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Inverse operators for scipy.sparse eigs, arpack 15 Nov 2020

Invop() inverse operator for scipy.sparse eigenvalues with ARPACK

Problem: find a few eigenvalues λ and eigenvectors v of
A v = λ v, \ A a scipy.sparse matrix, largest or smallest |λ|
or K v = λ M v with stiffness matrix K and mass matrix M.

Purpose: experiment with different linear solvers, with verbose to track solver calls.
Keywords: scipy.sparse, linear-solvers, eigenvalue, generalized-eigenvalue, Arpack, logging

In the following examples, eigs( A [M] [Minv] [OPinv] [sigma] ... )
is short for evals, V = eigs or eigsh( A ... ) with parameters e.g. k=10, tol=1e-5, v0=np.ones(n) ), see below.

Examples, the largest eigenvalues and eigenvectors of A v = λ M v:

from scipy.sparse.linalg import eigs, eigsh
from invop import Invop, Aminus
eigs( A, M=M ... )  # or eigsh
eigs( A, M=M, Minv=Invop( M, solver="splu" ) ... )      # the default for M a matrix
eigs( A, M=M, Minv=Invop( M, solver="cholesky" ) ... )  # fast for M posdef
eigs( A, M=M, Minv=Invop( M, solver="gmres" ) ... )     # the default for M a LinOp
eigs( A, M=M, Minv=Invop( M, solver="lgmres" ) ... )    # see below

Shift-invert mode


eigs( ... sigma=0 ... ) tells Arpack to find eigenvalues near 0, in the so-called "shift-invert" mode. For example:

Ainv = Invop( A, solver="splu" )  # b -> b \ A
eigs( A, OPinv=Ainv, sigma=0, [M=M] ... )

For this mode, Arpack needs to solve A x = b many many times. The default Invop( ... verbose=2 ) prints a line per solver call; see the example logfiles below.

(In fact eigs( A, OPinv=Ainv, sigma=0 ... ) doesn't use A at all, except to check its dtype.)

Notes on some solvers

There are dozens of linear solvers. Their runtimes (multicore), memory, understandability, can vary a lot, depending on A's size, spectrum, sparsity pattern ... One size cannot fit all. The default solvers for scipy Arpack shift-invert mode, splu for sparse matrices and GMRES for LinearOperators, are based on experience which may or may not match your problem.

If the dense matrix A.A fits in memory, running scipy.linalg.eig or eigh( A.A ), even overnight, can save you hours of messing about with ARPACK parameters and different solvers. Sampling the spectrum with subset_by_index or subset_by_value can possibly give some insight into your problem.

It's far easier to find eigenpairs of symmetric or Hermitian matrices, which have real spectrum, than of general matrices with complex spectrum. For posdef matrices, sksparse.cholmod.cholesky is very fast. Use cholinc=1e-10 or so to nudge almost-posdef away from 0 -- X'X can easily have tiny eigenvalues < 0.

Iterative solvers like GMRES are much slower than direct solvers, but direct solvers splu etc. will need more memory. Wikipedia GMRES says "fast convergence when the eigenvalues of A are clustered away from the origin". When this is not the case, I find that LGMRES can be ~ 10 x faster than GMRES, e.g. on poisson3 - 5.9 I; see the example logfiles below.

Notes on ARPACK parameters

The default tol=0, machine precision, can be very slow. I'd start with tol=1e-6 and see if eigcheck A V - V Λ looks reasonable. (For Linops, gmres_loose is not loose at all, e.g. 1000 * np.sqrt(b.size 1e6) * eps 2e-16 = 2e-10 .)

The default start vector v0 random is good for the Journal of Irreproducible Results. A BIG and easy improvement is to use v0 from previous runs, or from scaling up a half-size problem.

Lgmres can run much faster with a preconditioner, a fast cheap approximate solver. "Preconditioning is an art, a science, an industry."

The two-matrix aka generalized eigenvalue problem K v = λ M v

This is a common problem in the finite-element method for analyzing structures such as bridges: find eigenvalues λ near 0 for K v = λ M v, with K a positive-definite stiffness matrix and M a positive-definite mass matrix.

eigsh( K, M=M, OPinv=Invop( K, solver=... ), sigma=0, ... )

Similarly, for λ near sigma=2:

inv_A_minus_sigmaM = Invop( Aminus( A, 2, M ), solver=... )
eigsh( K, M=M, OPinv=inv_A_minus_sigmaM, sigma=2 ... )

There are many papers on this problem, perhaps more than real test cases :(

(By the way, the generalized eigenvalue problem and generalized eigenvector problem are different altogether -- the latter is (A - λI)^k x = 0.)

Example logs, splu vs. spsolve

Invop() with verbose=2 (the default) can help understand what a solver is doing. For example, solve = scipy.linalg.splu(A).solve first builds a representation of A-1; this can be slow and can explode memory 💥 , depending on the sparsity structure of A^-1 and on the options. Arpack calls of solve(b) are then pretty fast:

A = testmatrix( "poisson3", n=40, incdiag=-5.9  )  # 40^3, see
Ainv = Invop( A, solver="splu" )  # default verbose=2 
eigsh( A, sigma=0, OPinv=Ainv ... )

Invop splu  A: (64000, 64000) csc_matrix  6.85 nnz/row ...

# solver  seconds wall clock   |b-Ax|/|b|   dx   x   [lgmres: nr outer iter]
invop splu 142s  |b-Ax|/|b| 1e-13     dx -0.0039 .. 0.0022   x -0.0039 .. 0.0022   
invop splu 148s  |b-Ax|/|b| 1e-10     dx -25 .. 25   x -12 .. 11   
eigsh: 147.8 480.9 sec  poisson3   n 64000  58 calls of splu

Spsolve with umfpack is slower per call, but ~ linear in the number of calls:

# solver  seconds wall clock   |b-Ax|/|b|   dx   x   [lgmres: nr outer iter]
invop spsolve   3s  |b-Ax|/|b| 1e-16     dx -0.0039 .. 0.0022    x -0.0039 .. 0.0022   
invop spsolve   7s  |b-Ax|/|b| 3.8e-14   dx -3 .. 4.4    x -3 .. 4.4
invop spsolve 214s  |b-Ax|/|b| 9.4e-14   dx -18 .. 19    x -6.7 .. 6.4   
eigsh: 214.2 786.2 sec  poisson3   n 64000  64 calls of spsolve

Another example, GMRES vs. Lgmres:

testmatrix poisson2: A (2500, 2500)  4.92 nnz/row  -1 .. 0.1  incdiag -3.9  max |A - A'|: 0

eigsh: 1755.9 sec  30 calls of gmres, 30 stopped at maxiter 25000
evals [-0.00065 -0.00068 -0.0011 -0.0013 -0.0029 0.004]
eigcheck: |Av - λv|  max 0.00089  [0.0003 4e-05 8e-05 0.0009 4e-05 9e-06]

eigsh: 107.3 sec  30 calls of lgmres
evals [-0.00054 -0.00054 -0.001 -0.001 -0.0029 0.004]
eigcheck: |Av - λv|  max 5e-07  [1e-07 2e-07 4e-07 2e-07 3e-08 5e-07]

See also

shift-inverse-in-pictures \

Dhillon, "Current inverse iteration software can fail", 1998 \ 300 40 \

-- denis 15 Nov 2020

Invop files outline

-- 108
class Invop( object ):  """ Invop( A, M=None, solver="splu" ... ): a function b -> b \ A 
	def __init__( s, 
	def __call__( s, b ):	""" b -> x = b \ A  verbose """ 
	def shape( s ): 
	def dtype( s ): 
def Aminus( A, c, M=None, inplace=False ):	""" A - c I or A - c M  for Invop( Aminus( A, c )), shift-invert """ 

-- 112
def KM_smalleigs( K, M, sigma=0, k=10, tol=1e-6, **kw ):	""" λ nearest sigma, shift-invert: 
def KM_bigeigs( K, M, k=10, tol=1e-6, **kw ):	""" large λ, K x = λ M x  ->  Minv K x = λ x """ 

--  94
def poisson1(n): 
def poisson_nd( n, d=2 ):	""" poisson 1d / 2d n^2, n^2 / 3d n^3, n^3 ... """ 

--  78
def sparserotate( eigvals, p=2 ):	""" :param eigvals: 1d arraylike, len n a multiple of 2^p 
def hadamard( p=2 ):	""" -> H 2^p x 2^p +- 1 

-- 155
class Sparsesolver( object ):		""" Ainv = Sparsesolver( "splu", A ... ) for arpack eigs( OPinv or Minv ) """
	def __call__( s, b, **kw ):		""" solve(b), verbose: print solver time b-Ax xmin xmax [per iter] """ 

-- 186
def testmatrix( name, n=0, incdiag=0, testsymm=True, **kw ):	""" load or generate a sparse csc matrix 
def transforms( trans, A ):		""" :param trans: "flip Ltri LL rotate float32" 
def _getmatrix( name, n=0, **kw ):	""" generate a matrix, poisson* / powerlaw / randomsparse ... 
def try_npz_mtx( dir ): 
def load_npz_mtx( filename ): 
def curve( n,	""" -> spectrum like scikit-learn 20newsgroups ndoc=4000 A A'


Comments welcome, test cases most welcome

#!/usr/bin/env python3
""" please see """
import sys
import time
import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse
# $scipy/sparse/linalg/dsolve/
# $scipy/sparse/linalg/isolve/
from scipy.sparse.linalg import LinearOperator, aslinearoperator
# $scipy/sparse/linalg/
from sparsesolvers import Sparsesolver # ( "splu ...", A, tol=1e-5, x0=1 )
from zutil import arraydesc, lohi
__version__ = "2020-10-02 Oct"
class Invop( object ):
""" Invop( A, M=None, solver="spsolve" ... ): a function b -> b \ A
wraps Sparsesolver
verbose=1 or 2 tracks iterations
please see
# (object) not (LinearOperator) -- arpack then uses gmres
def __init__( s,
A, # sparse
M=None, # b -> A^-1 (M b)
solver="splu", # see *-{spsolve,splu}*.log
# maxtime=600,
**solverkw ):
s.A = A
s.solvername = solver
s.M = M # b -> (M b) \ A
s.verbose = verbose
s.t0 = time.time()
s.xprev = 0
s.solver = Sparsesolver( s.solvername, A=A, tol=tol, atol=atol, # b -> b \ A
x0=x0, **solverkw )
if verbose:
print( "\nInvop %s A: %s M: %s tol %g maxiter %d " % (
s.solvername, arraydesc( A ), arraydesc( M ),
tol, s.solver.maxiter ))
if verbose >= 2:
print( "# solver seconds wall clock |b-Ax|/|b| dx x [lgmres: nr outer iter]" )
def __call__( s, b ):
""" b -> x = b \ A verbose """
if s.M is not None:
b = b ) # (M b) \ A
x = s.solver( b ) # b \ A
if s.verbose >= 2 or != 0:
t = time.time() - s.t0 # wallclock
dx = x - s.xprev
niter = # lgmres gcrotmk maxiter / patch niter
niter = "\t%d iter" % niter if niter else "" # patch lgmres gcrotmk
"invop %s %3.0fs |b-Ax|/|b| %-8.2g dx %s\t x %s %s " % (
s.solver.resbyb, lohi(dx), lohi(x),
niter ))
s.xprev = x
# todo: if totaltime >= s.maxtime:
return x
matvec = _matvec = dot = __call__ # ?
def shape( s ):
return s.A.shape
def dtype( s ):
return s.A.dtype
def Aminus( A, c, M=None, inplace=False ):
""" A - c I or A - c M for Invop( Aminus( A, c )), shift-invert """
if c == 0: # better -1e-6 if there's a cluster very near 0
return A
if isinstance( A, LinearOperator ) \
or isinstance( M, LinearOperator ):
if M is None:
M = interface.IdentityOperator( A.shape )
return (aslinearoperator( A )
- c * aslinearoperator( M )) # arpack: gmres
if M is None:
n = A.shape[0]
M = sparse.eye( n ) if sparse.issparse( A ) \
else np.eye( n )
if inplace:
A -= c * M
A = A - c * M
return A
""" sparserotate( eigvals ): block_diag, blocks 2^p x 2^p, with the same eigvals
keywords: eigenvalues, sparse rotation, sparse-matrix, Hadamard-matrix, python
# is eigsh( sparserotate( diag )) slower than eigsh( diag ) ?
# arpack powerlaw n=20k p=10 ~ 3* slower
import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse
def sparserotate( eigvals, p=2 ):
""" :param eigvals: 1d arraylike, len n a multiple of 2^p
:return: n x n sparse.block_diag() with the same eigenvalues as diag( eigvals )
2^p x 2^p blocks, 2^p nnz per row
# random subsets, ix_ ?
n = len(eigvals)
assert eigvals.ndim == 1 and (n % 4 == 0), \
[type(eigvals).__name__, eigvals.shape]
H = hadamard( p=p ) / (2 ** (p / 2))
blocks = sparse.block_diag([ (H * eig4) @ H
for eig4 in eigvals.reshape( -1, 2**p )])
return blocks.tocsc()
_H2 = np.array( [[1., 1],
[1, -1]] )
def hadamard( p=2 ):
""" -> H 2^p x 2^p +- 1
eigvals( H' Diag H' ) = eigvals( Diag ), H' = H / 2^(p/2)
return _H2 if p <= 1 \
else np.kron( _H2, hadamard( p - 1 ))
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
from scipy.linalg import eigvalsh, norm
from scipy.sparse.linalg import eigsh
np.set_printoptions( threshold=20, edgeitems=10, linewidth=120,
formatter = dict( float = lambda x: "%.2g" % x )) # float arrays %.2g
n = 10000 # 10k 20k 30k: 2 7 13 sec
p = 2 # blocks 2^p x 2^p
powerlaw = 10
do = "ar dense"
k = 100
# to change these params, run a=1 b=None 'c = expr' ... in sh or ipython --
for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
exec( arg )
n = (n // 2**p) * 2**p
print( "%s n %d p %d powerlaw %g do %s k %d " % (
sys.argv[0], n, p, powerlaw, do, k ))
D0 = 10 ** (-10 / powerlaw)
D = np.linspace( D0, 1, n ) ** powerlaw # 1e-10 .. 1
print( "D:", D )
A = sparserotate( D, p=p )
if p <= 3:
print( "A: \n", A[:16,:16].A ) # blocks
do = do.split()
if "ar" in do:
arevals, arV = eigsh( A, sigma=0, k=k, tol=1e-5, v0=np.ones(n) )
print( "arpack shift-invert %d evals: \n%s " % (k, arevals ))
if "dense" in do:
evals = eigvalsh( A.A ) # 10k: 82 sec real * 384% of 4 cores
print( "all evals dense:", evals )
print( "max |eigvalsh( sparserotate D ) - D|: %.2g" %
norm( evals - D, ord=np.inf )) # ~ eps
#!/usr/bin/env python3
""" solver = Sparsesolver( solvername, A, tol= ... )
x = solver( b ): Ax ~ b
direct or iterative solvers spsolve splu gmres lgmres ...
posdef (non-neg def): cholesky lsq, *cg*
verbose=1 tracks iterations
A = Invop( A, solver= ) wraps this for Arpack,
# not much error checking
# W gmres: fast convergence when the eigenvalues of A are clustered away from the origin
# else verrry slow -- see gist gmres vs. Lgmres
# 300
# 40
import time
import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import norm
from scipy import sparse
from scipy.sparse import linalg as sparselin
from scikits import umfpack
umfpack_version = umfpack.__version__
except ImportError:
umfpack = umfpack_version = None
from sksparse.cholmod import cholesky, cholesky_AAt, CholmodNotPositiveDefiniteError
from sksparse import __version__ as cholesky_version
except ImportError:
cholesky = cholesky_version = None
__version__ = "2020-10-03 Oct" # 06-02 June # denis
_directsolvers = "splu spsolve "
_cgsolvers = "bicg bicgstab cg cgs minres " # posdef / symmetric
_itersolvers = "lgmres gcrotmk qmr gmres " + _cgsolvers
_posdefsolvers = "cholesky lsq "
_allsolvers = "%s %s %s" % (_directsolvers, _itersolvers, _posdefsolvers)
class Sparsesolver( object ):
""" Ainv = Sparsesolver( "splu", A ... ) for arpack eigs( OPinv or Minv ) """
def __init__( s,
solvername, # "spsolve" "splu" for matrices, "lgmres" ... LinOps
A, # usually sparse csc, or LinOp
x0=None, # None -> 0 / scalar * ones
atol=None, # None: tol
maxiterfac=10, # maxiter = this * n, default 10 n
maxouter=1000, # lgmres maxiter, default 1000
cholinc=0, # cholesky (A + cholinc I) nudge posdef
prepend_outer_v=True, # lgmres gcrotmk ?
useumfpack=True, # spsolve: umfpack if installed, else splu
verbose=0 ):
s.solvername = solvername
s.A = A
n = A.shape[0]
if np.isscalar( x0 ): # most iter solvers None -> 0
x0 = x0 * np.ones( A.shape[0], dtype=A.dtype )
s.x0 = x0
s.tol = tol # |b - Ax| < max( tol |b|, atol )
if atol is None:
atol = tol
# / sqrt n ? norm(res) < atol == rms(res) < atol * sqrt n
s.atol = atol
if solvername in ["gcrotmk", "lgmres"]:
s.maxiter = maxouter # default 1000
s.outeriter = "outer "
s.maxiter = maxiterfac * n # default 10 * n
s.outeriter = ""
s.verbose = verbose
if not sparse.issparse( A ):
assert solvername in _itersolvers.split(), "%s can't do LinOps" % solvername
if solvername in _itersolvers.split():
solver = getattr( sparselin, solvername )
kw = dict( prepend_outer_v=prepend_outer_v ) if solvername == "lgmres" \
else {}
solve = lambda b: \
solver( A, b, x0=x0, tol=tol, atol=atol,
maxiter=s.maxiter, **kw )
elif solvername == "spsolve":
solve = lambda b: \
sparselin.spsolve( A, b )
# except UmfpackWarning: (almost) singular matrix
sparselin.use_solver( useUmfpack=useumfpack )
if umfpack is None:
print( "Warning: umfpack is not installed, splu will be used instead" )
# splu: slow build, then fast solves
elif solvername == "splu":
solve = sparselin.splu(A).solve # options ...
elif solvername == "spilu":
solve = sparselin.spilu(A).solve
elif solvername == "cholesky": # sparse posdef, very fast
A = A.tocsc()
solve = cholesky( A, beta=cholinc ) # A + beta I
# except CholmodNotPositiveDefiniteError
""" If A has tiny eigenvalues, 0 to within machine precision,
about half of these "zeros" may be negative -- asking for trouble.
So nudge them > 0, say A + 1e-6 or so;
this also improves the condition number to ~ rho(A) / beta.
elif solvername == "lsq": # cholesky (A'A + beta I) x = A'b
At = A.T.tocsc()
solve = lambda b: \
cholesky_AAt( At, beta=cholinc )( b ))
elif solvername == "dense": # for comparison -- 10k^2 * 8 = .8 gb
Adense = getattr( A, "A", A ) # .astype( np.float32 / complex64 )
solve = lambda b: \
scipy.linalg.solve( Adense, b )
# scipy assume_a= "gen" / "sym" / "her" / "pos"
assert 0, "no solver " + solvername
s.solve = solve
s.ncalls = s.sumtime = s.nstop = 0
s.res = s.resbyb = np.NaN
def __call__( s, b, **kw ):
""" solve(b), verbose: print solver time b-Ax xmin xmax [per iter] """
t0 = time.time() # wall clock, some do multicore
x = s.solve( b )
if isinstance( x, tuple ): # iter solvers
x, = x
s.nstop += ( == s.maxiter) # lgmres gcrotmk
else: = 0
t = time.time() - t0
s.ncalls += 1
s.sumtime += t - t0
s.res = b -
s.resbyb = norm(s.res) / max( norm(b), 1e-20 )
if s.verbose:
niter = ("\t%d iter" % if else ""
print( "%6.1f sec %-8s |b-Ax|/|b| %-8.2g tol %-4.2g x %g .. %g %s " % (
t, s.solvername, s.resbyb, s.tol,
x.real.min(), x.real.max(),
niter ))
return x
def stopstr( s ):
return "" if s.nstop == 0 \
else "%d stopped at maxiter %s " % (
s.nstop, s.maxiter )
#!/usr/bin/env python3
""" K x = λ M x
KM_smalleigs (shift-invert), KM_bigeigs
import sys
import time
import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse
from scipy.sparse.linalg import eigsh
from invop import Invop, Aminus
from eigsutil_ import eigcheck, eigsort
from mikotapair import mikotapair # K, M eigvals 1 4 9 ... easy
def KM_smalleigs( K, M, sigma=0, k=10, tol=1e-6, **kw ):
""" λ nearest sigma, shift-invert:
find biggest λ with λ x = Kinv M x
shift back
print( "KM_smalleigs, shift-invert: eigsh( OPinv=Invop(K), M=M, sigma=%g )" % sigma )
assert sigma is not None, sigma
Kshift = Aminus( K, sigma, M, inplace=True )
Kinv = Invop( Kshift, tol=tol, **kw ) # kw: solver=solver ...
t0 = time.time()
A = sparse.csc_matrix( K.shape ) # arpack with OPinv uses A.dtype only, not A
evals, V = eigsh( A, OPinv=Kinv, M=M, sigma=sigma, k=k, tol=tol, v0=v0 )
evals, V = eigsort( evals, V )
print( "evals:", evals )
diff, maxdiffs = eigcheck( K, evals, V, M=M )
t = time.time() - t0
print( "\neigsh: %.1f sec %d calls of %s%s" % (
t, Kinv.solver.ncalls, solver, Kinv.solver.stopstr() ))
return evals, V
def KM_bigeigs( K, M, k=10, tol=1e-6, **kw ):
""" large λ, K x = λ M x -> Minv K x = λ x """
print( "KM_bigeigs: eigsh( K, M=M, Minv=Invop(M)" )
Minv = Invop( M, tol=tol, **kw ) # kw: solver=solver ...
t0 = time.time()
evals, V = eigsh( K, M=M, Minv=Minv, sigma=None, k=k, tol=tol, v0=v0 )
evals, V = eigsort( evals, V )
print( "evals:", evals )
diff, maxdiffs = eigcheck( K, evals, V, M=M )
t = time.time() - t0
print( "\neigsh: %.1f sec %d calls of %s%s" % (
t, Minv.solver.ncalls, solver, Minv.solver.stopstr() ))
return evals, V
if __name__ == "__main__":
np.set_printoptions( threshold=10, edgeitems=5, linewidth=140,
formatter = dict( float = lambda x: "%.2g" % x )) # float arrays %.2g
print( 80 * "▄" )
# print( nu.versionstr() )
test = "mikotapair" # evals 1 4 9 .. n^2, K tridiag M diagonal, easy
n = 1e6
incdiag = 0
solver = "cholesky"
# solvers = "spsolve splu lgmres gmres " # arpack shift-invert: gmres / splu
cholinc = 0 # nudge posdef
maxiterfac = 10 # 10 n
maxouter = 5000 # lgmres gcrotmk 1000
verbose = 2 # 2: each call Invop to solver
# eigs args --
sigma = 0 # 0: KM_smalleigs, None: bigeigs
k = 6
tol = 1e-6
v0 = 1 # "laplace"
# to change these params, run a=1 b=None 'c = expr' ... in sh or ipython --
for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
exec( arg )
n = int( n )
k = min( k, n - 1 )
params = "%s test %s n %d incdiag %.3g sigma %s k %d tol %g v0 %s maxiterfac %d maxouter %d cholinc %g" % (
sys.argv[0], test, n, incdiag, sigma, k, tol, v0, maxiterfac, maxouter, cholinc )
print( "params:", params )
K, M = mikotapair( n, flip=False ) # evals 1 4 9 .. n^2, K tridiag M diagonal, easy
# A = testmatrix( test, n=n, incdiag=incdiag, p=p, lo=lo, hi=hi )
K = K.tocsc()
n = K.shape[0]
k = min( k, n - 1 )
if v0 == 1:
v0 = np.ones( n )
v0 = np.random.default_rng(0) .laplace( size=n )
# *much* better: from previous runs or smaller problems
# denseevals, denseV = scipy.linalg.eigh( K.A, M.A ) # K x = λ M x
# print( "\ndenseevals:", denseevals )
invopargs = dict( solver=solver, verbose=verbose,
maxiterfac=maxiterfac, maxouter=maxouter, cholinc=cholinc )
if sigma is None:
evals, V = KM_bigeigs( K, M, k=k, tol=tol, **invopargs )
evals, V = KM_smalleigs( K, M, sigma=sigma, k=k, tol=tol, **invopargs )
#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""testmatrix: load or generate a sparse matrix, with optional transforms """
import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse
from import mmread
# matrix generators --
from poisson_nd import poisson1, poisson2, poisson3
from powerlaw import powerlaw_eigs
from randomsparse import randomsparse
from Lband import LLband, Ltriband
from mikotapair import mikotasingle
from sparserotate import sparserotate
except ImportError:
from eigsutil import eigcheck, flip_eigmax
from zutil import arraydesc, findfile, globs, maxnorm
def testmatrix( name, n=0, incdiag=0, testsymm=True, **kw ):
""" load or generate a sparse csc matrix
:param "name": poisson* powerlaw randomsparse ...
or filename*.npz filename*.mtx -- * $ ~ are expanded
or A/B -> $suitesparse/A/B/*.mtx
or "name-flip-Ltri ...": optional transforms
:return: a sparse csc matrix
s = name.replace( "-", " " ).split()
nm, trans = s[0], s[1:] # 0 or more transforms
A = _getmatrix( nm, n=n, **kw )
n = A.shape[0]
if trans:
A = transforms( trans, A )
if incdiag:
A += incdiag * sparse.eye( n )
A = sparse.csc_matrix( A )
if testsymm:
A_AT = maxnorm( A - A.conj().T )
symm = "max |A - A'|: %.2g" % A_AT
symm = ""
print( "\ntestmatrix %s: A %s incdiag %.3g %s " % (
name, arraydesc( A ), incdiag, symm ))
print( " A.diag:", A.diagonal() )
return A
def transforms( trans, A ):
""" :param trans: "flip Ltri LL rotate float32"
:param A: sparse matrix
:return: e.g. Ltri( flip( A ))
if not trans:
return A
if isinstance( trans, str ):
trans = trans.split()
if "flip" in trans:
A, eigmax = flip_eigmax( A ) # eigmax I - A, emin <-> emax
n = A.shape[0]
if "Ltri" in trans:
A = Ltriband( n ).tocsc() .dot( A ) # lower-triangular, diags 0 1 2 4 ... ones
if "LL" in trans:
L = Ltriband( n ).tocsc()
A = L .dot( A ) .dot( L.T )
if "rotate" in trans or "sparserotate" in trans:
A = sparserotate( A.diagonal() )
if "float32" in trans:
A = A.astype( np.float32 )
return A
def _getmatrix( name, n=0, **kw ):
""" generate a matrix, poisson* / powerlaw / randomsparse ...
or load findfile( .npz .mtx )
n = int( n )
if name == "I":
return sparse.eye( n ).tocsc()
if name == "LLband":
return LLband( n ) # L L' sparse band matrix, may have tiny eigenvalues < 0
if name == "mikota":
return mikotasingle( n=n ) # tridiag symmetric with eigvals n^2 - [1 4 9 ...]
if name == "poisson1":
return poisson1( n or 100 ) # eigvals 0 .. 4
if name == "poisson2":
return poisson2( n or 100 ) # n^2, n^2 eigvals 0 .. 8
if name == "poisson3":
return poisson3( n or 20 ) # n^3, n^3
if name == "powerlaw":
A, _ = powerlaw_eigs( n or 100, **kw ) # diagonal
# def powerlaw( n, p=5, lo=1e-3, hi=1, flip=False )
return A
for k in "p flip lo hi ".split():
kw.pop( k, None )
if name == "randomsparse":
# def randomsparse( m, n, density=4, symmetric=False, posdef=False,
kw.pop( "incdiag", None )
return randomsparse( n, n, **kw )
for k in "density symmetric posdef ".split():
kw.pop( k, None )
if name == "curve":
return sparse.diags( curve( n ))
# load files, sparse.load_npz / mmread
if name.endswith(( ".npz", ".mtx", ".mtx.gz" )):
filename = findfile( name ) # expand * $ ~, IOError if not found
return load_npz_mtx( filename )
# e.g. Norris/fv1 -> $suitesparse/Norris/fv1/*.mtx from
A = try_npz_mtx( "$suitesparse/" + name )
assert A is not None, "testmatrix: can't find %s" % name
return A
def try_npz_mtx( dir ):
g = globs( dir + "/*.npz" ) # expand * $ ~
if g:
return load_npz_mtx( g[0] ) # first only
g = globs( dir + "/*.mtx" )
if g:
return load_npz_mtx( g[0] )
return None
def load_npz_mtx( filename ):
if filename.endswith( ".npz" ):
return sparse.load_npz( filename ).tocsc()
if filename.endswith(( ".mtx", ".mtx.gz" )): # matrix market -- text, huge, mem leak
return mmread( filename ).tocsc()
return None
def curve( n,
x = np.r_[ 0, 1, 2, 5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 90, 95, 98, 99, 99.9, 100 ],
y = np.r_[ 0, 0, 1e-16, 0.13, 0.19, 0.33, 0.61, 1.1, 1.9, 2.6, 3.8, 5, 270, 273 ]
""" -> spectrum like scikit-learn 20newsgroups ndoc=4000 A A' """
# ... 13 14 18 23 273
print( "curve: %s \n-> %s" % (x, y) )
xnew = np.linspace( x.min(), x.max(), n )
return np.interp( xnew, x, y ) # mono spline ?
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
import scipy.linalg
np.set_printoptions( threshold=20, edgeitems=10, linewidth=120, formatter = dict(
float = lambda x: "%.2g" % x, # float arrays %.2g
complexfloat = " {0.real:.2g} {0.imag:+.2g}j " .format ))
test = "powerlaw rotate"
# test = "powerlaw flip"
# test = "randomsparse" # 100 A'A: -5e-16 .. -2e-18 8e-33 1e-16 ..
# test = "I LL"
n = 100
incdiag = 0
neig = 10
# to change these params, run a=1 b=None 'c = expr' ... in sh or ipython --
for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
exec( arg )
A = testmatrix( test, n=n, incdiag=incdiag, posdef=True )
n = A.shape[0]
print( A[:10,:10].A, "..." )
print( A[-10:,-10:].A )
if neig > 0:
evals, V = scipy.linalg.eigh( A.A, subset_by_index=[n - neig, n - 1] )
print( "eigh dense:", np.sort( evals ))
eigcheck( A, evals, V )
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