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Created February 16, 2012 19:39
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Scripts for generating the low-order bits of an SHA1 hash.
Receives 2 command-line arguments:
* Number of low-order bits to match
* Length of time to run for (in seconds)
Executes for a given time, generating random SHA1 hashes,
and counting how many times the low-order bits match the "z".
Prints out average time to generate low-order bits.
import hashlib
import random
import sys
import time
import string
import binascii
def ascii_to_long(asc):
converts ASCII string to long
return long(binascii.hexlify(asc), 16)
# The given 20-digit string (pre-hashed with SHA1)
z = '\x83\xa1K\xbe\xect\x88=\x07\x840\x89\x1f\x9ao\xae3Yw;'
# Convert x to a long
zlong = ascii_to_long(z)
def matching_bits(n, m):
Counts number of matching bits between longs n and m, starting
from low-order (right) side. Only counts until it hits a
non-matching pair of bits.
x = n ^ m
if x == 0: return 8 # Only way to get 0 is if n == m, so all 8 bits are the same
# Find how many bits are similar
place = 0
while x % 2 == 0:
place += 1
x = x >> 1
return place
def generate_low_order_bits(num, verbose=True):
Returns the amount of time required to generate SHA1 hash that
has at least 'num' matching low-order bits with 'z'.
total_guesses = 0
time_started = time.time()
while True:
# Generate 16 random bits
# x = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits) for x in range(32))
x = str(random.getrandbits(64))
total_guesses += 1
# Get SHA-1 for x
sha = hashlib.sha1()
y = sha.digest()
# Convert y to list of ints
ylong = ascii_to_long(y)
# Count how many bits match
total_matches = matching_bits(ylong, zlong)
# If the number of matching bits between these two SHA-1 hashes is > 'num', we're done.
if total_matches >= num: break
# Display results (if verbose)
if verbose:
print 'total hashes guessed: %d' % (total_guesses)
print '\noriginal%s' % (' ' * (len(x) - 2) + '= ' + to_hex(z))
print 'SHA(%s) = %s' % (x, to_hex(y))
matching_chars = total_matches / 4
print ' %s%s%s' % (' ' * len(x), ' ' * (40 - matching_chars), '^' * matching_chars)
print '\n %d bits matched in %.0fms' % (total_matches, 1000 * (time.time() - time_started))
# Return the total time taken
return time.time() - time_started
def get_average(num_bits, max_time):
Generates hash that matches "num_bits" low order bits,
and does this for at least 'max_time' number of seconds before stopping and taking the average.
Returns the average amount of time required to generate the low-order bits (in milliseconds)
# Keep track of when we started (so we know when to stop)
time_started = time.time()
# Keep track of how long each attempt takes
total_time = 0.0
runs = 0
while time.time() - time_started < max_time:
runs += 1
print '\r %d' % runs,
total_time += generate_low_order_bits(num_bits, verbose=False)
average_time = (total_time * 1000) / float(runs)
print "\r \n matched %d low-order bits %d times: %.3fms average" % (num_bits, runs, average_time)
return average_time
def to_hex(s):
Convert an ascii string to hex string
lst = []
for ch in s:
hv = hex(ord(ch)).replace('0x', '')
if len(hv) == 1:
hv = '0'+hv
return reduce(lambda x,y:x+y, lst)
# Entry point
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Get command line args
args = sys.argv[1:]
# 2 args are required, they must be digits
if len(args) < 2 or not args[0].isdigit() or not args[1].isdigit():
print ' script requires 2 integer arguments to calculate average time'
print ' python <number of bits to match> <maximum time to give for generating>'
get_average(int(args[0]), int(args[1]))
# Catch keyboard interrupts (ctrl+c)
# Avoids printing the ugly stack dump
except KeyboardInterrupt: pass
Calculates the most matching low-order bits for a given "z"
Waits until user presses CTRL+C, then displays results.
import hashlib
import random
import string
import time
import sys
import binascii
def ascii_to_long(asc):
converts ASCII string to long
return long(binascii.hexlify(asc), 16)
# The given 20-digit string (pre-hashed with SHA1)
z = '\x83\xa1K\xbe\xect\x88=\x07\x840\x89\x1f\x9ao\xae3Yw;'
# Convert x to a list of ints for easy computing
zlong = ascii_to_long(z)
def matching_bits(n, m):
Counts number of matching bits between two longs n and m,
starting from low-order (right) side.
Only counts until it hits a non-matching pair of bits.
x = n ^ m
if x == 0: return 8 # Only way to get 0 is if n == m, so all 8 bits are the same
# Find how many bits are similar
place = 0
while x % 2 == 0:
place += 1
x = x >> 1
return place
def generate_low_order_bits():
Repeatedly generates SHA-1 hashes and counts # of matching bits.
Keeps track of highest-matches until user presses CTRL+C
total_guesses = 0
time_started = time.time()
most_matches = 0
most_y = ''
most_x = ''
most_time = time.time()
most_guessed = 0
while True:
# Generate 160 random bits
#x = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits) for d in range(32))
x = str(random.getrandbits(160))
total_guesses += 1
# Get SHA-1 for x
sha = hashlib.sha1()
y = sha.digest()
# Convert y to list of ints
ylong = ascii_to_long(y)
# Count how many bits match
total_matches = matching_bits(ylong, zlong)
if total_matches > most_matches:
most_matches = total_matches
most_y = y
most_x = x
most_time = time.time()
most_guessed = total_guesses
print '\r Matched %d low-order bits' % (most_matches),
except KeyboardInterrupt: pass
print '\r '
# Display results (if verbose)
print 'total hashes guessed: %d' % (total_guesses)
print '\noriginal%s' % (' ' * (len(most_x) - 2) + '= ' + to_hex(z))
print 'SHA(%s) = %s' % (most_x, to_hex(most_y))
matching_chars = most_matches / 4
print ' %s%s%s' % (' ' * len(most_x), ' ' * (40 - matching_chars), '^' * matching_chars)
print '\n %d bits matched in %s after %d guesses' % (most_matches, sec_to_hms(most_time - time_started), most_guessed)
def to_hex(s):
Convert an ascii string to hex string
lst = []
for ch in s:
hv = hex(ord(ch)).replace('0x', '')
if len(hv) == 1:
hv = '0'+hv
return reduce(lambda x,y:x+y, lst)
def sec_to_hms(sec):
Formats seconds to HH:MM:SS format
frac = float(sec)
sec = int(sec)
frac = frac - float(sec)
s = sec % 60
m = sec / 60
h = m / 60
m = m % 60
h = h % 60
return "%s:%s:%s.%.0f" % (h, m, s, frac * 1000)
# Entry point
if __name__ == '__main__':
TCSS 431 - Network Security
Hash Lab
PART 1: Calculate as many low-order bits of the 20-digit string as possible.
My ID is 24 and my given 20-digit string is '\x83\xa1K\xbe\xect\x88=\x07\x840\x89\x1f\x9ao\xae3Yw;'
I was able to generate a hash which matches the 25 low-order bits of the given string. The hash is below:
original = 83a14bbeec74883d078430891f9a6fae3359773b
SHA(9x0afs7czay0zffrpaaq52ytdi9w1jqz) = 2fe54b3cf65dee301f90f70d513ed2009559773b
25 bits matched in 0:1:23.574 after 2,568,875 guesses
This calculation took 1 minute, 23 seconds and was after 2.5 million random guesses.
I used the attached script "" to calculate this amount.
PART 2: Calculate how much time is needed to generate all 160 bits of an SHA-1 hash
To calculate how long it would take to generate all the bits of a 160-bit SHA1 hash, I used empirical testing by taking the average time to find lower order bits.
The script generated SHA-1 hashes which matched the low-order bits of the given Z. The generation for each amount of bits was repeated numerously and the average time needed to generate the low-order bits was calculated.
Below are the results of the empirical testing:
---- -----------------
1 0.027
2 0.051
3 0.096
4 0.177
5 0.327
6 0.594
7 1.178
8 2.228
9 4.347
10 9.496
11 18.748
12 36.344
13 74.938
14 149.257
15 290.533
16 551.237
17 924.674
I used the attached script "" to calculate these averages.
With the data gathered, a logarhythmic pattern appeared instantly. The function for the time needed to generate N number of bits is approximately T(N) = 2 ^ (N - 5) milliseconds.
Excel gave me the value T(N) = 1.97 ^ (N - 7) which I rounded to 2.
Plugging in the full 160 bits which SHA-1 generates, we get:
2 ^ (160 - 7)
= 2 ^ (153)
= 1.14 * 10 ^ 46 milliseconds
= 10 ^ 32 millenia
This would take a VERY long time...
3,620,618,195,601,115,882,948,467,705,351,300 years.
According to NASA, the universe is roughly 14 billion years old. Calculating the hash could take longer than a 25 sextillion times the age of the universe.
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