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Last active June 19, 2019 04:28
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3 ways to generate multiline strings in JavaScript
// 16 June 2019
// 3 ways to generate multiline strings in JavaScript
// see also string templates
// and "stateless" components
// 1. template literals (es6)
var es6literal = `
This is a multi-
line template literal.
This is a multi-
line template literal.
// 2. EOL backslash (es3)
var es3string = "\
This is a multi-\
line string\n\
with a newline char.\
This is a multi-line string
with a newline char.
// 3. function toString with a regex (es3)
var heredoc = function() {/*!
This comment is a multi-
line string inside
of a function.
This comment is a multi-
line string inside
of a function.
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