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Last active May 6, 2024 05:10
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Preact + Web Components = <333 Demo:
import { h, Component } from 'preact';
import Markup from 'preact-markup';
import register from './preact-custom-element';
// just a proxy component: WC -> Preact -> WC
const A = () => <x-b foo="initial foo from <x-a>" />;
// stateful component that can re-render
class B extends Component {
render(props, state) {
return (
<label style={{ display:'block' }}>
<input onInput={this.linkState('foo')} />
<x-c foo={ ||} />
// accepts props (as attributes) from B (<x-b>)
const C = ({ foo }) => (
<span>I am {'<x-c>'}. I got passed foo = <code>{foo}</code></span>
// register stuff (or do it inline above)
register(A, 'x-a');
register(B, 'x-b');
register(C, 'x-c');
// WC on the outside:
document.body.innerHTML = '<x-a></x-a>';
import { h, render } from 'preact';
const Empty = () => null;
export default function register(Component, tagName) {
let prototype = Object.create(HTMLElement.prototype);
prototype._vdomComponent = Component;
prototype.attachedCallback = prototype.attributeChangedCallback = renderElement;
prototype.detachedCallback = unRenderElement;
return document.registerElement(
tagName || Component.displayName ||,
{ prototype }
function renderElement() {
this._root = render(
toVdom(this, this._vdomComponent),
this.shadowRoot || this.createShadowRoot(),
function unRenderElement() {
render(h(Empty), this.shadowRoot, this._root);
function toVdom(element, nodeName) {
if (element.nodeType===3) return element.nodeValue;
if (element.nodeType!==1) return null;
let children=[], props={}, i=0, a=element.attributes, cn=element.childNodes;
for (i=a.length; i--; ) props[a[i].name] = a[i].value;
for (i=cn.length; i--; ) children[i] = toVdom(cn[i]);
return h(nodeName || element.nodeName.toLowerCase(), props, children);
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@RendeCode, perfect, I am glad but keep in mind this example will not work anymore at all because of (This API was removed from browsers) and you should follow this

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