagonal approx in F norm
print "Atrunc corner * 10:\n", ints( Atrunc[:10,:10] * 10 )
print "\nHow well does Atrunc = D + Res approximate D ?"
Res = Atrunc - D
print "Atrunc:", norms( Atrunc )
print "D: ", norms( D )
print "Res: ", norms( Res )
return Atrunc
Atruncs = map( truncsvd, ntrunc )
if plot:
# show Atrunc noise vs ntrunc --
from matplotlib import pyplot as pl
import seaborn as sns
fig, axes = pl.subplots( ncols=len(Atruncs), figsize=[16,6] )
fig.suptitle( "Truncated SVD of diagonal + random matrices \n%s " % params,
multialignment="left" )
for Atrunc, nt, ax in zip( Atruncs, ntrunc, axes ):
xlabel = "ntrunc %d" % nt
ax.set( xlabel=xlabel, xticks=[], yticks=[] )
ax.imshow( np.sqrt( np.fabs( Atrunc )), # ?,
origin="upper", interpolation=None )
if plot >= 2:
from bz.etc import numpyutil as nu
nu.savefig( "tmp.png", __file__ )
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