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Dennis Hotson dhotson

View GitHub Profile
# require 'ap'
def months_between(d1, d2)
(d2.year * 12 + d2.month) - (d1.year * 12 + d1.month)
today =
first = (today - 10.weeks).beginning_of_month
last = today.end_of_month
require "set"
class Batch
def initialize(results = {}, &blk)
@ids =
@blk = blk
@promises = {}
@results = results
dhotson / main.go
Last active August 14, 2020 04:00
package main
import (
dhotson / hiptext.rb
Created October 16, 2018 14:25
Homebrew formula for jart/hiptext (
require "formula"
class Hiptext < Formula
homepage ""
head "", :branch => "master"
depends_on "pkg-config" => :build
depends_on "ragel" => :build
# depends_on :libpng
depends_on "jpeg"
Learn tab in launcher, free examples.
moving camera:
l+r at same time
Hold right, + wasd+qe move camera
fog: quickest way to get a basic background
light: atmosphere option -> sun
dhotson / -
Created August 18, 2015 03:05
dhotson / heroku.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:20
Heroku schema
// curl -H "Accept: application/vnd.heroku+json; version=3"
"$schema": "",
"definitions": {
"account-feature": {
"description": "An account feature represents a Heroku labs capability that can be enabled or disabled for an account on Heroku.",
"$schema": "",
"stability": "production",
"strictProperties": true,
"title": "Heroku Platform API - Account Feature",
'-----------< Yet Another 3D Demo/Engine v2.0 >---------
'By Dennis Hotson (
'* Use the mouse to look around
'* Use arrow keys OR "WASD" to move/strafe
'* Use the - and + keys to move up/down
'* Click left mouse button to rotate cube
'* Click right mouse button to rotate square
namespace Bugsnag;
class ErrorHandler
dhotson / hhvm.diff
Created July 31, 2014 13:47
Pheasant patch to make tests pass in HHVM
diff --git a/lib/Pheasant/Database/Mysqli/ResultIterator.php b/lib/Pheasant/Database/Mysqli/ResultIterator.php
index 17efd64..dbcd755 100755
--- a/lib/Pheasant/Database/Mysqli/ResultIterator.php
+++ b/lib/Pheasant/Database/Mysqli/ResultIterator.php
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ namespace Pheasant\Database\Mysqli;
class ResultIterator implements \SeekableIterator, \Countable
private $_result;
- private $_position;
+ private $_position = 0;