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Last active January 6, 2024 15:12
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Great job postings. Highlighting ideal qualities of a developer.

You can move quickly through various full-stack troubleshooting tasks in our mission-critical distributed system; You are highly motivated to create extremely reliable, secure and performant pieces of software and processes; You are constructive and you take feedback well, incorporating it in your day-to-day tasks; Your communication skills are stellar, even when operating under stress; You don’t just hack something together; You craft incredibly polished pieces of code; Test driven development comes naturally to you; Reducing your code coverage is not an option for you; You have astonishing tracking skills; Your bugs are always up-to-date and your projects are delivered on time.

From a RoR job posting by Apple Inc.

You consider yourself a software crafter. You care about and are proud of the code you write. You care about doing meaningful work and providing value to your clients or employer via well-crafted code. For you, writing code is not just a job but also a passion.

Test-Driven Development is second nature to you and that's how you write code. You don't use "lack of time" as an excuse to do a mediocre job, and fully understand the long-term costs and benefits of hacking a project together. You prefer to work in small increments, trying things out and iterating rapidly, tightening the feedback loop as much as possible.

You are a team player. You understand that software lives on long after it is first delivered and that many different people will contribute to it over its lifetime. You enjoy working with other people, including other coders but also designers, business analysts, testers and anyone else working on the same project. You enjoy frequent collaboration, including pair-programming.

As a passionate developer, you spend a considerable amount of time outside working hours investing in your craft, learning new technologies and practising different techniques and approaches. You create for creation's sake, building pet projects or contributing to open-source development. You don't do this because a client or employer asks you to; you do it because you want to.

As part of the learning process, you consider it important to share what you know with others. This might take the form of a blog, some code on GitHub, attendance at community events or something totally different. You also consider it your responsibility to help your fellow colleagues; perhaps this manifests itself as formal knowledge-sharing sessions in the workplace, but just as likely, it's simply coaching as and when it's necessary.

You understand that languages and frameworks are just tools. You choose the best tools for the job without being religious about it. The majority of books and articles you read are the ones that make you a better developer and not a specialist in a specific framework. At the same time, you are extremely proficient with at least one or two programming languages and the tools around them, including testing frameworks, wiring and dependency injection mechanisms, user interface libraries and development environments.

You understand and embrace Agile processes, and are able to help other people to understand and adopt them. You are able to work closely with clients and product owners and help them to refine requirements and plan the work to be done.

You are proud to be a developer and want to remain a developer. You believe in emergent and collaborative architecture and design; you use your knowledge of SOLID principles, the Four Elements of Simple Design, and Domain-Driven Design to design applications that reflect the business domain.

Is this you?

We need a skilled full stack software developer. We use [...] and other tools and technologies such as [...]. We believe in using the best tool for the job while maintaining a slight bias toward the tools that the team knows best. We need someone who communicates just as well as they code, believes in the truth of an idea more than whose idea it is, and is passionate and fearless about new technologies and the ways in which we can work together. And of course, likes to work in a team that respects them just as much they respect everyone else – we like to start our sentences with please and end with thank you, and rather than jump to conclusions we first ask questions to make sure we all understand each other.


We don’t care if you want to work contract or be an employee, where you live in the world, what you wear, if you sleep days and work nights, or some combination in between, just as long as you can give us your full-time commitment, are in it for the long run, and we can find 4 hours between us for collaboration between 9am and 5pm, Toronto time.

No Meetings

Yikes! 4 hours for collaboration every day? Sorry, not a meeting, we actually don’t like them, other than for social gatherings and tech shows, we just need some cross over time for Scrum discussions in our private G+ Community.


If we do need to chat, it’s in a Hangout. Don’t worry, pyjamas are more than okay. Most of our software is built in the Toronto area but we have no office here, we work virtually, but we do have an office in Shawnee, Kansas, if it just so happens you are in that area and prefer bricks and mortar.

No Followers

We want opinionated people – “I think we should do this” rather than “tell me what to do” – who are more than comfortable with everyone else having an opinion too!

Continuous Learners

We want continuous learners. You share more articles, tech finds, check this outs, than anyone you know. You spontaneously learn and explore, you find having to learn something new is exciting, never scary.

Ship Ship Ship

Arbitrary deadlines are just that – arbitrary. But, shipping every day and using dates to keep the focus on, bloat out, and to give everyone else a marker that they can coordinate around, no matter if that marker moves or not, is really important to ship, ship often, ship it good! We are in the process of adopting continuous integration and test driven development – we want to ship 20 times a day. No, we’re not even close. But that is our goal!

From a Full Stack Software Developer posting by Rise Vision

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