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Created June 7, 2020 10:32
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Chebyshev series of matrices 7 Jun 2020
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Chebyshev series of matrices
polyD = Cheblinop( A, [c0 c1 c2 ...] ) # a LinearOperator
A: a square numpy array
| scipy.sparse matrix
| scipy.sparse LinearOperator
coefs: [c0 c1 ...] arraylike
| numpy Chebyshev polynomial T( coefs [, domain=] )
| filename to polyload
polyD(x): the Chebyshev series of matrix A, dot x
(c0 I + c1 T1( A ) + c2 T2( A ) ...) dot x
x: scalar / vec / array / matrix -- anything for which works
keywords: Chebyshev-polynomial, Chebyshev-series, matrix, sparse-matrix, numpy, scipy, LinearOperator
# Chebyshev polynomials: [Numerical Recipes]( ff.
from __future__ import division, print_function
import re
from six import string_types
import numpy as np
from numpy.polynomial import Chebyshev as T, Polynomial as P
from scipy import sparse
from scipy.sparse.linalg import LinearOperator # $scipy/sparse/linalg/
from polyutil import polysave, polyload, polystr # .npz <-> P()
except ImportError:
__version__ = "2020-06-07 June denis-bz-py"
class Cheblinop( LinearOperator ):
__doc__ = globals()["__doc__"]
def __init__( s, A, poly, name="", verbose=1 ):
assert hasattr( A, "dot" ) # or matvec ?
s.A = A
if isinstance( poly, T ): # P ?
elif isinstance( poly, string_types ):
if not name:
name = _basename( name )
poly = polyload( poly, verbose=0 )
poly = T( poly )
# shift domain [a b] -> [-1 1], e.g. [0 1]: 2x - 1
# like numpy T(coef, domain)
# x -> w = domaintowindow(x) -> T( shifted coefs )( w )
a, b = poly.domain
assert np.all( poly.window == [-1, 1] ), poly.window
if verbose:
if [a, b] == [-1, 1]:
dom = ""
dom = "domain [%.3g %.3g]" % (a, b)
print( "Cheblinop: A %s %s coef %s %s" % (
A.shape, type(A).__name__, poly.coef, dom ))
if [a, b] != [-1, 1]:
poly = poly.convert( kind=T, domain=[-1, 1] ) # shift coefs
s.c1 = 2 / (b - a)
s.c0 = - (a + b) / (b - a)
s.c0 = s.c1 = None
coef = poly.coef
s.__str__ = s.__name__ = name or ("Cheblinop-d%d" % (len(coef) - 1))
if len(coef) < 3:
coef = np.append( coef, np.zeros( 3 - len(coef) ))
s.coef = coef
def chebeval( s, x ):
""" T( matrix A ) at x
= (c0 I + c1 T1( matrix A ) + c2 T2(A) ...) dot x
# wikipedia Clenshaw_algorithm, cheb_matrix
x = _squeeze( x )
if s.c0 is not None:
x = s.c1 * x + s.c0 # e.g. 2x - 1
A, coef = s.A, s.coef
c1, c2 = coef[-2:]
d2 = c2 * x
d1 = 2 * d2 ) + c1 * x
for c in coef[-3:0:-1]:
d = 2 * d1 ) - d2 + c * x
d2 = d1
d1 = d
d0 = d1 ) - d2 + coef[0] * x
return _squeeze( d0 )
__call__ = matvec = _matvec = matmat = _matmat = dot = chebeval # ?
# __call__ = chebeval / polyeval: no,
def shape( s ):
return s.A.shape
def dtype( s ):
return s.A.dtype
# etc --
def _basename( filename ):
""" a/b/c.d.e -> c.d """
return re.sub( r"\.[^.]*$", "",
re.sub( "^.*/", "", filename ))
def _squeeze( x ):
return x.squeeze() if hasattr( x, "squeeze" ) \
else x
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
np.set_printoptions( threshold=20, edgeitems=11, linewidth=140,
formatter = dict( float = lambda x: "%.2g" % x )) # float arrays %.2g
print( 80 * "=" )
n = 11
# to change these params, run D=1 b=None 'c = expr' ... in sh or ipython
for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
exec( arg )
vec d <-> matrix D with diagonal d
d * x = [di * xi] = D dot x
d * ones = [di] = D dot ones
p( d ) <-> diag p( D )
T( coef )( d ) == Chebpoly( D, coef )( ones )
d = np.linspace( 0, 1, n )
D = np.diag( d )
ones = np.ones( n )
print( "d, D.diag:", d )
for poly in [
# T( [1], domain=[0, 1] ),
T( [0, 1], domain=[0, 1] ), # w = 2x - 1, w
# T( [0, 2], domain=[0, 1] ), # w = 2x - 1, 2 w
T( [1, 2], domain=[0, 1] ), # w = 2x - 1, 1 + 2w
T( [1, -1], domain=[0, 1] ), # 1 - w = 1 - (2x - 1)
T( [0, 0, 1], domain=[0, 1] ),
# polyload( "~/.data/T-d10*.npz" ) # domain [0 1]
print( "\n" + 80 * "-" )
polyd = poly( d )
print( "poly(d): %s coef %s domain %s " % (
polyd, poly.coef, poly.domain))
# p = poly.convert( kind=P )
# print( "P(d):", poly(d) )
polyD = Cheblinop( D, poly )
# print( ".coef:", polyD.coef ) # shift
polyD_ones = polyD( ones )
print( "(ones):", polyD_ones )
assert np.allclose( polyd, polyD_ones )
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