#!/usr/bin/python3 |
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- |
from PIL import Image |
from tinyscript import * |
__author__ = "Alexandre D'Hondt" |
__version__ = "1.2" |
__copyright__ = ("A. D'Hondt", 2020) |
__license__ = "gpl-3.0" |
__examples__ = [ |
"-v extract -b 0 test.png", |
"extract test.png --cols 128 --rows 1 --column-step 2", |
"-w secret.txt bruteforce test.png", |
] |
__doc__ = """ |
*StegoLSB* allows to apply steganography based on LSB (Least Significant Bit) in order to retrieve hidden data from an image. |
""" |
BANNER_FONT = "standard" |
BANNER_STYLE = {'fgcolor': "lolcat"} |
HOTKEYS = {'d': lambda: show_data(), 'h': lambda: show_data(first=1), 't': lambda: show_data(last=1)} |
def show_data(first=0, last=0, width=16): |
global p |
if not hasattr(p, "data"): |
return |
d = p.data |
n_lines, PRINT = len(d) // width, re.sub(r"\s", "", string.printable) |
for i in range(0, len(d), width): |
if first > 0 and i // width >= first: |
break |
elif last > 0 and i // width <= n_lines - last: |
continue |
h = ts.str2hex(d[i:i+width]) |
h = " ".join(h[j:j+4] for j in range(0, len(h), 4)) |
b = "".join(c if c in PRINT else "." for c in d[i:i+width]) |
print("%0.8x: %s %s" % (i, h.ljust(39), b)) |
class LSB(object): |
def __init__(self, image, secret=None): |
self.__image = image |
self.__secret = secret |
self.__write = True |
self.__obj = Image.open(image) |
logger.debug("Image size: {}x{}".format(*self.__obj.size)) |
def bruteforce(self, bits=False, channels=False, nchars=16, maxstep=10): |
self.__write = False |
for ch in (ts.bruteforce(3, "RGB", repeat=False) if channels else ["RGB"]): |
for bi in (ts.bruteforce(8, range(8), repeat=False) if bits else [(0, )]): |
for y_s in range(1, maxstep + 1): |
for x_s in range(1, maxstep + 1): |
self.extract(bi, ch, colstep=x_s, rowstep=y_s) |
for s in ts.strings(self.data, nchars): |
logger.info(s) |
if self.__secret: |
self.write(s) |
def extract(self, bits=(0, ), channels="RGB", cols=None, rows=None, coloffset=0, rowoffset=0, colstep=1, rowstep=1): |
logger.debug("Bits {}, channels {}, column step {}, row step {}".format(list(bits), channels, colstep, rowstep)) |
i = self.__obj |
cols = cols or i.size[0] |
rows = rows or i.size[1] |
self.data = "" |
for y in range(rowoffset, rows, max(1, rowstep)): |
data = "" |
for x in range(coloffset, cols, max(1, colstep)): |
pixel = {k: v for k, v in zip("RGB", i.getpixel((x, y)))} |
for c in channels.upper(): |
B = ts.int2bin(pixel[c])[::-1] |
for b in bits: |
data += B[b] |
d = ts.bin2str(data) |
self.data += d |
if self.__write: |
self.write(d) |
return self |
def hide(self, data): |
bin_data = ts.str2bin(data) |
#TODO: implement hiding data |
bin_len = ts.int2bin(len(bin_data)) |
return self |
def write(self, content): |
fn = self.__secret |
if fn is None: |
fn = os.path.basename(self.__image) |
fn, _ = os.path.splitext(fn) |
fn = "{}-secret.txt".format(fn) |
with open(fn, 'ab') as f: |
f.write(b(content)) |
return self |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
parser.add_argument("-w", "--write", help="write data to a file") |
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help="commands", dest="command") |
extract = subparsers.add_parser('extract', help="manually extract hidden data") |
bruteforce = subparsers.add_parser('bruteforce', help="bruteforce parameters for extracting hidden data") |
extract.add_argument("image", type=ts.file_exists, help="image path") |
extract.add_argument("-b", "--bits", type=ts.pos_ints, default="0", help="bits to be considered, starting from LSB") |
extract.add_argument("-c", "--channels", default="RGB", help="channels to be considered") |
extract.add_argument("--columns", dest="cols", type=ts.pos_int, help="number of image columns to be considered") |
extract.add_argument("--column-offset", dest="coloffset", type=ts.pos_int, default=0, |
help="column offset for searching for data") |
extract.add_argument("--column-step", dest="colstep", type=ts.pos_int, default=1, |
help="step number for iterating columns") |
extract.add_argument("--rows", type=ts.pos_int, help="number of image rows to be considered") |
extract.add_argument("--row-offset", dest="rowoffset", type=ts.pos_int, default=0, |
help="row offset for searching for data") |
extract.add_argument("--row-step", dest="rowstep", type=ts.pos_int, default=1, |
help="step number for iterating rows") |
bruteforce.add_argument("image", type=ts.file_exists, help="image path") |
bruteforce.add_argument("-b", "--bits", action="store_true", help="bruteforce the bits positions", |
note="if false, only the LSB is considered") |
bruteforce.add_argument("-c", "--channels", action="store_true", help="bruteforce the color channels", |
note="if false, RGB are considered") |
bruteforce.add_argument("-n", "--nchars", type=ts.pos_int, default=16, help="minimal length for readable strings") |
bruteforce.add_argument("-s", "--max-step", type=ts.pos_int, default=10, help="maximum bit step to be considered", |
note="e.g. 3 will lookup every 3 bits in the LSB-collected data") |
initialize(noargs_action="demo") |
p = LSB(args.image, args.write) |
if args.command == "bruteforce": |
p.bruteforce(args.bits, args.channels, args.nchars, args.max_step) |
elif args.command == "extract": |
p.extract(args.bits, args.channels, args.cols, args.rows, args.coloffset, args.rowoffset, args.colstep, |
args.rowstep) |
logger.info("Hidden data:\n" + p.data) |
C'est certainement du bullshit. Ce sont certainement tes paramètres qui ne sont pas encore les bons.
Il faut jouer avec les options