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N-dimensional test functions for optimization, in Python
""" logsumexp ~ Su Boyd Candes, Diff eq modeling Nesterov accelerated gradient, 2014, p. 7
Logsumexp( seed: int / RandomState / env SEED / 0 )
from __future__ import division
import os
import numpy as np
__version__ = "2015-01-31 jan denis-bz-py at"
# logsumexp = Logsumexp() below: logsumexp(x), logsumexp.gradient(x)
class Logsumexp( object ):
__doc__ = globals()["__doc__"]
def __init__( s, seed=None, m=1, n=1, rho=20 ):
s.rho = rho
s.__name__ = "logsumexp"
s.reset( seed )
s._initrandomAb( n, m )
def __call__( s, x ):
ax_b = s._ax_b( x )
exp = np.exp( ax_b / s.rho )
return s.rho * np.log( np.sum( exp ))
def gradient( s, x ):
ax_b = s._ax_b( x )
exp = np.exp( ax_b / s.rho )
return exp ) / np.sum( exp )
def _ax_b( s, x ):
x = np.asarray_chkfinite(x)
if len(x) != s.A.shape[1]:
s._initrandomAb( len(x) )
return - s.b
def reset( s, seed ):
if seed is None:
seed = int( os.getenv( "SEED", 0 ))
if not isinstance(seed, np.random.RandomState):
seed = np.random.RandomState( seed=seed )
s.randomstate = seed
s._initrandomAb( 1, 1 )
def _initrandomAb( s, n, m=0 ):
""" init random A b on first call each size """
# bug: calls 3d 4d 3d 4d ... todo: dict n -> A b
if m == 0:
m = 4 * n # 200 x 50
s.A = s.randomstate.normal( size=(m, n) )
s.b = s.randomstate.normal( scale=np.sqrt(2), size=m )
logsumexp = Logsumexp() # logsumexp(x), logsumexp.gradient(x)
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
def avmax( x ):
absx = np.fabs(x)
return "|av| %.3g max %.3g" % (absx.mean(), absx.max())
nn = [50]
nseed = 3
# to change these params in sh or ipython, run a=1 b=None c=[3] ...
for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
exec( arg )
np.set_printoptions( threshold=100, edgeitems=3, linewidth=120,
formatter = dict( float = lambda x: "%.2g" % x )) # float arrays %.2g
for n in nn:
for seed in range(nseed):
print "\nlogsumexp( n %d seed %s ) --" % (n, seed)
logsumexp = Logsumexp( seed=seed )
x = np.zeros(n)
f = logsumexp( x )
g = logsumexp.gradient( x )
print "f(0): %.3g" % f
print "grad: %s %s" % (avmax(g), g)

N-dimensional test functions for optimization, in Python.

These are the n-dim Matlab functions by A. Hedar (2005), translated to Python-numpy.
ackley dp griew levy mich perm powell power rast rosen schw sphere sum2 trid zakh .m + ellipse nesterov powellsincos is a plot of 3 no-derivative algorithms, NLOpt LN_BOBYQA LN_PRAXIS LN_SBPLX, on these functions, in 8d, from 10 random start points. This plot shows, yet again, that

  • comparing methods -- which is "best" -- is really difficult
  • random effects, here the 10 random start points x0, can easily mask method differences.
    (A rule of thumb: Wendel's theorem suggests that one should take at least 2*dim random x0.)

Ideas wanted

  • better ways to plot methods / treatments across many test cases
  • how to find test functions similar to a given real one -- for optimization, a gallery of function landscapes ?
  • how to plot convergence paths in 10d.

Comments welcome.

-- denis 8 Sept 2014

#!/usr/bin/env python
""" some n-dimensional test functions for optimization in Python.
import numpy as np
from ... import ndtestfuncs # this file,
funcnames = "ackley ... zakharov"
dim = 8
x0 = e.g. np.zeros(dim)
for func in ndtestfuncs.getfuncs( funcnames ):
fmin, xmin = myoptimizer( func, x0 ... )
# calls func( x ) with x a 1d numpy array or array-like of any size >= 2
These are the n-dim Matlab functions by A. Hedar (2005), translated to Python-numpy.
ackley.m dp.m griew.m levy.m mich.m perm.m powell.m power.m
rast.m rosen.m schw.m sphere.m sum2.m trid.m zakh.m
+ ellipse nesterov powellsincos randomquad logsumexp
All functions appearing in this work are fictitious;
any resemblance to real-world functions, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
Each `func( x )` works for `x` of any size >= 2.
Each starts off
x = np.asarray_chkfinite(x) # ValueError if any NaN or Inf
The values of most functions increase as O(dim) or O(dim^2),
so the convergence curves for dim 5 10 20 ... are not comparable,
and `ftol_abs` depends on func() scaling.
Better would be to scale function values to min 1, max 100 in all dimensions.
Similarly, `xtol_abs` depends on `x` scaling;
`x` should be scaled to -1 .. 1 in all dimensions.
(`ftol_rel` and `xtol_rel` can misbehave near 0; see `isclose`, abs or rel.)
Results from any optimizer depend of course on `ftol_abs xtol_abs maxeval ...`
plus hidden or derived parameters, e.g. BOBYQA rho.
Methods like Nelder-Mead that track sets of points, starting with `x0 + initstep I`,
are sensitive to `initstep`. And what are `ftol` and `xtol` for sets ?
Some functions have many local minima or saddle points (more in higher dimensions ?),
making the final fmin very sensitive to the starting x0.
Also, some have a local minimum at [0 0 ...] so starting there is boring.
*Always* look at a few points near a purported xmin.
Fun constrained problems: min f(x) over the surface of f's bounding box.
See also
-------- -- 2d plots
nlopt/test/... runs and plots BOBYQA PRAXIS SBPLX ... on these ndtestfuncs
from several random startpoints, in several dimensions
F = Funcmon(func): wrap func() to monitor and plot F.fmem F.xmem F.cost
# zillions of papers and methods for derivative-free optimization alone
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
from numpy import abs, cos, exp, mean, pi, prod, sin, sqrt, sum
from opt.testfuncs.powellsincos import Powellsincos
except ImportError:
Powellsincos = None
from opt.testfuncs.randomquad import randomquad
from opt.testfuncs.logsumexp import logsumexp
except ImportError:
randomquad = logsumexp = None
__version__ = "2015-03-06 mar denis-bz-py t-online de" # + randomquad logsumexp
def ackley( x, a=20, b=0.2, c=2*pi ):
x = np.asarray_chkfinite(x) # ValueError if any NaN or Inf
n = len(x)
s1 = sum( x**2 )
s2 = sum( cos( c * x ))
return -a*exp( -b*sqrt( s1 / n )) - exp( s2 / n ) + a + exp(1)
def dixonprice( x ): # dp.m
x = np.asarray_chkfinite(x)
n = len(x)
j = np.arange( 2, n+1 )
x2 = 2 * x**2
return sum( j * (x2[1:] - x[:-1]) **2 ) + (x[0] - 1) **2
def griewank( x, fr=4000 ):
x = np.asarray_chkfinite(x)
n = len(x)
j = np.arange( 1., n+1 )
s = sum( x**2 )
p = prod( cos( x / sqrt(j) ))
return s/fr - p + 1
def levy( x ):
x = np.asarray_chkfinite(x)
n = len(x)
z = 1 + (x - 1) / 4
return (sin( pi * z[0] )**2
+ sum( (z[:-1] - 1)**2 * (1 + 10 * sin( pi * z[:-1] + 1 )**2 ))
+ (z[-1] - 1)**2 * (1 + sin( 2 * pi * z[-1] )**2 ))
michalewicz_m = .5 # orig 10: ^20 => underflow
def michalewicz( x ): # mich.m
x = np.asarray_chkfinite(x)
n = len(x)
j = np.arange( 1., n+1 )
return - sum( sin(x) * sin( j * x**2 / pi ) ** (2 * michalewicz_m) )
def perm( x, b=.5 ):
x = np.asarray_chkfinite(x)
n = len(x)
j = np.arange( 1., n+1 )
xbyj = np.fabs(x) / j
return mean([ mean( (j**k + b) * (xbyj ** k - 1) ) **2
for k in j/n ])
# original overflows at n=100 --
# return sum([ sum( (j**k + b) * ((x / j) ** k - 1) ) **2
# for k in j ])
def powell( x ):
x = np.asarray_chkfinite(x)
n = len(x)
n4 = ((n + 3) // 4) * 4
if n < n4:
x = np.append( x, np.zeros( n4 - n ))
x = x.reshape(( 4, -1 )) # 4 rows: x[4i-3] [4i-2] [4i-1] [4i]
f = np.empty_like( x )
f[0] = x[0] + 10 * x[1]
f[1] = sqrt(5) * (x[2] - x[3])
f[2] = (x[1] - 2 * x[2]) **2
f[3] = sqrt(10) * (x[0] - x[3]) **2
return sum( f**2 )
def powersum( x, b=[8,18,44,114] ): # power.m
x = np.asarray_chkfinite(x)
n = len(x)
s = 0
for k in range( 1, n+1 ):
bk = b[ min( k - 1, len(b) - 1 )] # ?
s += (sum( x**k ) - bk) **2 # dim 10 huge, 100 overflows
return s
def rastrigin( x ): # rast.m
x = np.asarray_chkfinite(x)
n = len(x)
return 10*n + sum( x**2 - 10 * cos( 2 * pi * x ))
def rosenbrock( x ): # rosen.m
""" """
# a sum of squares, so LevMar (scipy.optimize.leastsq) is pretty good
x = np.asarray_chkfinite(x)
x0 = x[:-1]
x1 = x[1:]
return (sum( (1 - x0) **2 )
+ 100 * sum( (x1 - x0**2) **2 ))
def schwefel( x ): # schw.m
x = np.asarray_chkfinite(x)
n = len(x)
return 418.9829*n - sum( x * sin( sqrt( abs( x ))))
def sphere( x ):
x = np.asarray_chkfinite(x)
return sum( x**2 )
def sum2( x ):
x = np.asarray_chkfinite(x)
n = len(x)
j = np.arange( 1., n+1 )
return sum( j * x**2 )
def trid( x ):
x = np.asarray_chkfinite(x)
return sum( (x - 1) **2 ) - sum( x[:-1] * x[1:] )
def zakharov( x ): # zakh.m
x = np.asarray_chkfinite(x)
n = len(x)
j = np.arange( 1., n+1 )
s2 = sum( j * x ) / 2
return sum( x**2 ) + s2**2 + s2**4
# not in Hedar --
def ellipse( x ):
x = np.asarray_chkfinite(x)
return mean( (1 - x) **2 ) + 100 * mean( np.diff(x) **2 )
def nesterov( x ):
""" Nesterov's nonsmooth Chebyshev-Rosenbrock function, Overton 2011 variant 2 """
x = np.asarray_chkfinite(x)
x0 = x[:-1]
x1 = x[1:]
return abs( 1 - x[0] ) / 4 \
+ sum( abs( x1 - 2*abs(x0) + 1 ))
def saddle( x ):
x = np.asarray_chkfinite(x) - 1
return np.mean( np.diff( x **2 )) \
+ .5 * np.mean( x **4 )
allfuncs = [
michalewicz, # min < 0
# powellsincos, # many local mins
schwefel, # many local mins
trid, # min < 0
if Powellsincos is not None: # try import
_powellsincos = {} # dim -> func
def powellsincos( x ):
x = np.asarray_chkfinite(x)
n = len(x)
if n not in _powellsincos:
_powellsincos[n] = Powellsincos( dim=n )
return _powellsincos[n]( x )
allfuncs.append( powellsincos )
if randomquad is not None: # try import
allfuncs.append( randomquad )
allfuncs.append( logsumexp )
allfuncs.sort( key = lambda f: f.__name__ )
allfuncnames = " ".join([ f.__name__ for f in allfuncs ])
name_to_func = { f.__name__ : f for f in allfuncs }
# bounds from Hedar, used for starting random_in_box too --
# getbounds evals ["-dim", "dim"]
ackley._bounds = [-15, 30]
dixonprice._bounds = [-10, 10]
griewank._bounds = [-600, 600]
levy._bounds = [-10, 10]
michalewicz._bounds = [0, pi]
perm._bounds = ["-dim", "dim"] # min at [1 2 .. n]
powell._bounds = [-4, 5] # min at tile [3 -1 0 1]
powersum._bounds = [0, "dim"] # 4d min at [1 2 3 4]
rastrigin._bounds = [-5.12, 5.12]
rosenbrock._bounds = [-2.4, 2.4] # wikipedia
schwefel._bounds = [-500, 500]
sphere._bounds = [-5.12, 5.12]
sum2._bounds = [-10, 10]
trid._bounds = ["-dim**2", "dim**2"] # fmin -50 6d, -200 10d
zakharov._bounds = [-5, 10]
ellipse._bounds = [-2, 2]
logsumexp._bounds = [-20, 20] # ?
nesterov._bounds = [-2, 2]
powellsincos._bounds = [ "-20*pi*dim", "20*pi*dim"]
randomquad._bounds = [-10000, 10000]
saddle._bounds = [-3, 3]
def getfuncs( names, dim=0 ):
""" for f in getfuncs( "a b ..." ):
y = f( x )
if names == "*":
return allfuncs
funclist = []
for nm in names.split():
if nm not in name_to_func:
raise ValueError( "getfuncs( \"%s\" ) not found" % names )
funclist.append( name_to_func[nm] )
return funclist
def getbounds( funcname, dim ):
""" "ackley" or ackley -> [-15, 30] """
funcname = getattr( funcname, "__name__", funcname )
func = getfuncs( funcname )[0]
b = func._bounds[:]
if isinstance( b[0], basestring ): b[0] = eval( b[0] )
if isinstance( b[1], basestring ): b[1] = eval( b[1] )
return b
_minus = "dixonprice perm powersum schwefel sphere sum2 trid zakharov " # nlopt ~ same ?
def allfuncs_minus( minus=_minus ):
return [f for f in allfuncs
if f.__name__ not in minus.split() ]
def funcnames_minus( minus=_minus ):
return " ".join([ f.__name__
for f in allfuncs_minus( minus=minus )])
if __name__ == "__main__": # standalone test --
import sys
dims = [2, 4, 10] # , 100]
nstep = 11 # 11: 0 .1 .2 .. 1
seed = 0
# to change these params in sh or ipython, run a=1 b=None c=[3] ...
for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
exec( arg )
np.set_printoptions( threshold=20, edgeitems=5, linewidth=120, suppress=True,
formatter = dict( float = lambda x: "%.2g" % x )) # float arrays %.2g
for dim in dims:
print "\n# ndtestfuncs dim %d along the diagonal low .. high corner --" % dim
# cmp matlab, anyone ?
for func in allfuncs:
lo, hi = getbounds( func, dim )
steps = np.linspace( lo, hi, nstep )
Y = np.array([ func( t * np.ones(dim) ) for t in steps ])
jmin = Y.argmin()
Ymin = Y[jmin]
print "%-12s %dd min %-8.3g at %.3g \t lo hi %4.3g %4.3g \t Y-min %s" % (
func.__name__, dim, Ymin, steps[jmin], lo, hi, Y - Ymin )
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Thank you so much ! You solved one of my big problems brother. I was using many of these mathematical optimization functions for my PhD thesis. Searched a lot of them but you made my day. Lots of love, grace and peace to you for writing all these for free and making them publically available for free

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Bessagg commented Feb 9, 2021

Great work man, saved me a big time

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denis-bz commented Feb 9, 2021

@Bessagg, you're welcome. Fwiw, there's an old plot comparing 3 DFOs (derivative-free) here on scicomp.stack (vote +- if you like);
there are certainly more papers than testcases on the web :) even in fractal subfields of optimization.

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