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Created February 3, 2012 16:39
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quadratic curve interpolation
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>quad curve</title>
body {
background: #CCC;
canvas {
background: white;
#box {
width: 50px;
height: 50px;
background: #D22;
position: relative;
<div id="box"></div>
const PI = Math.PI;
const TWO_PI = PI * 2;
var canvas, ctx;
var w = 400;
var h = 400;
// where the progression ends
var max = 0.8;
// how far along the linear progression, should the curve begin
var startCurve = 0.5;
var p1 = {
x: w * max * startCurve,
y: h * max * startCurve
var p2 = {
x: w,
y: h * max
var cp = {
x: w * max,
y: h * max
function line( pA, pB, color ) {
ctx.strokeStyle = color || 'hsla( 0, 0%, 0%, 0.5 )';
ctx.moveTo( pA.x, pA.y );
ctx.lineTo( pB.x, pB.y );
function point( p, color ) {
ctx.fillStyle = color || 'hsla( 0, 0%, 0%, 0.5 )';
ctx.arc( p.x, p.y, 3, 0, TWO_PI );
function getLerpPoint( pA, pB, i ) {
return {
x: ( pB.x - pA.x ) * i + pA.x,
y: ( pB.y - pA.y ) * i + pA.y
function render( x ) {
ctx.clearRect( 0, 0, w * 2, h );;
ctx.scale( 1, -1 );
ctx.translate( 0, -h)
// draw the linear progression portion
line( { x: 0, y: 0 }, p1, 'hsla( 120, 100%, 40%, 0.3 )' );
// draw points and lines of quadratic curve
point( p1 );
point( cp );
point( p2 );
line( p1, cp, 'hsla( 300, 100%, 50%, 0.3 )' );
line( cp, p2, 'hsla( 300, 100%, 50%, 0.3 )' );
// draw x value
line( { x: x, y: 0 }, { x: x, y: h }, 'hsla( 0, 0%, 0%, 0.3 )' );
// draw quadratic curve
ctx.strokeStyle = '#22A';
ctx.moveTo( p1.x, p1.y );
ctx.quadraticCurveTo( cp.x, cp.y, p2.x, p2.y );
// where curve starts
var progressionPoint
if ( x > p2.x ) {
progressionPoint = { x: x, y: p2.y };
} else if ( x < p1.x ) {
// if in linear progression, before the curve begins
progressionPoint = { x: x, y: x };
} else {
// thx to Wes Dimiceli for figuring the math all out
var denom = p2.x - 2 * cp.x + p1.x;
var a = ( cp.x - p1.x ) / denom;
var b = Math.sqrt( ( x - p1.x ) / denom + a * a );
var i1 = b - a;
var i2 = -b - a;
// since sqrt can be +/-, use value that is less than 1
var i = i1 <= 1 ? i1 : i2;
var sp1 = getLerpPoint( p1, cp, i );
point( sp1, 'orange' );
var sp2 = getLerpPoint( cp, p2, i );
point( sp2, 'orange' );
line( sp1, sp2, 'orange' );
progressionPoint = getLerpPoint( sp1, sp2, i );
point( progressionPoint, 'black' );
function onMousemove( event ) {
var x = ( event.pageX - canvas.offsetLeft );
render( x );
function lerp( a, b, i ) {
return ( b - a ) * i + a;
function quadLimit( value, max, limit, startCurve ) {
startCurve = startCurve || 0;
var p1 = limit * startCurve;
if ( value > max ) {
// if value is more than max, cap it at the limit
value = limit;
} else if ( value > p1 ) {
// within curve, let's get y value
// thx to Wes Dimiceli for figuring the math all out
var denom = max - 2 * limit + p1;
// prevent divide by 0
denom = denom === 0 ? 1 : denom;
var a = ( limit - p1 ) / denom;
var b = Math.sqrt( ( value - p1 ) / denom + a * a );
var i1 = b - a;
var i2 = -b - a;
// since sqrt can be +/-, use value that is less than 1
var i = i1 <= 1 ? i1 : i2;
var sp1y = lerp( p1, limit, i );
value = lerp( sp1y, limit, i );
return value;
var box;
var boxOriginX;
function onBoxMousedown( event ) {
boxOriginX = event.pageX;
window.addEventListener( 'mousemove', onBoxMousemove, false );
window.addEventListener( 'mouseup', onBoxmouseup, false );
function onBoxMousemove( event ) {
var x = event.pageX - boxOriginX;
x = quadLimit( x, 1000, 750, 0.4 );
// console.log( x ) = ~~x + 'px';
function onBoxmouseup( event ) { = 0;
window.removeEventListener( 'mousemove', onBoxMousemove, false );
window.removeEventListener( 'mouseup', onBoxmouseup, false );
window.onload = function() {
canvas = document.getElementsByTagName('canvas')[0];
canvas.width = w * 2;
canvas.height = h;
ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
canvas.addEventListener( 'mousemove', onMousemove, false);
box = document.getElementById('box');
box.addEventListener( 'mousedown', onBoxMousedown, false );
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