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Created May 7, 2024 15:34
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Energy loss calculations: Bethe-Bloch formula
// Energy loss calculations
// Bethe-Bloch formula according to C.Grupen & B.Shwartz: Particle Detectors, Cambridge
// Author: Dennis Angemi
// Sources: Material provided by prof.ssa Paola La Rocca, DFA, UNICT, Catania
// constants definition
#define K 0.30707 // 4π N_A r^2_e m_ec^2
#define MEC2 0.511 // m_e c^2
#define N_STEPS 10000 // (10k)
#define Z 2.0 // Z projectile (alpha)
#define M 4.0 // M projectile in a.m.u. (alpha)
#define ZT 13 // Z target (13Al)
#define MT 26.98 // M target in a.m.u. (13Al)
#define E_INITIAL 5 // MeV
#define DENSITY 2.7 // g/cm^3
#define THICKNESS 0.0016 // cm
#define MC2 M*931.494 // mc^2
typedef TGraph* pTGraph;
typedef TCanvas* pTCanvas;
void bb()
Int_t ie; // iterator
Double_t ipot, e_tot, p, beta, gamma, arg, phi, e_final, de, stopping_power;
pTGraph gr;
pTCanvas c1;
gr = new TGraph;
// ionization potential
ipot = 16.0*TMath::Power(ZT,0.9);
if(ZT==1) ipot = 21.8;
ipot = ipot*1.0E-6;
e_final = E_INITIAL;
// header
cout << "energy,distance" << endl;
// loop on energy
for(ie=0; ie<N_STEPS; ie++)
de = 0;
e_tot = e_final + MC2;
p = TMath::Sqrt( (e_final*e_final) + (2.0*e_final*MC2) );
beta = p/e_tot;
gamma = 1.0 / TMath::Sqrt( 1.0 - (beta*beta) );
arg = 2.0*MEC2*gamma*gamma*beta*beta/ipot;
phi = log(arg) - (beta*beta);
stopping_power = K*(ZT/MT)*Z*Z*phi*DENSITY/(beta*beta);
e_final -= stopping_power * DX;
de += stopping_power * DX;
if(stopping_power<0.1) break;
cout<<e_final<<","<<stopping_power <<endl;
// add point to char
gr -> AddPoint(DX*ie, stopping_power);
// gr -> AddPoint(beta*gamma, -stopping_power[ie]);
cout << "Spessore percorso: " << DX*ie << endl;
cout << "Energia: " << e_final << endl;
// plotting
c1 = new TCanvas();
gr -> SetMarkerColor(2);
gr -> Draw("AP");
gr -> SetMarkerStyle(20);
gr -> SetMarkerSize(0.2);
gr->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Distanza percorsa nel bersaglio (cm)");
gr->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Perdita di energia (MeV/cm)");
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