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Created May 12, 2014 16:44
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Trim outliers in Numpy arrays: smallest n values = the next smallest, biggest n = the next biggest
""" trim outliers: smallest n values = next smallest, biggest n = next biggest
X, smallest, biggest = winsorize( X, n )
-> X trimmed *inplace*
smallest: n+1 smallest
biggest: n+1 biggest
To winsorize the top 5 % and bottom 5 %,
winsorize( X, X.size * .05 )
X may be 2d, 3d ... (but winsorizing each dimension separately would make more sense)
See also
import numpy as np
def winsorize( X, n=1 ):
winsorize.__doc__ = globals()["__doc__"] # as above
X = np.asarray_chkfinite(X)
shape = X.shape
X = X.reshape(-1) # flat
J = np.argsort( X ) # fast enough, 1m: 135 ms on 2.7GHz imac
if not isinstance( n, int ):
n = max( int(round( n )), 1 )
jsmall = J[:n+1]
jbig = J[-n-1:]
small = X[jsmall]
big = X[jbig]
X[jsmall[:-1]] = X[jsmall[-1]]
X[jbig[1:]] = X[jbig[0]]
return X.reshape(shape), small, big
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
N = 1e6
nwin = 1
seed = 0
# run a=1 b=None c=[3] 'd = expr' ... in sh or ipython
for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
exec( arg )
np.set_printoptions( 2, threshold=100, edgeitems=10, linewidth=100, suppress=True,
formatter = dict( float = lambda x: "%.2g" % x ))
N = int(N)
X = np.random.uniform( size=N )
X, small, big = winsorize( X, nwin )
print "winsorize( %d, %d )" % (N, nwin)
print "smallest:", small
print "biggest: 1 -", 1 - big
print "X.min %.2g \nX.max 1 - %.2g" % (X.min(), 1 - X.max())
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