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Created April 25, 2020 03:20
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using AutoGrad, CuArrays, Knet, Test
using AutoGrad: @gcheck
using CuArrays: @cufunc
const GConstant01 = sqrt(2/pi)
const GConstant02 = 0.044715 * sqrt(2/pi)
const GConstant03 = GConstant01 / 2
# Main definition, broadcasted version works on Arrays
gelu(x::T) where T = (x/2)*(1 + tanh(T(GConstant02)*x^3 + T(GConstant01)*x))
geluback(x::T,dy::T) where T = dy*(T(0.5)*tanh(T(GConstant02)*x^3 + T(GConstant01)*x) + (T(0.0535161)*x^3 + T(GConstant03)*x)*(1/cosh(T(GConstant02)*x^3 + T(GConstant01)*x))^2 + T(0.5))
# This defines gelu for AutoGrad
@primitive gelu(x),dy geluback.(x,dy)
# This makes broadcasted gelu work for CuArray, directly compiling a CUDA kernel from Julia code.
# @cufunc necessary to use a GPU compatible version of tanh etc.
@cufunc gelu(x::T) where T = (x/2)*(1 + tanh(T(GConstant02)*x^3 + T(GConstant01)*x))
@cufunc geluback(x::T,dy::T) where T = dy*(T(0.5)*tanh(T(GConstant02)*x^3 + T(GConstant01)*x) + (T(0.0535161)*x^3 + T(GConstant03)*x)*(1/cosh(T(GConstant02)*x^3 + T(GConstant01)*x))^2 + T(0.5))
# This defines gelu for KnetArray
import Base.Broadcast: broadcasted
import Knet: KnetArray
function KnetArray(x::CuArray{T,N}) where {T,N}
p = Base.bitcast(Knet.Cptr, x.ptr)
k = Knet.KnetPtr(p, sizeof(x), gpu(), x)
KnetArray{T,N}(k, size(x))
broadcasted(::typeof(gelu),x::KnetArray) = KnetArray(gelu.(CuArray(x)))
broadcasted(::typeof(geluback),x::KnetArray,dy::KnetArray) = KnetArray(geluback.(CuArray(x),CuArray(dy)))
# This tests all of the above
@testset "gelu" begin
x = rand(10)
a = Param(x)
c = Param(CuArray(x))
k = Param(KnetArray(x))
@test @gcheck gelu.(a)
@test @gcheck gelu.(c)
@test @gcheck gelu.(k)
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