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Created November 17, 2020 10:39
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Save denis-bz/9b19eef938509360ccb75d3983dcd829 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. 17 Nov 2020
#!/usr/bin/env python3
""" triangles in a sparse graph """
# Keywords: sparse-graph, sparse-matrix, scipy, mesh, triangles
# w Polygon_mesh Mesh_generation ...
import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse
# some type names --
Node = "id 0 .. Nnode"
Nodes = "[node ...]" # np.ndarray, think list / row / bitset of Nodes
Edges = "[[i j: Node] ...]" # ndarray, i < j ?
Triangles = "[[i j k: Node] ...]" # ndarray, i < j < k ?
Sparsegraph = "scipy.sparse matrix of 0 / 1" # no edge weights, .data ignored
Sparserow = "Sparsegraph[i]" # ins, outs: Node -> Nodes
def triangles( G: Sparsegraph ) -> Triangles:
""" -> [[i j k] ...] with edges i -- j -- k in G """
G = G.tocsr()
GT = G.T.tocsc() # faster, 2*mem: outs() row, ins() col of G
G2 = G * G # G2 ik = sum Gij Gjk = nr paths i -- any j -- k
GandG2 = G.multiply( G2 ) # pointwise, edges direct or pathlen 2
I, K = GandG2.nonzero()
tris = []
for i, k in zip( I, K ):
J = intersect( outs( G, i ), ins( GT, k )) # i -- j -- k
if len(J) > 0:
tris.extend( [[i, j, k] for j in J] )
if len(tris) == 0:
print( "Warning: no triangles in G %s %.0f nnz/row" % (
G.shape, G.nnz / G.shape[0] ))
return []
return np.sort( tris, axis=1 ) # , GandG2, I, K
def intersect( I, J: Nodes ) -> Nodes:
I = _toix( I )
J = _toix( J )
return np.intersect1d( I, J, assume_unique=True )
# if sorted, O( min( len I, len J ))
# historical footnote: fault list Bell Labs
def _ix( S: Sparserow, i: Node ) -> Nodes:
""" -> [j ...] where S[i,j] != 0 """
assert isinstance( S, (sparse.csr_matrix, sparse.csc_matrix) ), \
[type(S).__name__, S.shape]
return S.indices[ S.indptr[i] : S.indptr[i+1] ]
# return S[i].nonzero()[1] # .tocoo ?
outs = _ix # outs( S, node n ): [j: n -> j]
ins = _ix # ins( S, node n ): [i: i -> n]
def _toix( S: "Sparserow" ) -> Nodes:
if isinstance( S, np.ndarray ):
return S
return _ix( S, 0 ) # csr / csc
def edges_to_sparsegraph( I, J: Nodes, n=0 ) -> Sparsegraph:
""" I, J = edges.T of a mesh """
if n == 0:
n = max( I.max(), J.max() ) + 1
S = sparse.lil_matrix( (n, n), dtype=np.int8 )
S[ np.ix_( I, J )] = 1
return S.tocsr()
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
from randomsparse import randomsparse # ~ sparse.random
np.set_printoptions( threshold=20, edgeitems=10, linewidth=120,
formatter = dict( float = lambda x: "%.2g" % x )) # float arrays %.2g
print( 80 * "▄" )
n = 2e5 # sparse n x n
avrow = 200
# to change these params, run a=1 b=None 'c = expr' ... in sh or ipython --
for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
exec( arg )
print( "%s n %g avrow %d" % (
sys.argv[0], n, avrow ))
# randomsparse 0/1 matrix --
n = int( n )
S = randomsparse( n, n, density=avrow, seed=0,
distrib = lambda n: np.ones( n, ))
S = sparse.triu( S, k=1 ).tocsr() # edges i < j only
print( "S randomsparse triu: %.0f mb row sums %s ... " % (
S.nnz * 24 / 1e6, S[:10].sum( axis=1 ).reshape(-1) ))
tri = triangles( S )
# n 2e5 avrow 200: 480 mb 64244 triangles -> 189632 uniq edges wall time 127 sec
#!/usr/bin/env python3
""" triangles_to_edges: n x 3 -> uniq edges, tri->edgeno """
import numpy as np
def triangles_to_edges( tri: "n x 3", verbose=1 ) -> "uniq edges, tri->edgeno":
# cf. create_edges in $fem/meshzoo-master/meshzoo/
assert tri.shape[1] == 3, tri.shape
# [[a b c] ...] ->
# [[a b]
# [b c]
# [c a] ...
pairs = tri[:, [0,1, 1,2, 2,0]] .reshape( -1, 2 )
uniqedges, tritoedges = np.unique( pairs, return_inverse=True, axis=0 )
tritoedges = tritoedges.reshape( -1, 3 )
if verbose:
print( "triangles_to_edges: %d triangles -> %d uniq edges" % (
len(tri), len(uniqedges) ))
return uniqedges, tritoedges
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
import meshzoo
np.set_printoptions( threshold=20, edgeitems=5, linewidth=120,
formatter = dict( float = lambda x: "%.2g" % x )) # float arrays %.2g
print( 80 * "▄" )
n = 2000
# to change these params, run a=1 b=None 'c = expr' ... in sh or ipython --
for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
exec( arg )
xy, tri = n=n ) # >= 10
print( " n=%d ): %d triangles" % (
n, len(tri) ))
edges, tritoedges = triangles_to_edges( tri )
# n=2000 ): 1268000 triangles
# triangles_to_edges: 1268000 triangles -> 3804000 uniq edges
# Wall time: 6.80 s
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