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Created January 12, 2017 23:29
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Learn tab in launcher, free examples.
moving camera:
l+r at same time
Hold right, + wasd+qe move camera
fog: quickest way to get a basic background
light: atmosphere option -> sun
skylight -> fill light (heuristic based)
dynamic time of day blueprint
blueprint: begin play + tick events
add world rotation
- pitch
right click to split
nav volume.. walkable space. default char size, can customise
create blueprint based on c++ classes
native base class -> native blueprint class -> blueprint
pawn -> controllable character
“controller is a brain”
“controller can shift from person to tank”
.. transfers controls and camera
character is based on pawn.. includes helpful stuff. Humanoid / Bipedal etc. Movement, collision,
Arrow forward visual indicator only
CharacterMovement component .. base code for movement
- platform
- 3rd person
- pretty flexible
MagicChair .. chair affects nav, turn it off
local nav mesh invoker .. nav within a distance
custom event -> function.. no retur
“Wander” event
every 5s walk to a specific location
“get random point in navigable radius”
.. returns position
return point around enemy or item etc
origin is the chair body
“ai move to” functuon
behaviour trees
- sequence: move to
- sequence: attack/defend/hide etc
on fail goes back up the tree
on success goes into leaves
gamepad vs keyboard.. pretty easy
edit -> project settings -> input
action / axis mappings
action mappings: pressed/released
axis mappings: polls for axial values.
“move up” event -> add movement input
camera on springarm
- adds offset to camera
- adds camera lag
GameModeBase -> normally for game rules. Set default player and ai thing.
“t” add texture
“v” add colour
linear interpolate for mixing (lerp)
quixel/substance app for baking masks
player outline - fresnel -> pronounced “frenel”
“power” function blackens greys with maths
material kicks in at certain distance.. “get world position” -> “ get camera position”
clamp(min, max)
pixel distance blend function
animation blueprints -> good and useful
state machine
-> locomotion
conduits + states
“try get pawn owner”
“is falling”
movement <- is falling -> jumping
-> final pose (feeds in all possible options)
animation blend
create movement blend
ad blend space movement
“try pawn..” -> get velocity vector -> transform into player space -> “inverse transform”
cached animation
-> reuse info for stuff
slot: upper body
slot: fully body
e.g. attack swing arm but still running
e.g. blend leg movement with upper body animation
layered blend per bone
animation montage -> many animations, plug together.
Anim notify -> at this time call events in blueprint
can edit blend in/out timing
mouse position… convert mouse location to world space
get unit vector. from:player to:mouse
springarm disable inherited pitch etc
yaw rotation -> right click: “interp to ..” “r interp to”
character can take rotation from camera .. disable
store value in character (look at position: vector)
.. mouse position (cached)
UI .. make a HUD
create binding velocity
get vector length
particle effects:
-> unlit
uv map .. 0,0 -> 1,1
distance to centre -> sphere-ish texture
particle system -> cascade system.. niagra is newer better system..?
fireball, initial velocity
spawn sphere
sparks.. particle is square facing camera. Align to velocity, size along axis
unreal engine meetup melb
unreal slackers -> discord chat
nvidia shield
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