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Last active February 28, 2024 03:15
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A simple example of ILC, Iterative learning control, for "learning" a control curve
""" a simple example of ILC
from Moore, Iterative learning control: a tutorial and big picture 2006 6p
from __future__ import division
import sys
import numpy as np
# from scipy import signal as ssig
# sys = LTI( (num, den) or (zeros, poles, gains) or (A,B,C,D) )
# T, yout = sys.step( U, [T = np.arange] ) ssig.step
__version__ = "2015-02-17 feb denis-bz-py t-online de"
rates = [1.15, 1.5] # aka gamma, eta, learning rate, stepsize
n = 50
errtol = 1e-3 # av |target - y|
plot = 0
save = 0
seed = 0
A = np.array( [[-.8, -.22], [1, 0] ]) # from Moore
B = np.array( [.5, 1] ) # grr lti [:,np.newaxis]
C = np.array( [1, .5] )
D = np.zeros( 1 )
niter = 20
# to change these params in sh or ipython, run a=1 b=None c=[3] ...
for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
exec( arg )
np.set_printoptions( threshold=10, edgeitems=3, linewidth=150,
formatter = dict( float = lambda x: "%.2g" % x )) # float arrays %.2g
thispy = __file__.split("/")[-1]
if plot:
from matplotlib import pyplot as pl
import seaborn
fig, axes = pl.subplots( nrows=len(rates) )
fig.suptitle( "A simple example of ILC, iterative learning control from Moore et al." )
for rate, ax in zip( rates, axes ):
ax.set_ylabel( "rate %.3g" % rate )
axes = len(rates) * [None]
target = np.sin( 8 * np.arange(n) / n )
print "%s n %d errtol %g rates %s " % ( thispy, n, errtol, np.array(rates) )
print "target:", target
# print "A %s \nB %s \nC %s \nD %s" % (A, B[:,np.newaxis], C, D)
# ltisys = ssig.ltisys.lti( A, B[:,np.newaxis], C, D )
# scipy/signal/ BadCoefficients
def ltistep( U, A=A, B=B, C=C ):
""" LTI( A B C ): U -> y linear
straight up
U, A, B, C = map( np.asarray, (U, A, B, C) )
xk = np.zeros( A.shape[1] )
x = [xk]
for u in U[:-1]:
xk = + u )
x.append( xk.copy() )
return x, C )
## mttiw: return ltisys.step( U ) n-1 x 2n
for rate, ax in zip( rates, axes ):
print "\nrate %g --" % rate # todo: optimize rate_k curve
U = np.zeros(n)
errs = []
Us = []
for iter in range(niter):
y = ltistep( U )
err = target - y # oscillates:
U[:-1] += rate * err[1:] # why is the shift so effective ?
abserr = np.fabs(err)
av, maxerr = abserr.mean(), abserr.max()
deltaU = np.fabs( U - Us[-1] ).mean() if len(Us) > 0 \
else np.NaN
print "err: %2d: av %-8.2g max %-8.2g dU %-8.2g %s " % (
iter, av, maxerr, deltaU, err)
errs.append( err.copy() )
Us.append( U.copy() )
if plot and iter >= 5:
ax.plot( err )
# yrug( ax, maxerr )
if maxerr <= errtol:
errs = np.array( errs )
Us = np.array( Us )
# print "u - target:", Us[-1] - target
if save:
npz = "rate%.3g.npz" % rate
print "saving to %s err %s U %s" % (npz, errs.shape, Us.shape)
np.savez( npz, err=errs, U=Us, rate=rate )
if plot:
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