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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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Placeholders for all
<input tpl="url" placeholder="http://">
<script src="placeholder.js"></script>
<script>[]'[placeholder]'), placeholder);</script>
(function() {
// default style
var s = document.createElement('style');
s.appendChild(document.createTextNode(s.textContent = '._placeholder { color:#CCC !important; }'));
(document.body || document.createElement('body')).appendChild(s);
function focus() {
var p = this.getAttribute('placeholder')
if (this.value===p) {
this.className = (this.className || '').replace(/ _placeholder(\s|$)/, '$1');
this.value = '';
function change() {
var p = this.getAttribute('placeholder');
this.className = (this.className || '').replace(/ _placeholder(\s|$)/, '$1');
if (!this.value) {
this.className += ' _placeholder';
this.value = p;
else {
this.value = '';
function hook(node, type, fn) {
(node.addEventListener ? node.addEventListener(type, fn) : node.attachEvent('on'+type, fn));
return function placeholder(node) {
if ('placeholder' in node || node.placeholderActive) return function(){};
node.placeholderActive = true;
hook(node, 'focus', focus);
hook(node, 'blur', change);
hook(node, 'change', change);;
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