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Created December 21, 2011 15:35
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Fixed Treebank Tokenizer for NLTK
.. Copyright (C) 2001-2012 NLTK Project
.. For license information, see LICENSE.TXT
>>> from nltk.tokenize import *
Regression Tests: Treebank Tokenizer
Some test strings.
>>> s1 = "On a $50,000 mortgage of 30 years at 8 percent, the monthly payment would be $366.88."
>>> print word_tokenize(s1)
['On', 'a', '$', '50', ',', '000', 'mortgage', 'of', '30', 'years', 'at', '8', 'percent', ',', 'the', 'monthly', 'payment', 'would', 'be', '$', '366.88', '.']
>>> s2 = "\"We beat some pretty good teams to get here,\" Slocum said."
>>> print word_tokenize(s2)
['``', 'We', 'beat', 'some', 'pretty', 'good', 'teams', 'to', 'get', 'here', ',', "''", 'Slocum', 'said', '.']
>>> s3 = "Well, we couldn't have this predictable, cliche-ridden, \"Touched by an Angel\" (a show creator John Masius worked on) wanna-be if she didn't."
>>> print word_tokenize(s3)
['Well', ',', 'we', 'could', "n't", 'have', 'this', 'predictable', ',', 'cliche-ridden', ',', '``', 'Touched', 'by', 'an', 'Angel', "''", '(', 'a', 'show', 'creator', 'John', 'Masius', 'worked', 'on', ')', 'wanna-be', 'if', 'she', 'did', "n't", '.']
>>> s4 = "I cannot cannot work under these conditions!"
>>> print word_tokenize(s4)
['I', 'can', 'not', 'can', 'not', 'work', 'under', 'these', 'conditions', '!']
Regression Tests: Regexp Tokenizer
Some additional test strings.
>>> s = ("Good muffins cost $3.88\nin New York. Please buy me\n"
... "two of them.\n\nThanks.")
>>> s2 = ("Alas, it has not rained today. When, do you think, "
... "will it rain again?")
>>> s3 = ("<p>Although this is <b>not</b> the case here, we must "
... "not relax our vigilance!</p>")
>>> print regexp_tokenize(s2, r'[,\.\?!"]\s*', gaps=False)
[', ', '. ', ', ', ', ', '?']
>>> print regexp_tokenize(s2, r'[,\.\?!"]\s*', gaps=True)
['Alas', 'it has not rained today', 'When', 'do you think',
'will it rain again']
Make sure that grouping parentheses don't confuse the tokenizer:
>>> print regexp_tokenize(s3, r'</?(b|p)>', gaps=False)
['<p>', '<b>', '</b>', '</p>']
>>> print regexp_tokenize(s3, r'</?(b|p)>', gaps=True)
['Although this is ', 'not',
' the case here, we must not relax our vigilance!']
Make sure that named groups don't confuse the tokenizer:
>>> print regexp_tokenize(s3, r'</?(?P<named>b|p)>', gaps=False)
['<p>', '<b>', '</b>', '</p>']
>>> print regexp_tokenize(s3, r'</?(?P<named>b|p)>', gaps=True)
['Although this is ', 'not',
' the case here, we must not relax our vigilance!']
Make sure that nested groups don't confuse the tokenizer:
>>> print regexp_tokenize(s2, r'(h|r|l)a(s|(i|n0))', gaps=False)
['las', 'has', 'rai', 'rai']
>>> print regexp_tokenize(s2, r'(h|r|l)a(s|(i|n0))', gaps=True)
['A', ', it ', ' not ', 'ned today. When, do you think, will it ',
'n again?']
The tokenizer should reject any patterns with backreferences:
>>> print regexp_tokenize(s2, r'(.)\1')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Regular expressions with back-references are
not supported: '(.)\\1'
>>> print regexp_tokenize(s2, r'(?P<foo>)(?P=foo)')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Regular expressions with back-references are
not supported: '(?P<foo>)(?P=foo)'
A simple sentence tokenizer '\.(\s+|$)'
>>> print regexp_tokenize(s, pattern=r'\.(\s+|$)', gaps=True)
['Good muffins cost $3.88\nin New York',
'Please buy me\ntwo of them', 'Thanks']
Penn Treebank Tokenizer
The Treebank tokenizer uses regular expressions to tokenize text as in Penn Treebank.
This implementation is a port of the tokenizer sed script written by Robert McIntyer
and available at
This is the method that is invoked by ``word_tokenize()``. It assumes that the
text has already been segmented into sentences, e.g. using ``sent_tokenize()``.
This tokenizer performs the following steps:
- split standard contractions, e.g. ``don't`` -> ``do n't`` and ``they'll`` -> ``they 'll``
- treat most punctuation characters as separate tokens
- split off commas and single quotes, when followed by whitespace
- separate periods that appear at the end of line
>>> from nltk.tokenize import TreebankWordTokenizer
>>> s = "Good muffins cost $3.88\nin New York. Please buy me\ntwo of them.\n\nThanks."
>>> TreebankWordTokenizer().tokenize(s)
['Good', 'muffins', 'cost', '$', '3.88', 'in', 'New', 'York.',
'Please', 'buy', 'me', 'two', 'of', 'them.', 'Thanks', '.']
>>> s = "They'll save and invest more."
['They', "'ll", 'save', 'and', 'invest', 'more', '.']
import re
from api import *
class TreebankWordTokenizer(TokenizerI):
# List of contractions adapted from Robert MacIntyre's tokenizer.
CONTRACTIONS2 = [re.compile(r"\b(can)(not)\b", flags=re.IGNORECASE),
re.compile(r"\b(d)('ye)\b", flags=re.IGNORECASE),
re.compile(r"\b(gim)(me)\b", flags=re.IGNORECASE),
re.compile(r"\b(gon)(na)\b", flags=re.IGNORECASE),
re.compile(r"\b(got)(ta)\b", flags=re.IGNORECASE),
re.compile(r"\b(lem)(me)\b", flags=re.IGNORECASE),
re.compile(r"\b(mor)('n)\b", flags=re.IGNORECASE),
re.compile(r"\b(wan)(na) ", flags=re.IGNORECASE)]
CONTRACTIONS3 = [re.compile(r" ('t)(is)\b", flags=re.IGNORECASE),
re.compile(r" ('t)(was)\b", flags=re.IGNORECASE)]
CONTRACTIONS4 = [re.compile(r"\b(whad)(dd)(ya)\b", flags=re.IGNORECASE),
re.compile(r"\b(wha)(t)(cha)\b", flags=re.IGNORECASE)]
def tokenize(self, text):
#starting quotes
text = re.sub(r'^\"', r'``', text)
text = re.sub(r'(``)', r' \1 ', text)
text = re.sub(r'([ (\[{<])"', r'\1 `` ', text)
text = re.sub(r'\.\.\.', r' ... ', text)
text = re.sub(r'[,;:@#$%&]', r' \g<0> ', text)
text = re.sub(r'([^\.])(\.)([\]\)}>"\']*)\s*$', r'\1 \2\3 ', text)
text = re.sub(r'[?!]', r' \g<0> ', text)
text = re.sub(r"([^'])' ", r"\1 ' ", text)
#parens, brackets, etc.
text = re.sub(r'[\]\[\(\)\{\}\<\>]', r' \g<0> ', text)
text = re.sub(r'--', r' -- ', text)
#add extra space to make things easier
text = " " + text + " "
#ending quotes
text = re.sub(r'"', " '' ", text)
text = re.sub(r'(\S)(\'\')', r'\1 \2 ', text)
text = re.sub(r"([^' ])('[sS]|'[mM]|'[dD]|') ", r"\1 \2 ", text)
text = re.sub(r"([^' ])('ll|'re|'ve|n't|) ", r"\1 \2 ", text)
text = re.sub(r"([^' ])('LL|'RE|'VE|N'T|) ", r"\1 \2 ", text)
for regexp in self.CONTRACTIONS2:
text = regexp.sub(r' \1 \2 ', text)
for regexp in self.CONTRACTIONS3:
text = regexp.sub(r' \1 \2 ', text)
# We are not using CONTRACTIONS4 since
# they are also commented out in the SED scripts
# for regexp in self.CONTRACTIONS4:
# text = regexp.sub(r' \1 \2 \3 ', text)
text = re.sub(" +", " ", text)
text = text.strip()
#add space at end to match up with MacIntyre's output (for debugging)
if text != "":
text += " "
return text.split()
#if __name__ == "__main__":
# import sys
# t = TreebankWordTokenizer()
# for line in sys.stdin:
# line = line.strip()
# print t.tokenize(line)
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In this version, CONTRACTIONS2 requires tokens to be space separated, when \b should be used instead (as in the existing implementation). Thus, it breaks in cases like this:

"This cannot cannot be right!" --> "This can not cannot be right !"
"This cannot work." --> "This cannot work ."

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I fixed the gist to solve this issue.

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Also, the flags argument to re.sub requires Python 2.7. The existing version of works with earlier versions. Do we have any tests?

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Removed the 'flags' argument to re.sub. Working on additional unit tests now. Should these go into test/tokenize.doctest?

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Great, thanks. Yes, please put them in tokenize.doctest. Also, please see tokenize/ for an example of doctests inside docstrings for the purpose of user documentation.

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So, I tested this script against the official penn treebank sed script on a sample of 100,000 sentences from the NYT section of GigaWord. The latest version above gets the exact same results on this sample as the sed script so I am pretty confident that this version is as close to official treebank tokenization as possible. I added some simple doctests to the docstring. I am also attaching a new version of tokenize.doctest here which contains some unit tests for treebank tokenization.

Let me know if I can check these in.

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Thanks. Please go ahead, but first remember we can't use the "flags" named argument to re.compile as this requires Python 2.7 and we are still supporting 2.5.

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I've removed the "flags" arguments, reinstated the class docstring, added a missing line of code to the docstring:
I've also acknowledged the author.

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