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Created January 20, 2015 16:06
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function partest2(model, corpus, batchsize)
batches = ceil(numel(corpus)/batchsize);
for batch=1:batches
% Initialize a batch of sentences and parsers:
bstart = (batch-1)*batchsize+1;
bend = min(batch*batchsize, numel(corpus));
sentences = corpus(bstart:bend);
nsentences = numel(sentences);
parsers = cell(1, nsentences);
for i=1:nsentences
parsers{i} = initparser(model, sentences{i});
% Initialize dimensions and pre-allocate arrays:
nmove = numel(validmoves(parsers{1}));
ndims = numel(getfeatures(parsers{1}, sentences{1}, model));
valid = false(nmove, nsentences);
x = zeros(ndims, nsentences);
% Initialize the number and indices of unfinished sentences:
nvalid = nsentences;
ivalid = 1:nsentences;
while 1
% Update valid moves and unfinished sentences:
for j=1:nvalid
i = ivalid(j);
valid(:,i) = validmoves(parsers{i});
ivalid = find(any(valid));
nvalid = numel(ivalid);
if nvalid == 0 break; end
% Calculate features for unfinished sentences:
for j=1:nvalid
i = ivalid(j);
x(:,j) = getfeatures(parsers{i}, sentences{i}, model);
% Calculate scores and execute moves:
scores = predict(model, x(:,1:nvalid));
scores(~valid(:,ivalid)) = -inf;
[~,moves] = max(scores);
for j=1:nvalid
i = ivalid(j);
transition(parsers{i}, moves(j));
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