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Last active July 11, 2017 15:42
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  • Save developit/63ffcd531381bee5a3d9959e3a90035b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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preact vdom viewer
/** Use the built-in document viewer in devtools to inspect your VDOM.
* Usage in console:
* viewComponentTree(document.body)
function viewComponentTree(node) {
let doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString('', 'application/xml');
function visitor(dom) {
let el, c;
if (dom instanceof Node) {
el = dom.cloneNode();
for (let i=0; i<dom.childNodes.length; i++) {
let c = dom.childNodes[i];
el.appendChild(visitor(c._component || c));
else {
el = doc.createElement(getName(dom.constructor));
for (let i in dom.props) if (i!=='children' && dom.props[i]!==undefined) {
el.setAttribute(i, stringify(dom.props[i]));
el.appendChild(visitor(dom._component || dom.base));
return el;
function getName(component) {
return component.displayName || || 'UnnamedComponent';
function stringify(value) {
if (value && typeof value==='object') {
if (value.join) return '[ '', ')+' ]';
if ('nodeName' in value && 'attributes' in value && 'children' in value) {
let props = value.__preactattr_ || value.attributes || {};
return '<'+(typeof value.nodeName==='function'?getName(value.nodeName):value.nodeName)+' '+Object.keys(props).map(k=>k+'="'+stringify(props[k])+'"')+' />';
let r = '{';
for (let i in value) {
r += (r[1]?', ':' ') + (typeof value[i]==='function'?'':(i+': ')) + stringify(value[i]);
value = (r.length>60?(r.substring(0,58)+'…'):r) + ' }';
if (typeof value==='function') value = ( || 'fn')+'()';
return String(value);
return doc.firstChild;
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