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Last active February 19, 2024 08:41
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Multistable Cognitive Phenomena - book list and Notes to self about phenomenology, cognitive flexibility, and specification

This list started 8 Feb 2021

Multistable Cognitive Phenomena

This is growing into a philosophical dwelling about <<identity and change>> which is not how it started.

John McCarthy

Cognitive Flexibility

As opposed to cognitive fixity or functional fixedness -

Q: How can machines be taught or programmed to recognize one face vs. two faces?

  • Is that cognitive dissonance, or clashing beliefs, or clashing belief vs. new information?
  • How hard is it to change our opinion of something, and what actual steps or feelings are involved?
  • Path problems vs. Insight problems -
    • opinion or belief revision is another problem type on this continuum
    • problem solving as temporarily held beliefs.

Hubert Dreyfus

Q: The Frame problem as short-vs-long-term memory access problem

  • Why not drop "frame" as the representation and present "framing" as part of the action?
  • Why is it so hard to conceive of framing as a context or immediate data set that still has access to other previous data sets?
  • We still have access to all previous framings or contexts via those contexts or data sets. This is possible via structure sharing, or perhaps path sharing.
  • We may lose access to memory or skill or framings, etc., as we grow over time, but the psychology of memory bears out that memories in the middle become harder to access relative either to very early (primacy) or very late (recency) memories. And some memories may be discarded because they are never used or re-accessed. One could say something is not in memory if it has not been accessed at least once.

14 Feb 2024 notes - perceiving patterns: answering the Frame problem as Sorites paradox or Ship of Theseus

  • "frame" as a data set that changes might as well be a heap that changes by diminishment.
    • we start with a frame full of detail
    • as the instants pass the details change
      • some are added, some disappear
      • some are "changed" because their own details change (are added, disappear)
      • thus a frame is a detail of something else
      • details are themselves frames with their own details
      • details that change can also change our over all perception of the big picture
    • with enough changes the original frame is no longer perceptible
      • thus a frame is a pattern of detail, not the detail itself
  • some perception or cognition requires ostention or pointing out
    • it's a heap until it isn't, it's not a heap until it is
    • a heap is a pattern, not an amount
    • a heap is a relation, not a fact
    • a heap in one language may not be a heap in another - thus, a heap is not a linguistic fact...
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