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Last active October 21, 2021 20:18
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  • Save devinrhode2/37727d116b723d9509cd7d7ff4726c64 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save devinrhode2/37727d116b723d9509cd7d7ff4726c64 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import { globby } from 'globby'
import pMap from 'p-map'
import execa from 'execa'
// typical high end is about 350mb (based on watching "xo" processes inside Activity Monitor)
// ~~lets go with 400mb to be safe~~
// Since we are grouping files together - we should have less oveerhead
// (node, yarn, xo wrapper, eslint wrapper, 1 ts process?) - lets go with just 350.
// prettier-ignore
async function init() {
// yarn xo-fix-all **/*.{ts,tsx}
const fileList = await globby('**/*.{ts,tsx}', { gitignore: true })
const guessOptimialThreads = () => {
let FREE_GB = parseInt(process.env.FREE_GB, 10)
if (!FREE_GB && fileList.length > 12) {
// a "good small commit" should be no more than 12 files (Devin's estimate)
`FREE_GB is not defined, defaulting to ${TYPICAL_FREE_GB}GB. If you have more free memory/ram, run: FREE_GB=12 yarn xo-fix-all`
const XO_CONCURRENCY = parseInt(process.env.XO_CONCURRENCY, 10) || guessOptimialThreads()
console.log('Processing', fileList.length, 'typescript files...')
// XO_CONCURRENCY is how many files we process at the same time.
// Instead of creating 1 thread for each file, we could put all these files into 1 chunk
// So if XO_CONCURRENCY is 5, then we send 5 files all at once to XO.
// Transform fileList from a flat list, to an array of fileList chunks
// const chunkSize = XO_CONCURRENCY
const chunkSize = 5 || process.env.CHUNK_SIZE // 1 is best UX, in case XO is ever buggy, you see buggy behavior as fast as possible.
let chunkedFileList = []
let numberOfChunks = Math.ceil(fileList.length / chunkSize)
for (let i = 0; chunkedFileList.length < numberOfChunks; i++) {
let thisChunk = fileList.slice(
i * chunkSize,
(i * chunkSize)+chunkSize
// assert chunked list still has same number of files:
if (chunkedFileList.flat().length !== fileList.length) {
console.error('chunkedFileList 2nd to last chunk:', chunkedFileList[chunkedFileList.length-2],)
console.error('chunkedFileList last chunk:', chunkedFileList[chunkedFileList.length-1])
console.error('original fileList:', fileList.length)
throw new Error('chunkedFileList does not have same length as fileList')
console.log('Going to lint', chunkSize, 'files per process')
console.log('With', XO_CONCURRENCY, 'parallel processes')
console.time('process all files')
await pMap(
async fileSpec => {
// idk maybe this is garbage. Should probably always be array, or never be array.
let files = Array.isArray(fileSpec)
? fileSpec.join(' ')
: fileSpec
const {all} = await execa.command(
// use defaults, since we are doing 1 file per thread?
`node --unhandled-rejections=strict --max-old-space-size=${
// Hopefully we don't need to heavily pad TYPICAL_XO_MEMORY_USAGE:
// 1. Theoretically should be avoiding some overhead by grouping
// 2. Some can be smaller, some larger, just need to hit good average.
// 3. Therefore, if we have memory problems, we need to increase this number, or make files smaller
TYPICAL_XO_MEMORY_USAGE * 1000 /*convert to MB*/ *
(Array.isArray(fileSpec) ? fileSpec.length : 1)
} --trace-warnings ./node_modules/xo/cli.js --fix ${files}`,
// maybe we can directly require/call cli?
// const cli = require('xo/cli.js')
// cli(file, {fix: true})
{ all: true, env: { FORCE_COLOR: 'true' }, reject: false }
if (all.trim()) process.stdout.write(all + '\n')
concurrency: XO_CONCURRENCY,
console.timeEnd('process all files')
// 28:08.830 (m:ss.mmm) - fix from "scratch", 14 files at a time. (f268409312e1fea740f6009bba4785cb7b6d9e49)
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devinrhode2 commented Oct 21, 2021

with 14 "threads", took 26 minutes 46.387 seconds... But I was mostly not using my computer.

~~Sequentially(?) sending sets of 14 files at a time... eek I did it wrong. I'm sending 14 groups of 14 files, to be run on 14 threads at once :/ ~~
it took 28 minutes and 8 seconds. But, I was heavily using my computer.
Actually, I found ANOTHER mistake - I was not even sending in the chunkedFileList - so these turned out to be mostly the same exact thing...

More measurements might yield different results, or reveal that exactly how we break up the work doesn't really matter that much(?)

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Given that sending one file at a time did have one measurement that is lower, AND I consider it a better user experience (sitting there not printing anything for minutes certainly seems like a bug)... probably sending one file at a time is the best approach. Now, we could send maybe 1, 3, 5 files at a time, maybe 7, but it feels like more than that is going to be a worse experience overall.

~~If there's ever a bug developers run into (actually, I ran into recently) where XO doesn't seem to be getting all the rules and stuff correctly.. then it's best to process one file at a time, ~~

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devinrhode2 commented Oct 21, 2021

XO_CONCURRENCY=7 yarn xo-fix-all

..copied code into actual gist src..

15:12.181 (m:ss.mmm)

Lets try increasing chunkSize :)

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3 threads, 5 files at a time, 7:32.654 (m:ss.mmm)

Maxing out memory, running xo --fix on all files at same time:

/usr/bin/time node --max-old-space-size=12288 ./node_modules/xo/cli.js --fix
276.14 real       326.96 user        61.91 sys

327/60 = 5.45 minutes (5 minutes, 27 seconds)

I feel like grouping by tsconfig may make the most sense for our NX monorepo..

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devinrhode2 commented Oct 21, 2021

discarded changes (git checkout src) ran again..

362.92 real       339.22 user        81.19 sys

363/60 = 6.05 (6 minutes, 3 seconds)

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