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Created September 25, 2011 15:19
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UCOSP/Freeseer - Dennis Ideler

Update: This gist is from when I was a student participating in UCOSP and helped me to plan and keep track of my progress on Freeseer.

This public gist is for team members and myself to keep track of what I'm working on, what I plan to work on, and to read any miscellaneous notes or tips about the project I feel are worth adding.

Comments and reviews are welcome and encouraged!



Setting up Freeseer with git & github

  1. Fork the freeseer repo from fosslc via GitHub

Fork from fosslc/freeseer

  1. Clone the remote origin repos (master & experimental) to separate directories on your local machine

     $ git clone freeseer
     $ git clone -b experimental freeseer-experimental
     $ cd freeseer-experimental
  2. Create a new local branch based off experimental for your feature, and switch to it.

     $ git branch --track experimental origin/experimental
     $ git branch myfeature experimental
     $ git checkout myfeature


     $ git checkout --track mynewfeature origin/experimental  # A shorter way of doing it
  3. Add a remote named “fork” that points to your private fork on GitHub (remote fork)

     $ git remote add fork
  4. Fetch any changes from your remote fork (optional)

     $ git fetch fork
  5. Push your new local branch to the remote fork, where it should have the same name

     $ git push fork myfeature:refs/heads/myfeature
  6. Configure your new local branch so that it automatically pushes changes to your new remote branch on GitHub when we do a plain git push, and automatically pulls from your branch on the remote fork when we do a plain git pull

     $ git config branch.myfeature.remote fork
     $ git config branch.myfeature.merge refs/heads/myfeature

So you can pull changes from origin directly to your local copy, with the assurance that those changes will be automatically migrated to your remote fork repository when you push.

  1. Install dependencies
  2. Build

Branches & rebasing

Most of these tips are from zxiiro in #freeseer

  • always make your own branch

  • always rebase your branch against upstream's development branch (or working branch whichever it is)

  • when your code is done and ready to be pulled send a pull request to upstream, and if your going to work on something else, make a new branch again off of upstream's development branch to work on your new project (when they pull your original branch, then when you rebase the new upstream working branch, your new branch will have the feature you added - makes merging much easier)

  • rebase often if you're pulling from upstream

  • it's cleaner to rebase than fetch and merge

    • you can't rebase after a merge, so if you merge instead of rebase from upstream, then when upstream pulls from you, they get the merge too which screws up history
    • so do all your work on a separate branch
    • when done, send a pull request (when they pull from you they'll only get your changes in that case)
    • if you didn't rebase, they'll get your changes + their changes back and then they have to remerge stuff
  • you can't rebase if you've already pushed your changes onto github

  • push when done working for the day, and pull before start working

    • that way when you go to another computer you get the latest
    • also it's nice to have people comment about what you screwed up on :)

The import branch

The import branch is a local branch of incoming code which parallels the remote development branch. NEVER make changes in this branch! That way it stays trivial to update it with "git pull". (It's possible to pull direct from upstream without creating a local branch, but this is handy for comparing even when offline.)

Create a local branch (e.g. 'mybranch') that pulls from 'import':

$ git checkout -b mybranch import

For merges, you want to be in the branch you're bringing content into:

$ git checkout master
$ git merge mybranch  # Merges the commits from "mybranch" into "master"
$ git branch -d mybranch

To get the latest code (from upstream) when online:

$ git rebase upstream/development import  # Do this often


$ git checkout import  # Make 'import' the active branch
$ git pull  # Merges any pulled commits into the current branch

Once you have the latest code in your import branch, you can then update your working branch with:

$ git rebase import mybranch  # Do this often

When you're done working for the day, push your branch back up to your fork so that the changes are visible & preserved:

$ git push origin mybranch:mybranch  # After the first time, you can simply use 'git push'

Make sure to commit and push often! Cheap and quick way to preserve your work. Changes can always be undone.

Closing issues

When one of your commit fixes and closes an issue, please use the following in the commit message:

Closes #NN. Where NN is the issue number. This automatically closes it and links to it. Example:

git commit -m "Fixed recording issue with vga2usb on Fedora 17 Linux. Closes #721"

Pull requests

Send a pull request from your development branch (e.g. mybranch). While you wait for it to be pulled, you can start development for a different task on a new branch. For help, visit:

Potential Issues/Ideas

  • Change README from text to markdown (+ easier to read on github, - harder to read raw file)
  • Remove git_tips_and_tricks + git_cheat_sheet after developer docs completed
  • There are 2 license files (in freeseer/ and freeseer/src/), remove one
  • Recording from webcam (USB source option in Freeseer) doesn't work well with frames (experimental)

Tickets that tickle my fancy

  • issue #114 (gracefully shutdown GST when stop)
  • issue #113 (remove test button)
  • issue #111 (pause)
  • issue #119 (prompt when erasing all talks)
  • issue #99 (shorten long title/speaker names)
  • issue #94 (select area to record)
  • issue #80 (prevent screensaver from killing recording)
  • issue #59 (create man and html docs)
  • issue #19 (talk timer)
  • issue #34 (add black screen/image option when recording)


Current in bold. Completed in strikethrough.


  • Open any relevant tickets on GitHub (e.g. bugs + my projects - this is a recurring event)
  • Write blog post & project proposal
  • Add Dutch translation - part of issue 127
  • UI & UX design
  • Documentation (will use Sphinx as much as possible)
    • Linux man page - issue 125
    • GitHub project page - issue 126 (see this, this, this, and this for starting points)
    • New README - issue 132
      • Cleanup README once documentation is done, too cluttered
        • Shorten intro
        • Replace Users, Developers, Packaging, Bug Tracker, Mailing List, and IRC Channel, with a section named "Support and Documentation" which will contain subsections.
    • Wikipedia article
    • Getting Started Guide - issue 129
      • Intro
        • Who we are
        • Why we exist
        • Who freeseer is for
        • What freeseer can do
      • Install
        • Prerequisites (split by platform)
        • Install from executable/installer
        • Build from source (remove make step)
      • User (quick start) guide - issue 128
        • freeseer-record
        • freeseer-talkeditor
        • freeseer-config
      • Troubleshoot
        • Application messages
        • Common problems
        • How to report a bug or request a feature
        • Common git issues
      • Community
        • Meet the Freeseer community
        • Our culture
        • Community expectations around sharing [freeseer]
      • Contact
        • Mailing list
        • IRC channel
        • Social media: Blog, Facebook, Twitter
        • Live community conference calls (Skype, Google+)
      • Contribute (see docs from ThinkUp, [Diaspora]((, and GitHub Help)
        • Where to start
        • I am a ... (Power user, Translator, Technical Writer, Intern, Developer, UI/UX Designer)
        • Forking the project
        • Our git branching model (based on this, Fork + Pull Model)
        • Starting a new task
        • Updating & merging & conflicts (include diagram overviewing local and remote repos)
        • Renaming branches (locally & remotely)
        • Best practices
          • Sharing code snippets quickly
          • Using a gist to keep track of personal tasks
          • When to use which communication medium
          • Be bold but communicate often
          • Committing and closing issues
      • Developers
        • Setting up your environment
        • Code style guides
        • Writing plug-ins (using yapsy)
        • Code review
        • Pull request checklist
      • Changelog
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