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Last active January 6, 2020 17:32
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  • Save devinmcinnis/8109488 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save devinmcinnis/8109488 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Start active players on your Yahoo Fantasy Hockey team for the week/month/year
// Start Active Players in Yahoo Fantasy Hockey League
// So, you want to set your lineup for the rest of the season? Or maybe it's
// just to make sure you have guys playing for the week while you're away.
// Either way, I've got you covered!
// ****************************************
// ****************************************
// Copy and paste this code into your browser's console while you're on your
// fantasy team's roster page. Yes, all of it. Don't know how to get to your
// console? I've got you covered there too.
// Chrome:
// Windows: CTRL + SHIFT + J
// Mac: CMD + OPT + J
// Firefox:
// Windows: CTRL + SHIFT + K
// Mac: CMD + OPT + K
// Safari:
// Preferences > Advanced > Show Developer Tools
// Mac: CMD + OPT + I
// Internet Explorer
// Windows: F12 > Console
// If none of those work, try Google
// To start, if you don't modify anything, this will start setting your
// lineups from today until the last day of the season. The ONLY thing you
// should modify is the startDate below. To modify it, remove the "// "
// before so the line starts at "var". Then, set the date you want to start
// setting your lineup.
// If something goes wrong, you can always type in "clearInterval(timer)"
// (without the quotation marks) to cancel this script OR you can refresh
// the page and everything will go back to normal.
// I've also left comments in the code if you want to see what's going on
// underneath the hood. So, without further ado..
// timer is a global object so if anything goes wrong, we can cancel it
// with "clearInterval(timer)" (without the quotation marks)
// Mostly for testing purposes
var timer = undefined;
// To request pages without needing to load all of its files, we're including
// jQuery (a JavaScript library) to be able to fake page requests through AJAX
var body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
var jq = document.createElement('script');
jq.setAttribute('src', '//');
// Since we need jQuery, we're only running the rest of the code after its loaded
jq.onload = function () {
// Date you want to start setting your active players, YYYY-MM-DD
// Make sure it's set within the same quotation marks on either side
// You can leave this commented out; it'll start on today's date
// var startDate = '2014-12-31';
// Last game of the season is played on April 13th :(
var endOfSeason = new Date('2014-04-13');
// If you've specified a custom start date, use that
// If not, use today as a starting point
var date = undefined;
if (typeof startDate !== 'undefined') {
date = new Date(startDate);
} else {
date = new Date();
// Undefined variables (for now) to store dates
var daysRemaining = undefined;
var newYear = undefined;
var newMonth = undefined;
var newDay = undefined;
// The URL holds the information to your league and team IDs
var url = window.location.href;
// Let's break down the URL
// What we need is the League's ID and your Team's ID
url = url.split('hockey/');
url = url[1].split('/');
var leagueID = url[0];
var teamID = url[1];
var crumb = '';
var startActiveUrl = '';
// Now, there's a little crumb that we need to add to the end of the URL
// I'm not sure if it's the same for everyone so let's just find and use it
var els = document.getElementsByTagName("a");
// For every <a> element (button/link) on the page
for (var i = 0, l = els.length; i < l; i++) {
var el = els[i];
// If any of their link values contain "crumb"
if (el.href.match('crumb')) {
// Save the crumb to a variable so we can use it later
crumb = el.getAttribute('href');
crumb = crumb.split('crumb=');
crumb = crumb[1];
(function setDaysRemaining () {
// Hours * minutes * seconds * milliseconds
var oneDay = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
var firstDate = date;
var secondDate = endOfSeason;
// Calculate the days remaining based on the startDate (or today)
// and the last game of the season (endOfSeason)
daysRemaining = Math.abs((firstDate.getTime() - secondDate.getTime())/(oneDay)) + 1;
// Set the (currently) undefined variables
// Set the day to the starting day plus 1
date.setDate(parseInt(newDay, 10) + 1);
// Start a timer, fun
timer = setInterval(function() {
// At the end of this, we subtract 1 from the amount of days left in
// the season. If the daysRemaining is above 0 before that, run this
// part of the code
if (daysRemaining > 0) {
// Update the date
// Let's create a new URL from your settings
startActiveUrl = '' + leagueID + '/' + teamID + '/startactiveplayers?date=' + newYear + '-' + newMonth + '-' + newDay + '&crumb=' + crumb;
// Here, we're going to use the jQuery script we loaded before to
// send a GET request. Reason being was to send many requests
// without having to download any files. Every byte counts for
// us Canadians!
// Little note for you in the console
console.log('Setting roster for: ' + date);
// Since we may need to set newDay to a string (if its a single digit
// day, 1 to 9), convert it back into an integer/number so we can
// calculate the next date
newDay = parseInt(newDay, 10);
// Calculate the next date
date.setDate(newDay + 1);
} else {
// If there are no more days remaining from startDate (or today) and
// endOfSeason, cancel the timer and show an alert box
alert('All of your lineups have been set!');
// Remember above we talked about subtracting 1 from the total days
// remaining? This is it
daysRemaining -= 1;
// JavaScript time is run in milliseconds
// 1000ms = 1s
// Run the timer every second
}, 200);
function setNewDate () {
// From the new date we created, get the values for year, month, day
newYear = date.getFullYear();
// Note: in JavaScript, months run 0 to 11, so April is month 3, not 4
// For Yahoo though, we need the actual month number
newMonth = date.getMonth() + 1;
newDay = date.getDate();
// Same as in the beginning, if a month or day is a single digit,
// add a '0' in front of it; again, for Yahoo
if (newMonth.toString().length === 1) {
newMonth = '0' + newMonth;
if (newDay.toString().length === 1) {
newDay = '0' + newDay;
// That's it! You're all set to get your lineups rolling with a little code.
// Welcome to the lazy, but efficient, life of programming :)
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I ran this script from my yahoo fantasy page. The script completed successfully but the lineups weren't set. Any chance you'll be updating it for this season haha. I assume the page structure may have changed since last year.

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This worked great for me, thank you.

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This worked for me. I had to update the end-date. I adapted for fantasy basketball by changing the URL. Is it worth forking or adding updates for basketball? Only the URL needs to be changed and someone on Github probably can figure that out.. I kept the Canadian jokes...

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sirago commented Feb 2, 2016

Worked for me, but I had to access my fantasy page without SSL, which was not my default. Accessing from https broke the script, but changing https to http caused it to work correctly.

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Since GitHub does not send notifications for Gist @mentions, I have moved the project to

I updated it with the requested changes. Please use that repo for any further discussion/comments. Thanks everyone!

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jarbro commented Oct 28, 2016

Line 158 needs to be updated to https. Other than that, looks good!

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getreup commented Oct 19, 2017

Changed to https and worked for this year. Amazing, thanks.

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