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Last active December 28, 2018 23:38
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Randomized edge swaps in cypher

Degree-Preserving Edge-Swap


We designed a hetnet for drug repurposing that contains 50 thousand nodes (of 10 labels) and 3 million relationships (of 27 types). And we’ve chosen neo4j for handling network storage and interaction.

In the past, we’ve used randomized edge swaps to permute the newtork. In other words, we shuffle network relationships in a way that preserves node degree but destroys relationship specificity. Using this method, we can see whether the signals we observe are due to uninteresting degree effects or meaningful relationships.

Randomization by edge swapping is an established operation on homonets. However, we must be careful when extending the concept to networks with directionality and multiple relationship types. When swapping directed relationships, we should maintain directionality, so that post-permutation the in and out-degrees of each node remain unchanged. Next, we should only swap relationships of the same type. In some instances we may want to permute the entire network by going through each rel_type, but in other cases we may only want to distrub a single relationship type at a time.

Previousely, we permuted hetnets using our python module. Now we would like to implement hetnet permutation by randomized edge swaps in cypher.

Create the graph

Below for an example, we create a directed homonet.

 // create nodes
 (n1:Node {name: 'n1'}),
 (n2:Node {name: 'n2'}),
 (n3:Node {name: 'n3'}),
 (n4:Node {name: 'n4'}),
 (n5:Node {name: 'n5'}),
 (n6:Node {name: 'n6'}),
 // create relationships
 (n1)-[:REL {id: 0}]->(n2),
 (n3)-[:REL {id: 1}]->(n4),
 (n5)-[:REL {id: 2}]->(n6),
 (n5)-[:REL {id: 3}]->(n2),
 (n6)-[:REL {id: 4}]->(n2)

Node degree table

MATCH (n:Node)
 size((n)<-[:REL]-()) AS in_degree,
 size((n)-[:REL]->()) AS out_degree

The Hunger method

Michael Hunger got us starting by suggesting a method (see his tweet and graphgist). Hunger’s example initiates the query by choosing a random node. We modified his solution to initiate with selecting a random relationship, since we’re interested in randomized relationships and thus want each relationship to have a similar chance of being randomized at any given iteration. The Hunger method below performs a single swap (iteration):

// Retrieve a random relationship
MATCH (u)-[r1:REL]->(v)
// Retrieve a second random relationship that is eligible for swapping
MATCH (x)-[r2:REL]->(y)
 WHERE u <> x AND v <> y
 AND NOT exists((u)-[:REL]->(x))
 AND NOT exists((v)-[:REL]->(y))
// Execute the swap
DELETE r1, r2
CREATE (u)-[:REL]->(x)
CREATE (v)-[:REL]->(y)

The above method picks a random relationship from all relationships. Then all other relationships are identified that are eligible for a swap, and a random one is chosen. This method works, but will not scale well.

Optimized methods

Searching through all relationships in order to choose a single random relationship is inneficient. Instead we can generate random indexes to choose two random relationships. Once we have the index, we need quick relationship lookup. This can be done using using relationships IDs or a constraint on a relationship property. The ID method is desirable because we don’t have to create any relationship properties. However, since we’re deleting and creating relationships, IDs are subject to change and must therefore be tracked.

Once we have two random indexes, we can do a swap. The query below uses the ID method and swaps relationships with IDs 1 and 3:

MATCH (u)-[r1:REL]-(v)
MATCH (x)-[r2:REL]-(y)
WHERE id(r1) = 1 AND id(r2) = 3
AND u <> x AND v <> y
AND NOT exists((u)-[:REL]->(x))
AND NOT exists((v)-[:REL]->(y))
DELETE r1, r2
CREATE (u)-[nr1:REL]->(x)
CREATE (v)-[nr2:REL]->(y)
RETURN id(nr1), id(nr2)


  1. Is there a way to transfer the properties of a deleted relationship to a new relationship?

  2. Can relationships have constrained properties (UNIQUE if possible), so we can quickly lookup edges based on random integers? The following command fails CREATE CONSTRAINT ON ()-[r:REL]-() ASSERT exists( despite a similar example in the documentation.

  3. Is there a way to modify the query above, so that if no swap is performed the IDs of the input relationships are returned?

  4. In the previous query, I added WITH * LIMIT 1 since multiple rows were being returned. Why are multiple rows returned?

  5. Will it be possible to write a cypher loop to repeatedly perform swaps?

Any help answering these questions will be much appreciated! We’ve created a Thinklab discussion in case anyone would like to reply there to recieve credit for their contributions.

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DKroot commented Dec 27, 2018

Nice write-up! I'm starting from the Hunger method implementation and it turns out that the Cypher code above for it has a bug that messes up degrees. The correct swap is to create (u)->(y) + (x)->(v).

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DKroot commented Dec 28, 2018

On #5: yes, you can execute swaps repeatedly using the APOC plug-in. I played with UNWIND, but it didn't seem to work. You can do a fixed number of swaps or a dynamic number of swaps, e.g.:

// The Hunger method: x swaps (x = the number of relationships)
// Assumes all relationships of the same type
CALL apoc.periodic.iterate(
  "MATCH ()-[r]->() RETURN r",
  "// Retrieve a random relationship
  MATCH (u)-[r1]->(v)
  WITH *
  ORDER BY rand()
  // Retrieve a second random relationship that is eligible for swapping
  MATCH (x)-[r2]->(y)
  WHERE x <> u AND y <> v
    AND NOT exists((u)-->(y))
    AND NOT exists((x)-->(v))
  WITH *
  ORDER BY rand()
  // Execute the swap
  DELETE r1, r2
  WITH *
  CALL apoc.create.relationship(u, type(r1), {}, y) YIELD rel
  WITH x, r1, v, rel AS nr1
  CALL apoc.create.relationship(x, type(r1), {}, v) YIELD rel
  RETURN nr1, rel AS nr2",

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DKroot commented Dec 28, 2018

Implemented the optimized algorithm with the number of swaps = the number of relationships.

// Optimized swap using ids: x swaps (x = the number of relationships)
// Assumes all relationships are of the same type
CALL apoc.periodic.iterate(
'MATCH ()-[r]->()
WITH collect(id(r)) AS r_ids
UNWIND r_ids AS id
'// Retrieve 2 random edges eligible for swapping
MATCH (u)-[r1]->(v), (x)-[r2]->(y)
  WHERE id(r1) = r_ids[toInteger(rand() * size(r_ids))]
  AND id(r2) = r_ids[toInteger(rand() * size(r_ids))]
  AND x <> u AND y <> v
  AND NOT exists((u)-->(y))
  AND NOT exists((x)-->(v))
// Execute the swap
DELETE r1, r2
CALL apoc.create.relationship(u, type(r1), {}, y) YIELD rel
WITH x, r1, v, rel AS nr1
CALL apoc.create.relationship(x, type(r1), {}, v) YIELD rel
RETURN nr1, rel AS nr2',

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