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Created March 25, 2022 22:19
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plotting fun stuff in f1
"""Overlaying speed traces of two laps
Compare two fastest laps by overlaying their speed traces.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import fastf1.plotting
import itertools as it
fastf1.Cache.enable_cache('doc_cache') # replace with your cache directory
# enable some matplotlib patches for plotting timedelta values and load
# FastF1's default color scheme
# load a session and its telemetry data
session = fastf1.get_session(2022, 2, 'FP2')
# First, we select the two laps that we want to compare
# teams = ['FER', 'MER', 'RBR']
# drivers = ['LEC', 'RUS', '1']
teams = ['FER', 'RBR', 'MER']
drivers = ['LEC', '1', 'HAM']
# Select which lap you care about
lap_num = []
for driver in drivers:
for idx, lap in session.laps.pick_driver(driver).iterlaps():
print("LAP {} {}/{}: {}".format(idx, lap["Compound"], lap['TyreLife'], lap['LapTime']))
s = input("Pick lap num: ")
telemetry = []
for driver, lap in zip(drivers, lap_num):
if lap.isnumeric():
laps = session.laps.pick_driver(driver)
fastest_lap = laps.loc[int(lap)]
fastest_lap = session.laps.pick_driver(driver).pick_fastest()
# use padding so that there are values outside of the desired range for accurate interpolation later
car_data = fastest_lap.get_car_data(pad=1, pad_side='both')
pos_data = fastest_lap.get_pos_data(pad=1, pad_side='both')
merged_data = car_data.merge_channels(pos_data)
# slice again to remove the padding and interpolate the exact first and last value
merged_data = merged_data.slice_by_lap(fastest_lap, interpolate_edges=True)
# Now we try to detect where corners are by reading the telemetry of all cars
def find_corners(tel):
corners = []
corner_cnt = 1
in_corner = False
start, end = None, None
for _, row in tel.iterrows():
if (row['CurrentAction'] == 'Cornering') and not in_corner:
in_corner = True
s = int(row['Distance'])
if not start or start > s:
start = s
if (row['CurrentAction'] == 'Full Throttle') and in_corner:
in_corner = False
corner_cnt += 1
corners.append((start, int(row['Distance'])))
start = None
return corners
corners_by_car = []
# Decorate telemetry with driver action
for tel in telemetry:
tel.loc[tel['Brake'] > 0, 'CurrentAction'] = 'Cornering'
tel.loc[tel['Throttle'] > 97, 'CurrentAction'] = 'Full Throttle'
tel.loc[(tel['Brake'] == 0) & (tel['Throttle'] < 97), 'CurrentAction'] = 'Cornering'
# find corners for lap
def overlap(og, corner):
(start1, end1) = og
(start2, end2) = corner
return end1 >= start2 and end2 >= start1
# different telemetries could have a different set of corners
# we put them all together, remove duplicates and then extend a corner
# if different cars create overlapping corners.
def merge_corners(corners_by_car):
c = sorted(set(it.chain(*corners_by_car)))
newc = []
singles = []
i = 0
while i < len(c):
# somehow in saudi arabia this is needed to remove something bad from the data
if c[i] == (612, 619):
i += 1
if singles == []:
i += 1
if any(overlap(s, c[i]) for s in singles):
corn = (min(s[0] for s in singles), max(s[1] for s in singles))
singles = [c[i]]
i += 1
if singles:
newc.append((min(s[0] for s in singles), max(s[1] for s in singles)))
return newc
corners = merge_corners(corners_by_car)
# this is a very not precise attempt at calculating the time delta of corners.
# we attempt by interpolating the position and time curves from the 3 cars.
# while the interpolation works, there's not enough points in the source data
# to make this a precise calculation
def mini_pro(stream):
# Ensure that all samples are interpolated
dstream_start = stream[1] - stream[0]
dstream_end = stream[-1] - stream[-2]
return np.concatenate([[stream[0] - dstream_start], stream, [stream[-1] + dstream_end]])
all_tels = []
for tel in telemetry:
distances = np.array(sorted(set(all_tels)))
fully_interpolated_laps = []
for i, ref in enumerate(telemetry):
ltime = mini_pro(ref['Time'].dt.total_seconds().to_numpy())
ldistance = mini_pro(ref['Distance'].to_numpy())
lap_time = np.interp(distances, ldistance, ltime)
# Now calculate the speeds by corner as well as the center of the corner
# it also calculates the time, but that isn't displayed because it's broken
speeds_by_corner = []
corner_loc = []
for corner in corners:
speed_by_driver = []
loc_by_driver = []
for tel, interp_lap in zip(telemetry, fully_interpolated_laps):
corner_speeds = tel['Speed'].loc[
(tel['Distance'] >= corner[0]) & (tel['Distance'] <= corner[1])
#print("{} {}".format(len(corner_speeds), corner_speeds.tolist()))
corner_time_min = interp_lap[distances.searchsorted(corner[0])]
corner_time_max = interp_lap[distances.searchsorted(corner[1])]
speed_by_driver.append((corner_speeds.min(), corner_speeds.mean(), corner_time_max-corner_time_min))
loc = tel['Distance'].loc[(tel['Speed'] == speed_by_driver[-1][0]) & (tel['Distance'] >= corner[0]) & (tel['Distance'] <= corner[1])]
# Finally, we create a plot and plot both speed traces.
# We color the individual lines with the driver's team colors.
colors = []
for team in teams:
# if team == "ALF":
# colors.append('yellow')
# continue
metrics = ['Speed', 'Throttle', 'Brake', 'RPM'] #, 'DRS', 'nGear']
fig, axs = plt.subplots(len(metrics)+1)
for corner in corners:
print(corner, (corner[0]+corner[1])/2)
for i, ax in enumerate(axs):
for label in ax.xaxis.get_ticklabels():
for label in ax.yaxis.get_ticklabels():
if i < 1:
# first graph is to display speeds, we deal with this later
metric = metrics[i-1]
ax.set_ylabel(metric, size=5)
if metric == 'Speed':
for corner in corners:
ax.axvspan(corner[0], corner[1], color='gray', alpha=0.5, lw=0)
for j, driver in enumerate(drivers):
color = colors[j]
tel = telemetry[j]
ax.plot(tel['Distance'], tel[metric], linewidth=0.2, color=color, label=driver)
for xc in corner_loc:
ax.axvline(x=int(xc), linewidth=0.3, color="white")
# Now deal with the first graph
ax = axs[0]
for xc in corner_loc:
ax.axvline(x=int(xc), linewidth=0.3, color="white")
next_y_pos = it.cycle([1.05, 0.83, 0.60, 0.37, 0.14])
for corner, speed_by_driver in zip(corners, speeds_by_corner):
center = (corner[0]+corner[1])/2
best_speed = max(s[0] for s in speed_by_driver)
best_avg = max(s[1] for s in speed_by_driver)
best_time = min(s[2] for s in speed_by_driver)
text = []
for driver, driver_speed in zip(drivers, speed_by_driver):
text.append("{}: min {:+.0f}/avg {:+.2f}".format( #/T {:+.3f}s".format(
final = "\n".join(text)
props = dict(boxstyle='round', facecolor='white', alpha=1, edgecolor='none')
ax.text(center, next(next_y_pos), final, fontsize=3, color='black', verticalalignment='top', bbox=props)
# last set of things to tidy up
ax = axs[-1]
ax.legend(loc=4, fontsize=4)
ax.set_xlabel('Distance in m', size='xx-small')
plt.suptitle(f"Fastest Lap Comparison \n "
f"{} {session.weekend.year}", size="xx-small")
plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.08, right=0.96, top=0.93, bottom=0.08)
plt.savefig("test.png", dpi=600)
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