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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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string-module ~ create module from method on string instances
// 27 July 2014
// String#module
// based on lessons from xyz project [],
// String#as [],
// and Function#create []
// in the xyz project, I'm thinking of changing the global-use pattern,
// to instance-use
// which entails this on String.prototype
String.prototype.module = function(pathOrFn) {
// set up instancehandler
// delegate to instancehandler which in turn will
// delegate to pathhandler vs fnhandler
// and return itself or a module
// finally return the instancehandler
// so we can do
(function () {
// module.exports, require, global, etc.
// or just
(function () {
// module.exports, require, global, etc.
// UPDATE FEB 28, 2015
// __filename may be unassigned in browsers so a tool should write the
// browser-friendly file path
(__filename || 'generated/path/to/file.js').module
(function () {
// module.exports, require, global, etc.
// since January 2015 thinking jquery plugin style is better
$.module(__filename || 'generated/path/to/file.js')
(function () {
// module.exports, require, global, etc.
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