just the bare necessities of state management.
Hotlink it from https://unpkg.com/valoo
import valoo from 'https://unpkg.com/valoo'
// create an observable value:
const num = valoo(42)
// subscribe to value changes:
const off = num.on( v => console.log(v) )
// unsubscribe that listener:
// set the value, invoking any listeners:
// get the current value:
num() // 43
: lighter 120b version, but doesn't support unsubscribing.valoo-original.mjs
: v1-compatible, with subscribe handled via overloading.
The idea here was first implemented in Mithril. I believe the subscription mechanism is new though.
Apache-2.0. Copyright 2018 Google LLC.
@WebReflection ah good call on the for..of - I did publish ES3 & UMD, they're just ignored in the gist: