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Last active January 5, 2022 19:32
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Updated Dale Schumacher's "Actor Model in a Tweet" - and an async/await version
// 28 December 2020
// Updated @dalnefre's actor model in a tweet:
var Actor = (a, e) => function c(b) {
a = d => setTimeout(() =>, d))
e = { self: a, behavior: b, sponsor: c }
return a
Actor()(s => console.log(s))("test")
// "test"
Actor()(s => console.log(this, s))("arrow scope")
// Window, "arrow scope"
Actor()(function(s) { console.log(this, s) })("function scope")
// Object{ self, behavior, sponsor }, "function scope"
// 20 December 2021
// replace "setTimeout" with async/await on behavior b function
var A = (a, e) => function c(b) {
a = async d => await, d)
e = { self: a, behavior: b, sponsor: c }
return a
A()(s => { console.log(s); return s })("example")
// logs "example"
// returns Promise { <state>: "fulfilled", <value>: "example" }
// 21 December 2021 - using fn.bind(console) logs but does not return the value.
A()(console.log.bind(console))("bound call")
// logs "bound call"
// returns Promise { <state>: "fulfilled", <value>: undefined }
// 21 December 2021 - using this? the behavior must be a function, not an arrow.
A()(s => { console.log(this); return s })("arrow")
// logs Window (global)
// returns Promise { <state>: "fulfilled", <value>: "arrow" }
A()(function(s) { console.log(this); return s })("function")
// logs Object { spec: asyn a(d), behavior: (s), sponsor: c(b, a, e) }
// returns Promise { <state>: "fulfilled", <value>: "function" }
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