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Created January 31, 2018 22:13
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Import modules
import numpy as np
import sklearn
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
import pickle
from sensor_stick.srv import GetNormals
from sensor_stick.features import compute_color_histograms
from sensor_stick.features import compute_normal_histograms
from visualization_msgs.msg import Marker
from sensor_stick.marker_tools import *
from sensor_stick.msg import DetectedObjectsArray
from sensor_stick.msg import DetectedObject
from sensor_stick.pcl_helper import *
import rospy
import tf
from geometry_msgs.msg import Pose
from std_msgs.msg import Float64
from std_msgs.msg import Int32
from std_msgs.msg import String
from pr2_robot.srv import *
from rospy_message_converter import message_converter
import yaml
# Helper function to get surface normals
def get_normals(cloud):
get_normals_prox = rospy.ServiceProxy('/feature_extractor/get_normals', GetNormals)
return get_normals_prox(cloud).cluster
# Helper function to create a yaml friendly dictionary from ROS messages
def make_yaml_dict(test_scene_num, arm_name, object_name, pick_pose, place_pose):
yaml_dict = {}
yaml_dict["test_scene_num"] =
yaml_dict["arm_name"] =
yaml_dict["object_name"] =
yaml_dict["pick_pose"] = message_converter.convert_ros_message_to_dictionary(pick_pose)
yaml_dict["place_pose"] = message_converter.convert_ros_message_to_dictionary(place_pose)
return yaml_dict
# Helper function to output to yaml file
def send_to_yaml(yaml_filename, dict_list):
data_dict = {"object_list": dict_list}
with open(yaml_filename, 'w') as outfile:
yaml.dump(data_dict, outfile, default_flow_style=False)
# Callback function for your Point Cloud Subscriber
def pcl_callback(pcl_msg):
# Exercise-2 TODOs:
# Convert ROS msg to PCL data
cloud = ros_to_pcl(pcl_msg)
# Voxel Grid Downsampling
vox = cloud.make_voxel_grid_filter()
# Choose a voxel (also known as leaf) size
# Note: this (1) is a poor choice of leaf size
# Experiment and find the appropriate size!
LEAF_SIZE = 0.01
# Set the voxel (or leaf) size
vox.set_leaf_size(LEAF_SIZE, LEAF_SIZE, LEAF_SIZE)
# Call the filter function to obtain the resultant downsampled point cloud
cloud_filtered = vox.filter()
# PassThrough Filter
# Create a PassThrough filter object.
passthrough = cloud_filtered.make_passthrough_filter()
# Assign axis and range to the passthrough filter object.
filter_axis = 'z'
axis_min = 0.5
axis_max = 0.8
passthrough.set_filter_limits(axis_min, axis_max)
# Finally use the filter function to obtain the resultant point cloud.
cloud_filtered = passthrough.filter()
passthrough = cloud_filtered.make_passthrough_filter()
# Assign axis and range to the passthrough filter object.
filter_axis = 'x'
axis_min = 0.4
axis_max = 2
passthrough.set_filter_limits(axis_min, axis_max)
# Finally use the filter function to obtain the resultant point cloud.
cloud_filtered = passthrough.filter()
# Extract outliers to denoise
# Much like the previous filters, we start by creating a filter object:
outlier_filter = cloud_filtered.make_statistical_outlier_filter()
# Set the number of neighboring points to analyze for any given point
# Set threshold scale factor
x = 0.05
# Any point with a mean distance larger than global (mean distance+x*std_dev) will be considered outlier
# Finally call the filter function for magic
cloud_filtered = outlier_filter.filter()
cloud_no_noise = cloud_filtered
# RANSAC Plane Segmentation
# Create the segmentation object
seg = cloud_filtered.make_segmenter()
# Set the model you wish to fit
# Max distance for a point to be considered fitting the model
# Experiment with different values for max_distance
# for segmenting the table
max_distance = 0.01
# Call the segment function to obtain set of inlier indices and model coefficients
inliers, coefficients = seg.segment()
# Extract inliers and outliers
cloud_table = cloud_filtered.extract(inliers, negative=False)
cloud_objects = cloud_filtered.extract(inliers, negative=True)
# Euclidean Clustering
white_cloud = XYZRGB_to_XYZ(cloud_objects)
tree = white_cloud.make_kdtree()
# Create a cluster extraction object
ec = white_cloud.make_EuclideanClusterExtraction()
# Set tolerances for distance threshold
# as well as minimum and maximum cluster size (in points)
# NOTE: These are poor choices of clustering parameters
# Your task is to experiment and find values that work for segmenting objects.
# Search the k-d tree for clusters
# Extract indices for each of the discovered clusters
cluster_indices = ec.Extract()
# Create Cluster-Mask Point Cloud to visualize each cluster separately
cluster_color = get_color_list(len(cluster_indices))
color_cluster_point_list = []
for j, indices in enumerate(cluster_indices):
for i, indice in enumerate(indices):
#Create new cloud containing all clusters, each with unique color
cluster_cloud = pcl.PointCloud_PointXYZRGB()
# Exercise-3 TODOs:
# Classify the clusters! (loop through each detected cluster one at a time)
detected_objects_labels = []
detected_objects = []
for index, pts_list in enumerate(cluster_indices):
# Grab the points for the cluster from the extracted outliers (cloud_objects)
pcl_cluster = cloud_objects.extract(pts_list)
# TODO: convert the cluster from pcl to ROS using helper function
ros_cluster = pcl_to_ros(pcl_cluster)
# Extract histogram features
# TODO: complete this step just as is covered in
chists = compute_color_histograms(ros_cluster, using_hsv=True)
normals = get_normals(ros_cluster)
nhists = compute_normal_histograms(normals)
feature = np.concatenate((chists, nhists))
# Make the prediction, retrieve the label for the result
# and add it to detected_objects_labels list
prediction = clf.predict(scaler.transform(feature.reshape(1, -1)))
label = encoder.inverse_transform(prediction)[0]
# Publish a label into RViz
label_pos = list(white_cloud[pts_list[0]])
label_pos[2] += .4
object_markers_pub.publish(make_label(label,label_pos, index))
# Add the detected object to the list of detected objects.
do = DetectedObject()
do.label = label = ros_cluster
rospy.loginfo('Detected {} objects: {}'.format(len(detected_objects_labels), detected_objects_labels))
# Publish the list of detected objects
# This is the output you'll need to complete the upcoming project!
# Suggested location for where to invoke your pr2_mover() function within pcl_callback()
# Could add some logic to determine whether or not your object detections are robust
# before calling pr2_mover()
# Convert PCL data to ROS messages
ros_cloud_tabel = pcl_to_ros(cloud_table)
ros_cloud_objects = pcl_to_ros(cloud_objects)
ros_cluster_cloud = pcl_to_ros(cluster_cloud)
# Publish ROS messages
except rospy.ROSInterruptException:
# Suggested location for where to invoke your pr2_mover() function within pcl_callback()
# Could add some logic to determine whether or not your object detections are robust
# before calling pr2_mover()
# function to load parameters and request PickPlace service
def pr2_mover(object_list):
# TODO: Initialize variables
# TODO: Get/Read parameters
# TODO: Parse parameters into individual variables
# TODO: Rotate PR2 in place to capture side tables for the collision map
# TODO: Loop through the pick list
# TODO: Get the PointCloud for a given object and obtain it's centroid
# TODO: Create 'place_pose' for the object
# TODO: Assign the arm to be used for pick_place
# TODO: Create a list of dictionaries (made with make_yaml_dict()) for later output to yaml format
# Wait for 'pick_place_routine' service to come up
# try:
#pick_place_routine = rospy.ServiceProxy('pick_place_routine', PickPlace)
# TODO: Insert your message variables to be sent as a service request
# print ("Response: ",resp.success)
# except rospy.ServiceException, e:
# print "Service call failed: %s"%e
# TODO: Output your request parameters into output yaml file
if __name__ == '__main__':
# ROS node initialization
rospy.init_node('recognition', anonymous=True)
# Create Subscriber to receive the published data coming from the
#pcl_callback() function that will be processing the point clouds
pcl_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/pr2/world/points', pc2.PointCloud2,
pcl_callback, queue_size=1)
# Create Publishers
object_markers_pub = rospy.Publisher('/object_markers', Marker,
detected_objects_pub = rospy.Publisher('/detected_objects',
# Isolated object point cloud with the object's original colors
# Isolated object point cloud with random colors
# Table point cloud without the objects
pcl_objects_pub = rospy.Publisher('/pcl_objects', PointCloud2, queue_size=1)
pcl_table_pub = rospy.Publisher('/pcl_table', PointCloud2, queue_size=1)
pcl_cluster_pub = rospy.Publisher('/pcl_cluster', PointCloud2, queue_size=1)
# Load model from disk
model = pickle.load(open('model.sav', 'rb'))
clf = model['classifier']
encoder = LabelEncoder()
encoder.classes_ = model['classes']
scaler = model['scaler']
# Initialize color_list
get_color_list.color_list = []
# Spin while node is not shutdown
while not rospy.is_shutdown():
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