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Last active July 27, 2019 07:28
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Warms the SSAS permissions when using a dynamic security role
Author: Darren Gosbell
Date: 6 Jul 2016
Warms the Global Scope cache for a list of users. This is useful when
the first connection on a cold cache per user is slow due to evaluation
of a dynamic security role. For production usage it would make sense
to get the list of user accounts by running a SQL query against your
user security table rather than hard coding it.
NOTE: MUST be run by an account with SSAS Server admin priviledges
## the following 4 variables need to be updated for your environment
$server = "localhost\tab12"
$database = "AW Internet Sales Tabular Model 2014"
$model = "Model"
$users = @(
$userCnt = 0
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.AnalysisServices.adomdclient") > $NULL
foreach ($user in $users) {
$connStr = "data source=$server;initial catalog=$database;EffectiveUserName=$user"
$cnn = new-object Microsoft.AnalysisServices.adomdclient.adomdconnection($connStr)
$cmd = $cnn.CreateCommand()
$cmd.CommandText = "select {} on 0 FROM [$model]"
$da = new-Object Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.AdomdDataAdapter($cmd)
$ds = new-Object System.Data.DataSet
$da.Fill($ds) > $NULL
write-output "cache primed for user: $user"
Write-Progress -Status "Priming User Caches" -Activity "User: $user" -PercentComplete (($userCnt / $users.Count) * 100)
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It probably is possible to run this in parallel, but you'd want to keep an eye on the resource usage on your server to make sure that you don't overload it. ADOMD does not have async methods so you'd have to use a Powershell cmdlet called Start-Job which can start background tasks. However this cmdlet is quite expensive to run so you would want to split the user list into a number of smaller segments and run a task per segment. I'd probably start with 2-3 segments to see if the concept works and then start increasing the number of jobs until you stop see an improvement in the time taken.

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thanks a lot for your detailed explanation.

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